6 research outputs found

    Sequentially Distributed Coalition Formation Game for Throughput Maximization in C-RANs

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    Cloud radio access network (C-RAN) has been proposed as a solution to reducing the huge cost of network upgrade while providing the spectral and energy efficiency needed for the new generation cellular networks. In order to reduce the interference that occur in C-RAN and maximize throughput, this paper proposes a sequentially distributed coalition formation (SDCF) game in which players, in this case the remote radio heads (RRHs), can sequentially join multiple coalitions to maximize their throughput. Contrary to overlapping coalition formation (OCF) game where players contribute fractions of their limited resources to different coalitions, the SDCF game offers better stability by allowing sequential coalition formation depending on the availability of resources and therefore providing a balance between efficient spectrum use and interference management. An algorithm for the proposed model is developed based on the merge-only method. The performance of the proposed algorithm in terms of stability, complexity and convergence to final coalition structure is also investigated. Simulation results show that the proposed SDCF game did not only maximize the throughput in the C-RAN, but it also shows better performances and larger capabilities to manage interference with increasing number of RRHs compared to existing methods

    Teoria de jogos para utilização efetiva dos recursos em aplicações para 5G

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia Eletrotécnica - TelecomunicaçõesEsta tese tem como objetivo fornecer afirmações conclusivas em relação a utilização eficiente de recursos para redes e aplicações de 5G (5a geração) com recurso a teoria dos jogos. Neste contexto, investigamos dois cenários principais, um relativo a comunicações móveis e um outro relativo a redes inteligentes. Uma métrica importante para o desenho das redes móveis emergentes é a eficiência energética, com particular ênfase no lado do dispositivo móvel, onde as tecnologias das baterias são ainda limitadas. Alguns trabalhos de investigação relacionados têm demonstrado que a cooperação pode ser um paradigma útil no sentido de resolver o problema do défice energético. Contudo, pretendemos ir mais além, ao definir a cooperação e os utilizadores móveis como um grupo de jogadores racionais, que podem atuar sobre estratégias e utilidades, por forma a escolher a retransmissão mais apropriada para poupança de energia. Esta interpretação presta-se à aplicação da teoria dos jogos, e recorremos assim aos jogos coalicionais para solucionar conflitos de interesse entre dispositivos cooperantes, empregando Programação Linear (LP) para resolver o problema da selecção da retransmissão e derivar a principal solução do jogo. Os resultados mostram que a escolha do jogo de retransmissão coalicional proposto pode potencialmente duplicar a duração da bateria, numa era em que a próxima geração de dispositivos móveis necessitará de cada vez mais energia para suportar serviços e aplicações cada vez mais sofisticados. O segundo cenário investiga a resposta da procura em aplicações smart grid, que está a ganhar interesse sob a égide do 5G e que é considerada uma abordagem promissora, incentivando os utilizadores a consumir electricidade de forma mais uniforme em horas de vazio. Recorremos novamente à teoria dos jogos, imaginando as interacções estratégicas entre a empresa fornecedora de energia eléctrica e os potenciais utilizadores finais como um jogo de forma extensiva. São abordados dois programas em tempo real de resposta à procura: Day-Ahead Pricing (DAP) e Convex Pricing Tariffs. A resposta dos consumidores residenciais conscientes dos preços destas tarifas, é formulada como um problema de Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) ou Quadratic Programming (QP), nos quais as soluções potenciais são o agendamento dos seus electrodomésticos inteligentes de modo a minimizar os seus gastos diários de electricidade, satisfazendo as suas necessidades diárias de energia e níveis de conforto. Os resultados demonstram que implementar o programa DAP pode reduzir a razão Peak-to-Average (PAR) at e 71% e as faturas de consumo das casas inteligentes at e 32%. Para além disso, a aplicação de tarifas convexas em tempo real pode melhorar ainda mais estas métricas de desempenho, alcançando uma redução de 80% do PAR e uma economia de mais de 50% na faturação da energia residencial.This research thesis aims to provide conclusive statements towards effective resource utilization for 5G (5th Generation) mobile networks and applications using game theory. In this context, we investigate two key scenarios pertaining to mobile communications and smart grids. A pivotal design driver for the upcoming era of mobile communications is energy efficiency, with particular emphasis on the mobile side where battery technology is still limited. Related works have shown that cooperation can be a useful engineering paradigm to take a step towards solving the energy deficit. However, we go beyond by envisaging cooperation and mobile users as a game of rational players, that can act on strategies and utilities in order to choose the most appropriate relay for energy saving. This interpretation lends itself to the application of game theory, and we look at coalitional games to settle conflicts of interest among cooperating user equipments, and employ Linear Programming (LP) to solve the relay selection problem and to derive the core solution of the game. The results reveal that adopting the proposed coalitional relaying game can potentially double battery lifetime, in an era where the next wave of next generation handsets will be more energy demanding supporting sophisticated services and applications. The second scenario investigates demand response in smart grid applications, which is also gaining momentum under the umbrella of 5G, which is a promising approach urging end-users to consume electricity more evenly during nonpeak hours of the day. Again, we resort to game theory and picture the strategic interactions between the electric utility company and the potential end-users as an extensive form game. Two real-time demand response programmes are addressed, namely Day-Ahead Pricing (DAP) and convex pricing tariffs. The response of price-aware residential consumers to these programmes is formulated as Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) or Quadratic Programming (QP) problem, which optimally schedule their smart home appliances so as to minimise their daily electricity expenses while satisfying their daily energy needs and comfort levels. The results demonstrate that implementing the DAP programme can reduce the Peakto- Average Ratio (PAR) of demand by up to 71% and cut smart households bill by 32%. Moreover, applying real-time convex pricing tariffs can push these performance metrics even further, achieving 80% PAR reduction and more than 50% saving on the household electricity bill

    The drivers of Corporate Social Responsibility in the supply chain. A case study.

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    Purpose: The paper studies the way in which a SME integrates CSR into its corporate strategy, the practices it puts in place and how its CSR strategies reflect on its suppliers and customers relations. Methodology/Research limitations: A qualitative case study methodology is used. The use of a single case study limits the generalizing capacity of these findings. Findings: The entrepreneur’s ethical beliefs and value system play a fundamental role in shaping sustainable corporate strategy. Furthermore, the type of competitive strategy selected based on innovation, quality and responsibility clearly emerges both in terms of well defined management procedures and supply chain relations as a whole aimed at involving partners in the process of sustainable innovation. Originality/value: The paper presents a SME that has devised an original innovative business model. The study pivots on the issues of innovation and eco-sustainability in a context of drivers for CRS and business ethics. These values are considered fundamental at International level; the United Nations has declared 2011 the “International Year of Forestry”