674 research outputs found

    Adoption of vehicular ad hoc networking protocols by networked robots

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    This paper focuses on the utilization of wireless networking in the robotics domain. Many researchers have already equipped their robots with wireless communication capabilities, stimulated by the observation that multi-robot systems tend to have several advantages over their single-robot counterparts. Typically, this integration of wireless communication is tackled in a quite pragmatic manner, only a few authors presented novel Robotic Ad Hoc Network (RANET) protocols that were designed specifically with robotic use cases in mind. This is in sharp contrast with the domain of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET). This observation is the starting point of this paper. If the results of previous efforts focusing on VANET protocols could be reused in the RANET domain, this could lead to rapid progress in the field of networked robots. To investigate this possibility, this paper provides a thorough overview of the related work in the domain of robotic and vehicular ad hoc networks. Based on this information, an exhaustive list of requirements is defined for both types. It is concluded that the most significant difference lies in the fact that VANET protocols are oriented towards low throughput messaging, while RANET protocols have to support high throughput media streaming as well. Although not always with equal importance, all other defined requirements are valid for both protocols. This leads to the conclusion that cross-fertilization between them is an appealing approach for future RANET research. To support such developments, this paper concludes with the definition of an appropriate working plan

    A Hybrid Model to Extend Vehicular Intercommunication V2V through D2D Architecture

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    In the recent years, many solutions for Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication were proposed to overcome failure problems (also known as dead ends). This paper proposes a novel framework for V2V failure recovery using Device-to-Device (D2D) communications. Based on the unified Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) architecture, LTE-based D2D mechanisms can improve V2V dead ends failure recovery delays. This new paradigm of hybrid V2V-D2D communications overcomes the limitations of traditional V2V routing techniques. According to NS2 simulation results, the proposed hybrid model decreases the end to end delay (E2E) of messages delivery. A complete comparison of different D2D use cases (best & worst scenarios) is presented to show the enhancements brought by our solution compared to traditional V2V techniques.Comment: 6 page

    Self-Organizing and Scalable Routing Protocol (SOSRP) for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks

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    Las redes de sensores acústicas submarinas (UASN) han ganado mucha importancia en los últimos años: el 71% de la superficie de la Tierra está cubierta por océanos. La mayoría de ellos, aún no han sido explorados. Aplicaciones como prospección de yacimientos, prevención de desastres o recopilación de datos para estudios de biología marina se han convertido en el campo de interés para muchos investigadores. Sin embargo, las redes UASN tienen dos limitaciones: un medio muy agresivo (marino) y el uso de señales acústicas. Ello hace que las técnicas para redes de sensores inalámbricas (WSN) terrestres no sean aplicables. Tras realizar un recorrido por el estado del arte en protocolos para redes UASN, se propone en este TFM un protocolo de enrutamiento denominado "SOSRP", descentralizado y basado en tablas en cada nodo. Se usa como criterio para crear rutas una combinación del valor de saltos hasta el nodo recolector y la distancia. Las funciones previstas del protocolo abarcan: autoorganización de las rutas, tolerancia a fallos y detección de nodos aislados. Mediante la implementación en MATLAB de SOSRP así como de un modelo de propagación y energía apropiados para entorno marino, se obtienen resultados de rendimiento en distintos escenarios (variando nºextremo de paquetes, consumo de energía o longitud de rutas creadas (con y sin fallo). Los resultados obtenidos muestran una operación estable, fiable y adecuada para el despliegue y operación de los nodos en redes UASN

    Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this chapter, we present a literature survey of an emerging, cutting-edge, and multi-disciplinary field of research at the intersection of Robotics and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) which we refer to as Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks (RWSN). We define a RWSN as an autonomous networked multi-robot system that aims to achieve certain sensing goals while meeting and maintaining certain communication performance requirements, through cooperative control, learning and adaptation. While both of the component areas, i.e., Robotics and WSN, are very well-known and well-explored, there exist a whole set of new opportunities and research directions at the intersection of these two fields which are relatively or even completely unexplored. One such example would be the use of a set of robotic routers to set up a temporary communication path between a sender and a receiver that uses the controlled mobility to the advantage of packet routing. We find that there exist only a limited number of articles to be directly categorized as RWSN related works whereas there exist a range of articles in the robotics and the WSN literature that are also relevant to this new field of research. To connect the dots, we first identify the core problems and research trends related to RWSN such as connectivity, localization, routing, and robust flow of information. Next, we classify the existing research on RWSN as well as the relevant state-of-the-arts from robotics and WSN community according to the problems and trends identified in the first step. Lastly, we analyze what is missing in the existing literature, and identify topics that require more research attention in the future

    An Overview of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks for the Existing Protocols and Applications

