12 research outputs found

    Deterministic fully dynamic approximate vertex cover and fractional matching in O(1) update time

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    We consider the problems of maintaining an approximate maximum matching and an approximate minimum vertex cover in a dynamic graph undergoing a sequence of edge insertions/deletions. Starting with the seminal work of Onak and Rubinfeld [STOC 2010], this problem has received significant attention in recent years. Very recently, extending the framework of Baswana, Gupta and Sen [FOCS 2011], Solomon [FOCS 2016] gave a randomized dynamic algorithm for this problem that has an approximation ratio of 2 and an amortized update time of O(1) with high probability. This algorithm requires the assumption of an oblivious adversary, meaning that the future sequence of edge insertions/deletions in the graph cannot depend in any way on the algorithm’s past output. A natural way to remove the assumption on oblivious adversary is to give a deterministic dynamic algorithm for the same problem in O(1) update time. In this paper, we resolve this question. We present a new deterministic fully dynamic algorithm that maintains a O(1)-approximate minimum vertex cover and maximum fractional matching, with an amortized update time of O(1). Previously, the best deterministic algorithm for this problem was due to Bhattacharya, Henzinger and Italiano [SODA 2015]; it had an approximation ratio of (2 + e) and an amortized update time of O(logn=e2 ). Our result can be generalized to give a fully dynamic O( f3 )-approximate algorithm with O( f2 ) amortized update time for the hypergraph vertex cover and fractional hypergraph matching problem, where every hyperedge has at most f vertices

    Distributed Detection of Cliques in Dynamic Networks

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    This paper provides an in-depth study of the fundamental problems of finding small subgraphs in distributed dynamic networks. While some problems are trivially easy to handle, such as detecting a triangle that emerges after an edge insertion, we show that, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, other problems exhibit a wide range of complexities in terms of the trade-offs between their round and bandwidth complexities. In the case of triangles, which are only affected by the topology of the immediate neighborhood, some end results are: - The bandwidth complexity of 1-round dynamic triangle detection or listing is Theta(1). - The bandwidth complexity of 1-round dynamic triangle membership listing is Theta(1) for node/edge deletions, Theta(n^{1/2}) for edge insertions, and Theta(n) for node insertions. - The bandwidth complexity of 1-round dynamic triangle membership detection is Theta(1) for node/edge deletions, O(log n) for edge insertions, and Theta(n) for node insertions. Most of our upper and lower bounds are tight. Additionally, we provide almost always tight upper and lower bounds for larger cliques

    Improved Dynamic Graph Coloring

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    This paper studies the fundamental problem of graph coloring in fully dynamic graphs. Since the problem of computing an optimal coloring, or even approximating it to within n^{1-epsilon} for any epsilon > 0, is NP-hard in static graphs, there is no hope to achieve any meaningful computational results for general graphs in the dynamic setting. It is therefore only natural to consider the combinatorial aspects of dynamic coloring, or alternatively, study restricted families of graphs. Towards understanding the combinatorial aspects of this problem, one may assume a black-box access to a static algorithm for C-coloring any subgraph of the dynamic graph, and investigate the trade-off between the number of colors and the number of recolorings per update step. Optimizing the number of recolorings, sometimes referred to as the recourse bound, is important for various practical applications. In WADS\u2717, Barba et al. devised two complementary algorithms: For any beta > 0, the first (respectively, second) maintains an O(C beta n^{1/beta}) (resp., O(C beta))-coloring while recoloring O(beta) (resp., O(beta n^{1/beta})) vertices per update. Barba et al. also showed that the second trade-off appears to exhibit the right behavior, at least for beta = O(1): Any algorithm that maintains a c-coloring of an n-vertex dynamic forest must recolor Omega(n^{2/(c(c-1))}) vertices per update, for any constant c >= 2. Our contribution is two-fold: - We devise a new algorithm for general graphs that improves significantly upon the first trade-off in a wide range of parameters: For any beta > 0, we get a O~(C/(beta)log^2 n)-coloring with O(beta) recolorings per update, where the O~ notation supresses polyloglog(n) factors. In particular, for beta = O(1) we get constant recolorings with polylog(n) colors; not only is this an exponential improvement over the previous bound, but it also unveils a rather surprising phenomenon: The trade-off between the number of colors and recolorings is highly non-symmetric. - For uniformly sparse graphs, we use low out-degree orientations to strengthen the above result by bounding the update time of the algorithm rather than the number of recolorings. Then, we further improve this result by introducing a new data structure that refines bounded out-degree edge orientations and is of independent interest

