9 research outputs found

    Multiple classifiers in biometrics. part 1: Fundamentals and review

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    We provide an introduction to Multiple Classifier Systems (MCS) including basic nomenclature and describing key elements: classifier dependencies, type of classifier outputs, aggregation procedures, architecture, and types of methods. This introduction complements other existing overviews of MCS, as here we also review the most prevalent theoretical framework for MCS and discuss theoretical developments related to MCS The introduction to MCS is then followed by a review of the application of MCS to the particular field of multimodal biometric person authentication in the last 25 years, as a prototypical area in which MCS has resulted in important achievements. This review includes general descriptions of successful MCS methods and architectures in order to facilitate the export of them to other information fusion problems. Based on the theory and framework introduced here, in the companion paper we then develop in more technical detail recent trends and developments in MCS from multimodal biometrics that incorporate context information in an adaptive way. These new MCS architectures exploit input quality measures and pattern-specific particularities that move apart from general population statistics, resulting in robust multimodal biometric systems. Similarly as in the present paper, methods in the companion paper are introduced in a general way so they can be applied to other information fusion problems as well. Finally, also in the companion paper, we discuss open challenges in biometrics and the role of MCS to advance themThis work was funded by projects CogniMetrics (TEC2015-70627-R) from MINECO/FEDER and RiskTrakc (JUST-2015-JCOO-AG-1). Part of thisthis work was conducted during a research visit of J.F. to Prof. Ludmila Kuncheva at Bangor University (UK) with STSM funding from COST CA16101 (MULTI-FORESEE

    Improving ECG Classification Accuracy Using an Ensemble of Neural Network Modules

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    This paper illustrates the use of a combined neural network model based on Stacked Generalization method for classification of electrocardiogram (ECG) beats. In conventional Stacked Generalization method, the combiner learns to map the base classifiers' outputs to the target data. We claim adding the input pattern to the base classifiers' outputs helps the combiner to obtain knowledge about the input space and as the result, performs better on the same task. Experimental results support our claim that the additional knowledge according to the input space, improves the performance of the proposed method which is called Modified Stacked Generalization. In particular, for classification of 14966 ECG beats that were not previously seen during training phase, the Modified Stacked Generalization method reduced the error rate for 12.41% in comparison with the best of ten popular classifier fusion methods including Max, Min, Average, Product, Majority Voting, Borda Count, Decision Templates, Weighted Averaging based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Stacked Generalization

    Novel approach to FM-based device free passive indoor localization through neural networks

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    Indoor Localization has been one of the most extensively researched topics for the past couple of years with a recent surge in a specific area of Device-free localization in wireless environments. Particularly FM-radio based technologies are being been preferred over WiFi-based technologies due to better penetration indoors and free availability. The major challenges for obtaining a consistent and highly accurate indoor FM based system are susceptibility to human presence, multipath fading and environmental changes. Our research works around these limitations and utilizes the environment itself to establish stronger fingerprints and thus creating a robust localization system. This novel thesis also investigates the feasibility of using neural networks to solve the problem of accuracy degradation when using a single passive receiver across multiple ambient FM radio stations. The system achieves high fidelity and temporal stability to the tunes of 95% by utilizing pattern recognition techniques for the multiple channel spectra

    Програмне забезпечення для визначення факторів проблем з ментальним здоров’ям у студентів

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    Магістерська дисертація за темою «Програмне забезпечення для визначення факторів проблем з ментальним здоров’ям у студентів» виконана студентом кафедри біомедичної кібернетики Ле Дай Зионгом зі спеціальності 122 «Комп’ютерні науки» за освітньо-професійною програмою «Комп’ютерні технології в біології та медицині», та складається зі: вступу; 4 розділів («Огляд джерел літератури», «Психологічна оцінка стресу людини», «Аналіз різноманітних методів моделювання», «Моделювання виникнення стресу»), розділу з аналізу стартап проєкту, висновків до кожного з цих розділів; загальних висновків; списку використаних джерел, який налічує 58 джерел. Загальний обсяг роботи сягає 96 сторінок. Обсяг роботи: 96 сторінки, 38 ілюстрацій, 58 джерел посилань. Актуальність теми. Знаходження індивідуалізованого підходу до фіксації проблем з ментальним здоров’ям через методи машинного навчання. Мета дослідження. Виконати експлораторний аналіз даних психологічних тестів студентів, щоб виявити головні фактори, які впливають на ментальне здоров’я. Об’єкт дослідження. Психологічні тести. Предмет дослідження. Визначення стану ментального здоров’я студента через аналіз психологічних тестів.The master's thesis on the topic «Software for Identifying the Factors of Students’ Mental Health Problems» was completed by the student of the Department of Biomedical Cybernetics Le Dai Zyonh from the specialty 122 «Computer Science» under the educational and professional program «Computer Technologies in Biology and Medicine», and consists of an introduction; 4 sections («Review of literature sources», «Psychological assessment of human stress», «Analysis of various modeling methods», «Stress modeling»), a section on the analysis of a startup project, conclusions to each of these sections; general conclusions; the list of used sources, which includes 58 sources. The total volume of work reaches 96 pages. Paper size: 96 pages, 38 illustrations, 58 references. Relevance of the topic. Finding an individualized approach to fixing mental health problems through machine learning techniques. The objective of the study. Perform an exploratory analysis of student psychological test data to identify key factors that influence mental health. The object of study. Psychological tests. The subject of study. Determining the state of the student's mental health through the analysis of psychological tests