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    Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of two or more devices or nodes or terminals with wireless communications and networking capability that communicate with each other without the aid of any centralized administrator also the wireless nodes that can dynamically form a network to exchange information without using any existing fixed network infrastructure. And it's an autonomous system in which mobile hosts connected by wireless links are free to be dynamically and some time act as routers at the same time, and we discuss in this paper the distinct characteristics of traditional wired networks, including network configuration may change at any time, there is no direction or limit the movement and so on, and thus needed a new optional path Agreement (Routing Protocol) to identify nodes for these actions communicate with each other path, An ideal choice way the agreement should not only be able to find the right path, and the Ad Hoc Network must be able to adapt to changing network of this type at any time. and we talk in details in this paper all the information of Mobile Ad Hoc Network which include the History of ad hoc, wireless ad hoc, wireless mobile approaches and types of mobile ad Hoc networks, and then we present more than 13 types of the routing Ad Hoc Networks protocols have been proposed. In this paper, the more representative of routing protocols, analysis of individual characteristics and advantages and disadvantages to collate and compare, and present the all applications or the Possible Service of Ad Hoc Networks.Comment: 24 Pages, JGraph-Hoc Journa

    A Survey on the Application of Evolutionary Algorithms for Mobile Multihop Ad Hoc Network Optimization Problems

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    Evolutionary algorithms are metaheuristic algorithms that provide quasioptimal solutions in a reasonable time. They have been applied to many optimization problems in a high number of scientific areas. In this survey paper, we focus on the application of evolutionary algorithms to solve optimization problems related to a type of complex network likemobilemultihop ad hoc networks. Since its origin, mobile multihop ad hoc network has evolved causing new types of multihop networks to appear such as vehicular ad hoc networks and delay tolerant networks, leading to the solution of new issues and optimization problems. In this survey, we review the main work presented for each type of mobile multihop ad hoc network and we also present some innovative ideas and open challenges to guide further research in this topic

