484,839 research outputs found

    Reflecting on One Health in Action During the COVID-19 Response

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    The COVID-19 pandemic, a singular disruptive event in recent human history, has required rapid, innovative, coordinated and collaborative approaches to manage and ameliorate its worst impacts. However, the threat remains, and learning from initial efforts may benefit the response management in the future. One Health approaches to managing health challenges through multi-stakeholder engagement are underscored by an enabling environment. Here we describe three case studies from state (New South Wales, Australia), national (Ireland), and international (sub-Saharan Africa) scales which illustrate different aspects of One Health in action in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In Ireland, a One Health team was assembled to help parameterise complex mathematical and resource models. In New South Wales, state authorities engaged collaboratively with animal health veterinarians and epidemiologists to leverage disease outbreak knowledge, expertise and technical and support structures for application to the COVID-19 emergency. The African One Health University Network linked members from health institutions and universities from eight countries to provide a virtual platform knowledge exchange on COVID-19 to support the response. Themes common to successful experiences included a shared resource base, interdisciplinary engagement, communication network strategies, and looking global to address local need. The One Health approaches used, particularly shared responsibility and knowledge integration, are benefiting the management of this pandemic and future One Health global challenges

    Reflecting on One Health in Action During the COVID-19 Response

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    The COVID-19 pandemic, a singular disruptive event in recent human history, has required rapid, innovative, coordinated and collaborative approaches to manage and ameliorate its worst impacts. However, the threat remains, and learning from initial efforts may benefit the response management in the future. One Health approaches to managing health challenges through multi-stakeholder engagement are underscored by an enabling environment. Here we describe three case studies from state (New South Wales, Australia), national (Ireland), and international (sub-Saharan Africa) scales which illustrate different aspects of One Health in action in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In Ireland, a One Health team was assembled to help parameterise complex mathematical and resource models. In New South Wales, state authorities engaged collaboratively with animal health veterinarians and epidemiologists to leverage disease outbreak knowledge, expertise and technical and support structures for application to the COVID-19 emergency. The African One Health University Network linked members from health institutions and universities from eight countries to provide a virtual platform knowledge exchange on COVID-19 to support the response. Themes common to successful experiences included a shared resource base, interdisciplinary engagement, communication network strategies, and looking global to address local need. The One Health approaches used, particularly shared responsibility and knowledge integration, are benefiting the management of this pandemic and future One Health global challenges

    Embedded dynamic programming networks for networks-on-chip

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    PhD ThesisRelentless technology downscaling and recent technological advancements in three dimensional integrated circuit (3D-IC) provide a promising prospect to realize heterogeneous system-on-chip (SoC) and homogeneous chip multiprocessor (CMP) based on the networks-onchip (NoCs) paradigm with augmented scalability, modularity and performance. In many cases in such systems, scheduling and managing communication resources are the major design and implementation challenges instead of the computing resources. Past research efforts were mainly focused on complex design-time or simple heuristic run-time approaches to deal with the on-chip network resource management with only local or partial information about the network. This could yield poor communication resource utilizations and amortize the benefits of the emerging technologies and design methods. Thus, the provision for efficient run-time resource management in large-scale on-chip systems becomes critical. This thesis proposes a design methodology for a novel run-time resource management infrastructure that can be realized efficiently using a distributed architecture, which closely couples with the distributed NoC infrastructure. The proposed infrastructure exploits the global information and status of the network to optimize and manage the on-chip communication resources at run-time. There are four major contributions in this thesis. First, it presents a novel deadlock detection method that utilizes run-time transitive closure (TC) computation to discover the existence of deadlock-equivalence sets, which imply loops of requests in NoCs. This detection scheme, TC-network, guarantees the discovery of all true-deadlocks without false alarms in contrast to state-of-the-art approximation and heuristic approaches. Second, it investigates the advantages of implementing future on-chip systems using three dimensional (3D) integration and presents the design, fabrication and testing results of a TC-network implemented in a fully stacked three-layer 3D architecture using a through-silicon via (TSV) complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. Testing results demonstrate the effectiveness of such a TC-network for deadlock detection with minimal computational delay in a large-scale network. Third, it introduces an adaptive strategy to effectively diffuse heat throughout the three dimensional network-on-chip (3D-NoC) geometry. This strategy employs a dynamic programming technique to select and optimize the direction of data manoeuvre in NoC. It leads to a tool, which is based on the accurate HotSpot thermal model and SystemC cycle accurate model, to simulate the thermal system and evaluate the proposed approach. Fourth, it presents a new dynamic programming-based run-time thermal management (DPRTM) system, including reactive and proactive schemes, to effectively diffuse heat throughout NoC-based CMPs by routing packets through the coolest paths, when the temperature does not exceed chip’s thermal limit. When the thermal limit is exceeded, throttling is employed to mitigate heat in the chip and DPRTM changes its course to avoid throttled paths and to minimize the impact of throttling on chip performance. This thesis enables a new avenue to explore a novel run-time resource management infrastructure for NoCs, in which new methodologies and concepts are proposed to enhance the on-chip networks for future large-scale 3D integration.Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHESR)

