374 research outputs found

    Sub-Finsler structures from the time-optimal control viewpoint for some nilpotent distributions

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    In this paper we study the sub-Finsler geometry as a time-optimal control problem. In particular, we consider non-smooth and non-strictly convex sub-Finsler structures associated with the Heisenberg, Grushin, and Martinet distributions. Motivated by problems in geometric group theory, we characterize extremal curves, discuss their optimality, and calculate the metric spheres, proving their Euclidean rectifiability.Comment: 24 pages, 17 figure

    Sub-Finsler Structures from the Time-Optimal Control Viewpoint for some Nilpotent Distributions

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    In this paper, we study the sub-Finsler geometry as a time-optimal control problem. In particular, we consider non-smooth and non-strictly convex sub-Finsler structures associated with the Heisenberg, Grushin, and Martinet distributions. Motivated by problems in geometric group theory, we characterize extremal curves, discuss their optimality, and calculate the metric spheres, proving their Euclidean rectifiability. © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Extremal GG-invariant eigenvalues of the Laplacian of GG-invariant metrics

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    The study of extremal properties of the spectrum often involves restricting the metrics under consideration. Motivated by the work of Abreu and Freitas in the case of the sphere S2S^2 endowed with S1S^1-invariant metrics, we consider the subsequence λkG\lambda_k^G of the spectrum of a Riemannian manifold MM which corresponds to metrics and functions invariant under the action of a compact Lie group GG. If GG has dimension at least 1, we show that the functional λkG\lambda_k^G admits no extremal metric under volume-preserving GG-invariant deformations. If, moreover, MM has dimension at least three, then the functional λkG\lambda_k^G is unbounded when restricted to any conformal class of GG-invariant metrics of fixed volume. As a special case of this, we can consider the standard O(n)-action on SnS^n; however, if we also require the metric to be induced by an embedding of SnS^n in Rn+1\mathbb{R}^{n+1}, we get an optimal upper bound on λkG\lambda_k^G.Comment: To appear in Mathematische Zeitschrif

    Il problema isoperimetrico in spazi di Carnot-Carathéodory

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    We present some recent results obtained on the isoperimetric problem in a class of Carnot-Carathéodory spaces, related to the Heisenberg group. This is the framework of Pansu’s conjecture about the shape of isoperimetric sets. Two different approaches are considered. On one hand we describe the isoperimetric problem in Grushin spaces, under a symmetry assumption that depends on the dimension and we provide a classification of isoperimetric sets for special dimensions. On the other hand, we present some results about the isoperimetric problem in a family of Riemannian manifolds approximating the Heisenberg group. In this context we study constant mean curvature surfaces. Inspired by Abresch and Rosenberg techniques on holomorphic quadratic differentials, we classify isoperimetric sets under a topological assumption.Presentiamo risultati recenti ottenuti sul problema isoperimetrico in spazi di Carnot-Carathéodory legati al gruppo di Heisenberg. Questo è il contesto della congettura di Pansu sulla forma degli insiemi isoperimetrici. Presentiamo due diversi approcci. Da un lato, descriviamo il problema isoperimetrico negli spazi di Grushin, sotto un’ipotesi di simmetria che dipende dalla dimensione. In questo contesto, forniamo una classificazione degli insiemi isoperimetrici, valida per specifiche dimensioni. Dall’altro lato, presentiamo alcuni risultati sul problema isoperimetrico in una famiglia di varietà Riemanniane che approssimano il gruppo di Heisenberg. In questo contesto, studiamo superfici a curvatura media costante. Ispirati dalle tecniche di Abresch and Rosenberg sui differenziali quadratici olomorfi, classifichiamo gli insiemi isoperimetrici sotto un’ipotesi topologica
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