    Mission-based mobility models for UAV networks

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    Las redes UAV han atraído la atención de los investigadores durante la última década. Las numerosas posibilidades que ofrecen los sistemas single-UAV aumentan considerablemente al usar múltiples UAV. Sin embargo, el gran potencial del sistema multi-UAV viene con un precio: la complejidad de controlar todos los aspectos necesarios para garantizar que los UAVs cumplen la misión que se les ha asignado. Ha habido numerosas investigaciones dedicadas a los sistemas multi-UAV en el campo de la robótica en las cuales se han utilizado grupos de UAVs para diferentes aplicaciones. Sin embargo, los aspectos relacionados con la red que forman estos sistemas han comenzado a reclamar un lugar entre la comunidad de investigación y han hecho que las redes de UAVs se consideren como un nuevo paradigma entre las redes multi-salto. La investigación de redes de UAVs, de manera similar a otras redes multi-salto, se divide principalmente en dos categorías: i) modelos de movilidad que capturan la movilidad de la red, y ii) algoritmos de enrutamiento. Ambas categorías han heredado muchos algoritmos que pertenecían a las redes MANET, que fueron el primer paradigma de redes multi-salto que atrajo la atención de los investigadores. Aunque hay esfuerzos de investigación en curso que proponen soluciones para ambas categorías, el número de modelos de movilidad y algoritmos de enrutamiento específicos para redes UAV es limitado. Además, en el caso de los modelos de movilidad, las soluciones existentes propuestas son simplistas y apenas representan la movilidad real de un equipo de UAVs, los cuales se utilizan principalmente en operaciones orientadas a misiones, en la que cada UAV tiene asignados movimientos específicos. Esta tesis propone dos modelos de movilidad basados en misiones para una red de UAVs que realiza dos operaciones diferentes. El escenario elegido en el que se desarrollan las misiones corresponde con una región en la que ha ocurrido, por ejemplo, un desastre natural. La elección de este tipo de escenario se debe a que en zonas de desastre, la infraestructura de comunicaciones comúnmente está dañada o totalmente destruida. En este tipo de situaciones, una red de UAVs ofrece la posibilidad de desplegar rápidamente una red de comunicaciones. El primer modelo de movilidad, llamado dPSO-U, ha sido diseñado para capturar la movilidad de una red UAV en una misión con dos objetivos principales: i) explorar el área del escenario para descubrir las ubicaciones de los nodos terrestres, y ii) hacer que los UAVs converjan de manera autónoma a los grupos en los que se organizan los nodos terrestres (también conocidos como clusters). El modelo de movilidad dPSO-U se basa en el conocido algoritmo particle swarm optimization (PSO), considerando los UAV como las partículas del algoritmo, y también utilizando el concepto de valores dinámicos para la inercia, el local best y el neighbour best de manera que el modelo de movilidad tenga ambas capacidades: la de exploración y la de convergencia. El segundo modelo, denominado modelo de movilidad Jaccard-based, captura la movilidad de una red UAV que tiene asignada la misión de proporcionar servicios de comunicación inalámbrica en un escenario de mediano tamaño. En este modelo de movilidad se ha utilizado una combinación del virtual forces algorithm (VFA), de la distancia Jaccard entre cada par de UAVs y metaheurísticas como hill climbing y simulated annealing, para cumplir los dos objetivos de la misión: i) maximizar el número de nodos terrestres (víctimas) que se encuentran bajo el área de cobertura inalámbrica de la red UAV, y ii) mantener la red UAV como una red conectada, es decir, evitando las desconexiones entre UAV. Se han realizado simulaciones exhaustivas con herramientas software específicamente desarrolladas para los modelos de movilidad propuestos. También se ha definido un conjunto de métricas para cada modelo de movilidad. Estas métricas se han utilizado para validar la capacidad de los modelos de movilidad propuestos de emular los movimientos de una red UAV en cada misión.UAV networks have attracted the attention of the research community in the last decade. The numerous capabilities of single-UAV systems increase considerably by using multiple UAVs. The great potential of a multi-UAV system comes with a price though: the complexity of controlling all the aspects required to guarantee that the UAV team accomplish the mission that it has been assigned. There have been numerous research works devoted to multi-UAV systems in the field of robotics using UAV teams for different applications. However, the networking aspects of multi-UAV systems started to claim a place among the research community and have made UAV networks to be considered as a new paradigm among the multihop ad hoc networks. UAV networks research, in a similar manner to other multihop ad hoc networks, is mainly divided into two categories: i) mobility models that capture the network mobility, and ii) routing algorithms. Both categories have inherited previous algorithms mechanisms that originally belong to MANETs, being these the first multihop networking paradigm attracting the attention of researchers. Although there are ongoing research efforts proposing solutions for the aforementioned categories, the number of UAV networks-specific mobility models and routing algorithms is limited. In addition, in the case of the mobility models, the existing solutions proposed are simplistic and barely represent the real mobility of a UAV team, which are mainly used in missions-oriented operations. This thesis proposes two mission-based mobility models for a UAV network carrying out two different operations over a disaster-like scenario. The reason for selecting a disaster scenario is because, usually, the common communication infrastructure is malfunctioning or completely destroyed. In these cases, a UAV network allows building a support communication network which is rapidly deployed. The first mobility model, called dPSO-U, has been designed for capturing the mobility of a UAV network in a mission with two main objectives: i) exploring the scenario area for discovering the location of ground nodes, and ii) making the UAVs to autonomously converge to the groups in which the nodes are organized (also referred to as clusters). The dPSO-U mobility model is based on the well-known particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO), considering the UAVs as the particles of the algorithm, and also using the concept of dynamic inertia, local best and neighbour best weights so the mobility model can have both abilities: exploration and convergence. The second one, called Jaccard-based mobility model, captures the mobility of a UAV network that has been assigned with the mission of providing wireless communication services in a medium-scale scenario. A combination of the virtual forces algorithm (VFA), the Jaccard distance between each pair of UAVs and metaheuristics such as hill climbing or simulated annealing have been used in this mobility model in order to meet the two mission objectives: i) to maximize the number of ground nodes (i.e. victims) under the UAV network wireless coverage area, and ii) to maintain the UAV network as a connected network, i.e. avoiding UAV disconnections. Extensive simulations have been performed with software tools that have been specifically developed for the proposed mobility models. Also, a set of metrics have been defined and measured for each mobility model. These metrics have been used for validating the ability of the proposed mobility models to emulate the movements of a UAV network in each mission

    Energy Efficient Design of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    The concept of wireless is not new. When the packet switching technology, the fabric of the Internet was introduced by the Department of Defense, the ARPANET ,it understood the potential of packet switched radio technology to interconnect mobile nodes .The DARPA around early 70’s helped establish the base of ad hoc wireless networking. This is a technology that enables untethered wireless networking environments where there is no wired or cellular infrastructure. Wireless Ad hoc Networks since then is a fast developing research area with a vast spectrum of applications. Wireless sensor network systems enable the reliable monitoring of a variety of environments for both civil and military applications. The Energy efficiency continues to be a key factor in limiting the deployability of ad-hoc networks. Deploying an energy efficient system exploiting the maximum lifetime of the network has remained a great challenge since years. The time period from the instant at which the network starts functioning to the time instant at which the first network node runs out of energy, i.e. the network lifetime is largely dependent on the system energy efficiency. This thesis looks at energy efficient protocols, which can have significant impact on the lifetime of these networks. The cluster heads get drain out maximum energy in the wireless ad hoc networks. The proposed algorithm deals with minimizing the rate of dissipation of energy of cluster heads. The algorithm LEAD deals with energy efficient round scheduling of cluster head followed by allocation of nodes to the cluster heads maximizing network lifetime using ANDA