    Quo Vadis - a framework for intelligent routing in large communication networks

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    Modern communication networks contain hundreds if not thousands of interconnected nodes. Traffic management mechanisms must be able to support a cost-effective, responsive, flexible, robust, customer-oriented high speed communication environment while minimizing the overhead associated with management functions. Conventional traffic management mechanisms for routing and congestion control algorithms entail tremendous resource overhead in storage and update of network state information;Quo Vadis is an evolving framework for intelligent traffic management in very large communication networks. It is designed to exploit topological properties of large networks as well as their spatio-temporal dynamics to optimize multiple performance criteria through cooperation among nodes in the network. It employs a distributed representation of network state information using local load measurements supplemented by a less precise global summary. Routing decisions in Quo Vadis are based on parameterized heuristics designed to optimize various performance metrics in an anticipatory or pro-active as well as compensatory or reactive mode and to minimize the overhead associated with traffic management;The complexity of modern networks in terms of the number of entities, their interaction, and the resulting dynamics make an analytical study often impossible. Hence, we have designed and implemented an object oriented simulation toolbox to facilitate the experimental studies of Quo Vadis. Our efforts to design such a simulation environment were driven by the need to evaluate heuristic routing strategies and knowledge representation as employed by Quo Vadis. The results of simulation experiments within a grid network clearly demonstrate the ability of Quo Vadis to avoid congestion and minimize message delay under a variety of network load conditions;In order to provide a theoretical framework for the design and analytical study of decision mechanisms as employed by Quo Vadis, we draw upon concepts from the field of utility theory. Based on the concept of reward and cost incurred by messages in the network, utility functions which bias routing decisions so as to yield routes that circumvent congested areas have been designed. The existence of utility functions which yield minimum cost routes in uniform cost networks with a single congested node has been proven rigorously

    Soil conservation and sustainable development goals(SDGs) achievement in Europe and central Asia: Which role for the European soil partnership?

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    Voluntary soil protection measures are not sufficient to achieve sustainable soil management at a global scale. Additionally, binding soil protection legislation at national and international levels has also proved to be insufficient for the effective protection of this almost non-renewable natural resource. The European Soil Partnership (ESP) and its sub-regional partnerships (Eurasian Sub-Regional Soil Partnership, Alpine Soil Partnership) were established in the context of FAO's Global Soil Partnership (GSP) with the mission to facilitate and contribute to the exchange of knowledge and technologies related to soils, to develop dialogue and to raise awareness for the need to establish a binding global agreement for sustainable soil management. The ESP has taken a role of an umbrella network covering countries in Europe and Central Asia. It aims to improve the dialogue in the whole region and has encouraged establishing goals that would promote sustainable soil management, taking into account various national and local approaches and priorities, as well as cultural specificities. The ESP first regional implementation plan for the 2017–2020 period was adopted and implemented along the five GSP pillars of action. Building on the experience of the last four years, this study demonstrates that establishing sub-regional and national partnerships is an additional step in a concrete sustainable soil management implementation process. It also suggests that a complementary approach between legal instruments and voluntary initiatives linked to the development of efficient communication and strong commitment is the key to success

    Posredovanje znanja v regionalnih digitalnih ekosistemih

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    The knowledge-based networked business ecosystem represents a geographical (or virtual) area where specific regional policy initiatives could foster growth and improve innovation, productivity and social aspects through the optimal use of local assets empowered by information and communication systems (ICT). Effective human interaction with ICT within such a regional digital ecosystem depends on access methods, suitability and form of content and knowledge sharing. A network of digital ecosystems, as public common resource, offers to regions and to less-developed areas opportunities to participate in the global economy. Key words: digital ecosystem, regional business digital ecosystem, integrated business information, electronic content management, document management system, knowledge sharing and management;Na znanju temelječ in mrežno povezan poslovni ekosistem predstavlja geografsko (ali virtualno) področje, kjer bi lahko specifič ne regionalne politične pobude spodbujale rast in izboljšale inoviranje, produktivnost ter družbene vidike s pomočjo optimalne uporabe lokalnih virov, ki so okrepljeni z informacijskimi in komunikacijskimi sistemi. Učinkovita človeška interakcija z informacijskimi in komunikacijskimi sistemi, kot je na primer regionalni digitalni ekosistem, je odvisna od pristopnih metod, ustreznosti in oblike vsebine ter posredovanja znanja. Mreža digitalnih ekosistemov kot skupni javni vir ponuja regijam in manj razvitim področjem priložnost, da sodelujejo v globalnem gospodarstvu. Ključne besede: digitalni ekosistem, regionalni poslovni digitalni ekosistem, integrirano poslovno informiranje, upravljanje elektronskih vsebin, upravljanje s sistemom dokumentov, posredovanje znanja in upravljanje

    Design of personalized location areas for future Pcs networks

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    In Global Systems for Mobile Communications (GSM), always-update location strategy is used to keep track of mobile terminals within the network. However future Personal Communication Networks (PCS) will require to serve a wide range of services (digital voice, video, data, and email) and also will have to support a large population of users. Under such demands, determining the exact location of a user by traditional strategies would be difficult and would result in increasing the signaling load imposed by location-update and paging procedures. The problem is not only in increasing cost, but also in non-efficient utilization of a precious resource, i.e., radio bandwidth; In this thesis, personalized Location Areas (PLAs) are formed considering the mobility patterns of individual users in the system such that the signaling due to location update and paging is minimized. We prove that the problem in this formulation is of NP complexity. Therefore we study efficient optimization techniques able to avoid combinatorial search. Three known classes of optimization techniques are studied. They are Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search and Genetic Search. Three algorithms are designed for solving the problem. Modeling does not assume any specific cell structure or network topology that makes the proposal widely applicable. The behavior of mobile terminals in the network is modeled as Random Walk with an absorbing state and the Markov chain is used for cost analysis; Numeric simulation carried out for 25 and 100 hexagonal cell networks have shown that Simulated Annealing based algorithm outperforms other two by indicators of the runtime complexity and signaling cost of location management. The ID\u27s of cells populating the calculated area are provided to the mobile terminal and saved in its local memory every time the mobile subscriber moves out its current location area. Otherwise, no location update is performed, but only paging. Thus, at the expense of small local memory, the location management is carried more efficiently