7 research outputs found


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    The semantics of concurrent data structures is usually given by a sequential specification and a consistency condition. Linearizability is the most popular consistency condition due to its simplicity and general applicability. Nevertheless, for applications that do not require all guarantees offered by linearizability, recent research has focused on improving performance and scalability of concurrent data structures by relaxing their semantics. In this paper, we present local linearizability, a relaxed consistency condition that is applicable to container-type concurrent data structures like pools, queues, and stacks. While linearizability requires that the effect of each operation is observed by all threads at the same time, local linearizability only requires that for each thread T, the effects of its local insertion operations and the effects of those removal operations that remove values inserted by T are observed by all threads at the same time. We investigate theoretical and practical properties of local linearizability and its relationship to many existing consistency conditions. We present a generic implementation method for locally linearizable data structures that uses existing linearizable data structures as building blocks. Our implementations show performance and scalability improvements over the original building blocks and outperform the fastest existing container-type implementations

    Hoare-style Specifications as Correctness Conditions for Non-linearizable Concurrent Objects

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    Designing scalable concurrent objects, which can be efficiently used on multicore processors, often requires one to abandon standard specification techniques, such as linearizability, in favor of more relaxed consistency requirements. However, the variety of alternative correctness conditions makes it difficult to choose which one to employ in a particular case, and to compose them when using objects whose behaviors are specified via different criteria. The lack of syntactic verification methods for most of these criteria poses challenges in their systematic adoption and application. In this paper, we argue for using Hoare-style program logics as an alternative and uniform approach for specification and compositional formal verification of safety properties for concurrent objects and their client programs. Through a series of case studies, we demonstrate how an existing program logic for concurrency can be employed off-the-shelf to capture important state and history invariants, allowing one to explicitly quantify over interference of environment threads and provide intuitive and expressive Hoare-style specifications for several non-linearizable concurrent objects that were previously specified only via dedicated correctness criteria. We illustrate the adequacy of our specifications by verifying a number of concurrent client scenarios, that make use of the previously specified concurrent objects, capturing the essence of such correctness conditions as concurrency-aware linearizability, quiescent, and quantitative quiescent consistency. All examples described in this paper are verified mechanically in Coq.Comment: 18 page

    Performance Analysis and Modelling of Concurrent Multi-access Data Structures

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    The major impediment to scaling concurrent data structures is memory contention when accessing shared data structure access-points, leading to thread serialisation, hindering parallelism. Aiming to address this challenge, significant amount of work in the literature has proposed multi-access techniques that improve concurrent data structure parallelism. However, there is little work on analysing and modelling the execution behaviour of concurrent multi-access data structures especially in a shared memory setting. In this paper, we analyse and model the general execution behaviour of concurrent multi-access data structures in the shared memory setting. We study and analyse the behaviour of the two popular random access patterns: shared (Remote) and exclusive (Local) access, and the behaviour of the two most commonly used atomic primitives for designing lock-free data structures: Compare and Swap, and, Fetch and Add. We model the concurrent multi-accesses by splitting the thread execution procedure into five logical sessions: i) side-work, ii) access-point search iii) access-point acquisition, iv) access-point data acquisition and v) access-point data operation. We model the acquisition of an access-point, as a system of closed queuing networks with parallel servers, and data acquisition in terms of where the data is located within the memory system. We evaluate our model on a set of concurrent data structure designs including a counter, a stack and a FIFO queue. The evaluation is carried out on two state of the art multi-core processors: Intel Xeon Phi CPU 7290 with 72 physical cores and Intel Xeon E5-2695 with 14 physical cores. Our model is able to predict the throughput performance of the given concurrent data structures with 80% to 100% accuracy on both architectures

    Compass: {S}trong and Compositional Library Specifications in Relaxed Memory Separation Logic

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