139,396 research outputs found

    Some local--global phenomena in locally finite graphs

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    In this paper we present some results for a connected infinite graph GG with finite degrees where the properties of balls of small radii guarantee the existence of some Hamiltonian and connectivity properties of GG. (For a vertex ww of a graph GG the ball of radius rr centered at ww is the subgraph of GG induced by the set Mr(w)M_r(w) of vertices whose distance from ww does not exceed rr). In particular, we prove that if every ball of radius 2 in GG is 2-connected and GG satisfies the condition dG(u)+dG(v)≥∣M2(w)∣−1d_G(u)+d_G(v)\geq |M_2(w)|-1 for each path uwvuwv in GG, where uu and vv are non-adjacent vertices, then GG has a Hamiltonian curve, introduced by K\"undgen, Li and Thomassen (2017). Furthermore, we prove that if every ball of radius 1 in GG satisfies Ore's condition (1960) then all balls of any radius in GG are Hamiltonian.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures; journal accepted versio

    An observation on highest weight crystals

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    As shown by Stembridge, crystal graphs can be characterized by their local behavior. In this paper, we observe that a certain local property on highest weight crystals forces a more global property. In type AA, this statement says that if a node has a single parent and single grandparent, then there is a unique walk from the highest weight node to it. In other classical types, there is a similar (but necessarily more technical) statement. This walk is obtained from the associated level 1 perfect crystal, B1,1B^{1,1}. (It is unique unless the Dynkin diagram contains that of D4D_4 as a subdiagram.) This crystal observation was motivated by representation-theoretic behavior of the affine Hecke algebra of type AA, which is known to be captured by highest weight crystals of type A(1)A^{(1)} by results of Grojnowski. As discussed below, the proofs in either setting are straightforward, and so the theorem linking the two phenomena is not needed. However, the result is presented here for crystals as one can say something in all types (Grojnowski's theorem is only in type AA), and because the statement seems more surprising in the language of crystals than it does for affine Hecke algebra modules

    Critical phenomena in exponential random graphs

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    The exponential family of random graphs is one of the most promising class of network models. Dependence between the random edges is defined through certain finite subgraphs, analogous to the use of potential energy to provide dependence between particle states in a grand canonical ensemble of statistical physics. By adjusting the specific values of these subgraph densities, one can analyze the influence of various local features on the global structure of the network. Loosely put, a phase transition occurs when a singularity arises in the limiting free energy density, as it is the generating function for the limiting expectations of all thermodynamic observables. We derive the full phase diagram for a large family of 3-parameter exponential random graph models with attraction and show that they all consist of a first order surface phase transition bordered by a second order critical curve.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    A minimal model for congestion phenomena on complex networks

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    We study a minimal model of traffic flows in complex networks, simple enough to get analytical results, but with a very rich phenomenology, presenting continuous, discontinuous as well as hybrid phase transitions between a free-flow phase and a congested phase, critical points and different scaling behaviors in the system size. It consists of random walkers on a queueing network with one-range repulsion, where particles can be destroyed only if they can move. We focus on the dependence on the topology as well as on the level of traffic control. We are able to obtain transition curves and phase diagrams at analytical level for the ensemble of uncorrelated networks and numerically for single instances. We find that traffic control improves global performance, enlarging the free-flow region in parameter space only in heterogeneous networks. Traffic control introduces non-linear effects and, beyond a critical strength, may trigger the appearance of a congested phase in a discontinuous manner. The model also reproduces the cross-over in the scaling of traffic fluctuations empirically observed in the Internet, and moreover, a conserved version can reproduce qualitatively some stylized facts of traffic in transportation networks

    Quantum calcium-ion interactions with EEG

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    Previous papers have developed a statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions (SMNI) fit to short-term memory and EEG data. Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) has been developed to perform fits to such nonlinear stochastic systems. An N-dimensional path-integral algorithm for quantum systems, qPATHINT, has been developed from classical PATHINT. Both fold short-time propagators (distributions or wave functions) over long times. Previous papers applied qPATHINT to two systems, in neocortical interactions and financial options. \textbf{Objective}: In this paper the quantum path-integral for Calcium ions is used to derive a closed-form analytic solution at arbitrary time that is used to calculate interactions with classical-physics SMNI interactions among scales. Using fits of this SMNI model to EEG data, including these effects, will help determine if this is a reasonable approach. \textbf{Method}: Methods of mathematical-physics for optimization and for path integrals in classical and quantum spaces are used for this project. Studies using supercomputer resources tested various dimensions for their scaling limits. In this paper the quantum path-integral is used to derive a closed-form analytic solution at arbitrary time that is used to calculate interactions with classical-physics SMNI interactions among scales. \textbf{Results}: The mathematical-physics and computer parts of the study are successful, in that there is modest improvement of cost/objective functions used to fit EEG data using these models. \textbf{Conclusion}: This project points to directions for more detailed calculations using more EEG data and qPATHINT at each time slice to propagate quantum calcium waves, synchronized with PATHINT propagation of classical SMNI.Comment: published in Sc
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