4,344 research outputs found

    DCTM: Discrete-Continuous Transformation Matching for Semantic Flow

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    Techniques for dense semantic correspondence have provided limited ability to deal with the geometric variations that commonly exist between semantically similar images. While variations due to scale and rotation have been examined, there lack practical solutions for more complex deformations such as affine transformations because of the tremendous size of the associated solution space. To address this problem, we present a discrete-continuous transformation matching (DCTM) framework where dense affine transformation fields are inferred through a discrete label optimization in which the labels are iteratively updated via continuous regularization. In this way, our approach draws solutions from the continuous space of affine transformations in a manner that can be computed efficiently through constant-time edge-aware filtering and a proposed affine-varying CNN-based descriptor. Experimental results show that this model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods for dense semantic correspondence on various benchmarks

    Event Guided Depth Sensing

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    Active depth sensors like structured light, lidar, and time-of-flight systems sample the depth of the entire scene uniformly at a fixed scan rate. This leads to limited spatiotemporal resolution where redundant static information is over-sampled and precious motion information might be under-sampled. In this paper, we present an efficient bio-inspired event-camera-driven depth estimation algorithm. In our approach, we dynamically illuminate areas of interest densely, depending on the scene activity detected by the event camera, and sparsely illuminate areas in the field of view with no motion. The depth estimation is achieved by an event-based structured light system consisting of a laser point projector coupled with a second event-based sensor tuned to detect the reflection of the laser from the scene. We show the feasibility of our approach in a simulated autonomous driving scenario and real indoor sequences using our prototype. We show that, in natural scenes like autonomous driving and indoor environments, moving edges correspond to less than 10% of the scene on average. Thus our setup requires the sensor to scan only 10% of the scene, which could lead to almost 90% less power consumption by the illumination source. While we present the evaluation and proof-of-concept for an event-based structured-light system, the ideas presented here are applicable for a wide range of depth sensing modalities like LIDAR, time-of-flight, and standard stereo

    Event Guided Depth Sensing

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    Active depth sensors like structured light, lidar, and time-of-flight systems sample the depth of the entire scene uniformly at a fixed scan rate. This leads to limited spatiotemporal resolution where redundant static information is over-sampled and precious motion information might be under-sampled. In this paper, we present an efficient bio-inspired event-camera-driven depth estimation algorithm. In our approach, we dynamically illuminate areas of interest densely, depending on the scene activity detected by the event camera, and sparsely illuminate areas in the field of view with no motion. The depth estimation is achieved by an event-based structured light system consisting of a laser point projector coupled with a second event-based sensor tuned to detect the reflection of the laser from the scene. We show the feasibility of our approach in a simulated autonomous driving scenario and real indoor sequences using our prototype. We show that, in natural scenes like autonomous driving and indoor environments, moving edges correspond to less than 10% of the scene on average. Thus our setup requires the sensor to scan only 10% of the scene, which could lead to almost 90% less power consumption by the illumination source. While we present the evaluation and proof-of-concept for an event-based structured-light system, the ideas presented here are applicable for a wide range of depth sensing modalities like LIDAR, time-of-flight, and standard stereo

    Scalable 3D video of dynamic scenes

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    In this paper we present a scalable 3D video framework for capturing and rendering dynamic scenes. The acquisition system is based on multiple sparsely placed 3D video bricks, each comprising a projector, two grayscale cameras, and a color camera. Relying on structured light with complementary patterns, texture images and pattern-augmented views of the scene are acquired simultaneously by time-multiplexed projections and synchronized camera exposures. Using space-time stereo on the acquired pattern images, high-quality depth maps are extracted, whose corresponding surface samples are merged into a view-independent, point-based 3D data structure. This representation allows for effective photo-consistency enforcement and outlier removal, leading to a significant decrease of visual artifacts and a high resulting rendering quality using EWA volume splatting. Our framework and its view-independent representation allow for simple and straightforward editing of 3D video. In order to demonstrate its flexibility, we show compositing techniques and spatiotemporal effect

    Image informatics strategies for deciphering neuronal network connectivity

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    Brain function relies on an intricate network of highly dynamic neuronal connections that rewires dramatically under the impulse of various external cues and pathological conditions. Among the neuronal structures that show morphologi- cal plasticity are neurites, synapses, dendritic spines and even nuclei. This structural remodelling is directly connected with functional changes such as intercellular com- munication and the associated calcium-bursting behaviour. In vitro cultured neu- ronal networks are valuable models for studying these morpho-functional changes. Owing to the automation and standardisation of both image acquisition and image analysis, it has become possible to extract statistically relevant readout from such networks. Here, we focus on the current state-of-the-art in image informatics that enables quantitative microscopic interrogation of neuronal networks. We describe the major correlates of neuronal connectivity and present workflows for analysing them. Finally, we provide an outlook on the challenges that remain to be addressed, and discuss how imaging algorithms can be extended beyond in vitro imaging studies