    Multivariate GRBF-Netzwerke und Systeme lokaler Experten

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    Solange der Mensch seit Beginn der modernen Wissenschaft versucht, seine kognitiven Fähigkeiten durch anatomische, physiologische und psychologische Untersuchungen zu verstehen, werden diese Forschungen auch von der Entwicklung mathematischer Modelle begleitet. Dies geschieht in der Hoffnung, zu einem tieferen Verständnis der Gehirnfunktionen zu gelangen und in jüngster Zeit mit dem Ziel, neuartige mathematische Verfahren, z.B. zur Mustererkennung und Funktionenapproximation, zu erhalten. Im Rahmen dieses Ansatzes wurde vor etwa 10 Jahren das radiale Basisfunktionen (RBF)-Netzwerk eingeführt, welches bestimmte Strukturen im cerebellaren Cortex modelliert. In früheren Arbeiten wurden tiefgehende Beziehungen zwischen diesem dreischichtigen Netzwerkmodell und der maximum likelihood (ML)-Schätzung von empirischen Datenverteilungen durch Mischungen univariater Normalverteilungen aufgedeckt. Solche Netzwerke eignen sich zur datengetriebenen Funktionenapproximation und zur Lösung von Klassi- fikationsaufgaben. Ausgehend von diesen Beobachtungen wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit das RBF-Modell stufenweise verallgemeinert. Zunächst wird mit dem generalisierten radialen Basisfunktionen (GRBF)-Netzwerk ein Modell vorgestellt, dessen Parameter sich aus ML-Schätzungen von Datenverteilungen durch Mischungen multivariater Normalverteilungen ableiten lassen. Damit wird erstmals ein Verfahren eingeführt, mit dem alle Netzwerkparameter simultan optimiert werden können. Ein deterministisches Abkühlschema sorgt dabei für die sichere Konvergenz des zugehörigen sequentiellen stochastischen Lernprozesses. Anschließend wird ein neues Modell zur Funktionenapproximation, der sogenannte LLMApproximator , vorgestellt, das ebenfalls auf Dichteschätzungen durch Mischungen multivariater Normalverteilungen beruht und sich in Spezialfällen auf das GRBF-Netzwerk reduziert. Im LLM-Verfahren wird die zu approximierende Funktion durch eine Interpolation lokaler linearer Regressionsmodelle dargestellt. In Verallgemeinerung dieser Verfahren wird schließlich ein Konstruktionsprinzip für Systeme lokaler Experten formuliert, das sowohlWettbewerb als auch Kooperation unterschiedlicher Experten zur Lösung einer gemeinsamen Aufgabe organisiert. Die Arbeitsweisen des LLM-Approximators als auch des Systems lokaler Experten werden am Beispiel von Regelungsproblemen illustriert. Zunächst wird die Regelung eines virtuellen Bioreaktors mit Hilfe des LLM-Approximators vorgestellt. Anschließend wird das System lokaler Experten für die Regelung einer realen, komplexen industriellen Anlage verwendet. Dabei handelt es sich um die Anlage zur Rückstandsverbrennung im Werk Burghausen der Wacker-Chemie GmbH

    Local linear perceptrons for classification

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    Combining Global vs Local Linear Perceptrons for Classification

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    Simple linear perceptrons learn fast, are simple and effective in many classification applications. We consider two ways to combine multiple such perceptrons for improved classification accuracy. In the first approach, we train multiple perceptrons on subsets of the training set and then take a simple vote. Because their training sets are different, different perceptrons converge to different solutions and averaging removes noise. In the second approach named the mixture of experts, different perceptrons converge to different parts of the input space thereby learning local boundaries. A gating perceptron is responsible from deciding which one to use for a given input. We compare these approaches on a real world set of handwritten digits. I. Introduction In pattern recognition or classification [1], [2], we have an input vector x 2 ! d which belongs to one of c disjoint classes, C i . In some cases, there is also an extra class C c+1 for "rejects" when more than one, or no class is ..