    Local Algorithms for Bounded Degree Sparsifiers in Sparse Graphs

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    In graph sparsification, the goal has almost always been of global nature: compress a graph into a smaller subgraph (sparsifier) that maintains certain features of the original graph. Algorithms can then run on the sparsifier, which in many cases leads to improvements in the overall runtime and memory. This paper studies sparsifiers that have bounded (maximum) degree, and are thus locally sparse, aiming to improve local measures of runtime and memory. To improve those local measures, it is important to be able to compute such sparsifiers locally. We initiate the study of local algorithms for bounded degree sparsifiers in unweighted sparse graphs, focusing on the problems of vertex cover, matching, and independent set. Let eps > 0 be a slack parameter and alpha ge 1 be a density parameter. We devise local algorithms for computing: 1. A (1+eps)-vertex cover sparsifier of degree O(alpha / eps), for any graph of arboricity alpha.footnote{In a graph of arboricity alpha the average degree of any induced subgraph is at most 2alpha.} 2. A (1+eps)-maximum matching sparsifier and also a (1+eps)-maximal matching sparsifier of degree O(alpha / eps, for any graph of arboricity alpha. 3. A (1+eps)-independent set sparsifier of degree O(alpha^2 / eps), for any graph of average degree alpha. Our algorithms require only a single communication round in the standard message passing model of distributed computing, and moreover, they can be simulated locally in a trivial way. As an immediate application we can extend results from distributed computing and local computation algorithms that apply to graphs of degree bounded by d to graphs of arboricity O(d / eps) or average degree O(d^2 / eps), at the expense of increasing the approximation guarantee by a factor of (1+eps). In particular, we can extend the plethora of recent local computation algorithms for approximate maximum and maximal matching from bounded degree graphs to bounded arboricity graphs with a negligible loss in the approximation guarantee. The inherently local behavior of our algorithms can be used to amplify the approximation guarantee of any sparsifier in time roughly linear in its size, which has immediate applications in the area of dynamic graph algorithms. In particular, the state-of-the-art algorithm for maintaining (2-eps)-vertex cover (VC) is at least linear in the graph size, even in dynamic forests. We provide a reduction from the dynamic to the static case, showing that if a t-VC can be computed from scratch in time T(n) in any (sub)family of graphs with arboricity bounded by alpha, for an arbitrary t ge 1, then a (t+eps)-VC can be maintained with update time frac{T(n)}{O((n / alpha) cdot eps^2)}, for any eps > 0. For planar graphs this yields an algorithm for maintaining a (1+eps)-VC with constant update time for any constant eps > 0

    Algorithms for the Minimum Dominating Set Problem in Bounded Arboricity Graphs: Simpler, Faster, and Combinatorial

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    We revisit the minimum dominating set problem on graphs with arboricity bounded by α\alpha. In the (standard) centralized setting, Bansal and Umboh [BU17] gave an O(α)O(\alpha)-approximation LP rounding algorithm. Moreover, [BU17] showed that it is NP-hard to achieve an asymptotic improvement. On the other hand, the previous two non-LP-based algorithms, by Lenzen and Wattenhofer [LW10], and Jones et al. [JLR+13], achieve an approximation factor of O(α2)O(\alpha^2) in linear time. There is a similar situation in the distributed setting: While there are polylogn\text{poly}\log n-round LP-based O(α)O(\alpha)-approximation algorithms [KMW06, DKM19], the best non-LP-based algorithm by Lenzen and Wattenhofer [LW10] is an implementation of their centralized algorithm, providing an O(α2)O(\alpha^2)-approximation within O(logn)O(\log n) rounds with high probability. We address the question of whether one can achieve a simple, elementary O(α)O(\alpha)-approximation algorithm not based on any LP-based methods, either in the centralized setting or in the distributed setting. We resolve these questions in the affirmative. More specifically, our contribution is two-fold: 1. In the centralized setting, we provide a surprisingly simple combinatorial algorithm that is asymptotically optimal in terms of both approximation factor and running time: an O(α)O(\alpha)-approximation in linear time. 2. Based on our centralized algorithm, we design a distributed combinatorial O(α)O(\alpha)-approximation algorithm in the CONGEST\mathsf{CONGEST} model that runs in O(αlogn)O(\alpha\log n ) rounds with high probability. Our round complexity outperforms the best LP-based distributed algorithm for a wide range of parameters

    Fully Dynamic Set Cover via Hypergraph Maximal Matching: An Optimal Approximation Through a Local Approach

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    Near-Optimal Distributed Implementations of Dynamic Algorithms for Symmetry Breaking Problems

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