17 research outputs found

    Ridge Regression, Hubness, and Zero-Shot Learning

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    This paper discusses the effect of hubness in zero-shot learning, when ridge regression is used to find a mapping between the example space to the label space. Contrary to the existing approach, which attempts to find a mapping from the example space to the label space, we show that mapping labels into the example space is desirable to suppress the emergence of hubs in the subsequent nearest neighbor search step. Assuming a simple data model, we prove that the proposed approach indeed reduces hubness. This was verified empirically on the tasks of bilingual lexicon extraction and image labeling: hubness was reduced with both of these tasks and the accuracy was improved accordingly.Comment: To be presented at ECML/PKDD 201

    Are we describing the same sound? An analysis of word embedding spaces of expressive piano performance

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    Semantic embeddings play a crucial role in natural language-based information retrieval. Embedding models represent words and contexts as vectors whose spatial configuration is derived from the distribution of words in large text corpora. While such representations are generally very powerful, they might fail to account for fine-grained domain-specific nuances. In this article, we investigate this uncertainty for the domain of characterizations of expressive piano performance. Using a music research dataset of free text performance characterizations and a follow-up study sorting the annotations into clusters, we derive a ground truth for a domain-specific semantic similarity structure. We test five embedding models and their similarity structure for correspondence with the ground truth. We further assess the effects of contextualizing prompts, hubness reduction, cross-modal similarity, and k-means clustering. The quality of embedding models shows great variability with respect to this task; more general models perform better than domain-adapted ones and the best model configurations reach human-level agreement

    HAL: Improved Text-Image Matching by Mitigating Visual Semantic Hubs

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    The hubness problem widely exists in high-dimensional embedding space and is a fundamental source of error for cross-modal matching tasks. In this work, we study the emergence of hubs in Visual Semantic Embeddings (VSE) with application to text-image matching. We analyze the pros and cons of two widely adopted optimization objectives for training VSE and propose a novel hubness-aware loss function (HAL) that addresses previous methods' defects. Unlike (Faghri et al.2018) which simply takes the hardest sample within a mini-batch, HAL takes all samples into account, using both local and global statistics to scale up the weights of "hubs". We experiment our method with various configurations of model architectures and datasets. The method exhibits exceptionally good robustness and brings consistent improvement on the task of text-image matching across all settings. Specifically, under the same model architectures as (Faghri et al. 2018) and (Lee at al. 2018), by switching only the learning objective, we report a maximum R@1improvement of 7.4% on MS-COCO and 8.3% on Flickr30k.Comment: AAAI-20 (to appear

    Listener-Aware Music Recommendation from Sensor and Social Media Data

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    An investigation of likelihood normalization for robust ASR

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    International audienceNoise-robust automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems rely on feature and/or model compensation. Existing compensation techniques typically operate on the features or on the parameters of the acoustic models themselves. By contrast, a number of normalization techniques have been defined in the field of speaker verification that operate on the resulting log-likelihood scores. In this paper, we provide a theoretical motivation for likelihood normalization due to the so-called "hubness" phenomenon and we evaluate the benefit of several normalization techniques on ASR accuracy for the 2nd CHiME Challenge task. We show that symmetric normalization (S-norm) reduces the relative error rate by 43% alone and by 10% after feature and model compensation