64 research outputs found

    Ramsey and Tur\'an numbers of sparse hypergraphs

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    Degeneracy plays an important role in understanding Tur\'an- and Ramsey-type properties of graphs. Unfortunately, the usual hypergraphical generalization of degeneracy fails to capture these properties. We define the skeletal degeneracy of a kk-uniform hypergraph as the degeneracy of its 11-skeleton (i.e., the graph formed by replacing every kk-edge by a kk-clique). We prove that skeletal degeneracy controls hypergraph Tur\'an and Ramsey numbers in a similar manner to (graphical) degeneracy. Specifically, we show that kk-uniform hypergraphs with bounded skeletal degeneracy have linear Ramsey number. This is the hypergraph analogue of the Burr-Erd\H{o}s conjecture (proved by Lee). In addition, we give upper and lower bounds of the same shape for the Tur\'an number of a kk-uniform kk-partite hypergraph in terms of its skeletal degeneracy. The proofs of both results use the technique of dependent random choice. In addition, the proof of our Ramsey result uses the `random greedy process' introduced by Lee in his resolution of the Burr-Erd\H{o}s conjecture.Comment: 33 page

    The size-Ramsey number of powers of paths

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    Given graphs GG and HH and a positive integer qq, say that GG \emph{is qq-Ramsey for} HH, denoted G→(H)qG\rightarrow (H)_q, if every qq-colouring of the edges of GG contains a monochromatic copy of HH. The \emph{size-Ramsey number} \sr(H) of a graph HH is defined to be \sr(H)=\min\{|E(G)|\colon G\rightarrow (H)_2\}. Answering a question of Conlon, we prove that, for every fixed~kk, we have \sr(P_n^k)=O(n), where~PnkP_n^k is the kkth power of the nn-vertex path PnP_n (i.e., the graph with vertex set V(Pn)V(P_n) and all edges {u,v}\{u,v\} such that the distance between uu and vv in PnP_n is at most kk). Our proof is probabilistic, but can also be made constructive.Most of the work for this paper was done during my PhD, which was half funded by EPSRC grant reference 1360036, and half by Merton College Oxford. The third author was partially supported by FAPESP (Proc.~2013/03447-6) and by CNPq (Proc.~459335/2014-6, 310974/2013-5). The fifth author was supported by FAPESP (Proc.~2013/11431-2, Proc.~2013/03447-6 and Proc.~2018/04876-1) and partially by CNPq (Proc.~459335/2014-6). This research was supported in part by CAPES (Finance Code 001). The collaboration of part of the authors was supported by a CAPES/DAAD PROBRAL grant (Proc.~430/15)

    Generation of Graph Classes with Efficient Isomorph Rejection

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    In this thesis, efficient isomorph-free generation of graph classes with the method of generation by canonical construction path(GCCP) is discussed. The method GCCP has been invented by McKay in the 1980s. It is a general method to recursively generate combinatorial objects avoiding isomorphic copies. In the introduction chapter, the method of GCCP is discussed and is compared to other well-known methods of generation. The generation of the class of quartic graphs is used as an example to explain this method. Quartic graphs are simple regular graphs of degree four. The programs, we developed based on GCCP, generate quartic graphs with 18 vertices more than two times as efficiently as the well-known software GENREG does. This thesis also demonstrates how the class of principal graph pairs can be generated exhaustively in an efficient way using the method of GCCP. The definition and importance of principal graph pairs come from the theory of subfactors where each subfactor can be modelled as a principal graph pair. The theory of subfactors has applications in the theory of von Neumann algebras, operator algebras, quantum algebras and Knot theory as well as in design of quantum computers. While it was initially expected that the classification at index 3 + √5 would be very complicated, using GCCP to exhaustively generate principal graph pairs was critical in completing the classification of small index subfactors to index 5ÂŒ. The other set of classes of graphs considered in this thesis contains graphs without a given set of cycles. For a given set of graphs, H, the TurĂĄn Number of H, ex(n,H), is defined to be the maximum number of edges in a graph on n vertices without a subgraph isomorphic to any graph in H. Denote by EX(n,H), the set of all extremal graphs with respect to n and H, i.e., graphs with n vertices, ex(n,H) edges and no subgraph isomorphic to any graph in H. We consider this problem when H is a set of cycles. New results for ex(n, C) and EX(n, C) are introduced using a set of algorithms based on the method of GCCP. Let K be an arbitrary subset of {C3, C4, C5, . . . , C32}. For given n and a set of cycles, C, these algorithms can be used to calculate ex(n, C) and extremal graphs in Ex(n, C) by recursively extending smaller graphs without any cycle in C where C = K or C = {C3, C5, C7, . . .} ᮜ K and n≀64. These results are considerably in excess of the previous results of the many researchers who worked on similar problems. In the last chapter, a new class of canonical relabellings for graphs, hierarchical canonical labelling, is introduced in which if the vertices of a graph, G, is canonically labelled by {1, . . . , n}, then G\{n} is also canonically labelled. An efficient hierarchical canonical labelling is presented and the application of this labelling in generation of combinatorial objects is discussed

    The multicolour size-Ramsey number of powers of paths

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    Given a positive integer s, a graph G is s-Ramsey for a graph H, denoted G→(H)s, if every s-colouring of the edges of G contains a monochromatic copy of H. The s-colour size-Ramsey number rˆs(H) of a graph H is defined to be rˆs(H)=min⁡{|E(G)|:G→(H)s}. We prove that, for all positive integers k and s, we have rˆs(Pnk)=O(n), where Pnk is the kth power of the n-vertex path Pn

    On the Voting Time of the Deterministic Majority Process

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    In the deterministic binary majority process we are given a simple graph where each node has one out of two initial opinions. In every round, every node adopts the majority opinion among its neighbors. By using a potential argument first discovered by Goles and Olivos (1980), it is known that this process always converges in O(∣E∣)O(|E|) rounds to a two-periodic state in which every node either keeps its opinion or changes it in every round. It has been shown by Frischknecht, Keller, and Wattenhofer (2013) that the O(∣E∣)O(|E|) bound on the convergence time of the deterministic binary majority process is indeed tight even for dense graphs. However, in many graphs such as the complete graph, from any initial opinion assignment, the process converges in just a constant number of rounds. By carefully exploiting the structure of the potential function by Goles and Olivos (1980), we derive a new upper bound on the convergence time of the deterministic binary majority process that accounts for such exceptional cases. We show that it is possible to identify certain modules of a graph GG in order to obtain a new graph GΔG^\Delta with the property that the worst-case convergence time of GΔG^\Delta is an upper bound on that of GG. Moreover, even though our upper bound can be computed in linear time, we show that, given an integer kk, it is NP-hard to decide whether there exists an initial opinion assignment for which it takes more than kk rounds to converge to the two-periodic state.Comment: full version of brief announcement accepted at DISC'1
