7 research outputs found

    An improved Ant Colony System for the Sequential Ordering Problem

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    It is not rare that the performance of one metaheuristic algorithm can be improved by incorporating ideas taken from another. In this article we present how Simulated Annealing (SA) can be used to improve the efficiency of the Ant Colony System (ACS) and Enhanced ACS when solving the Sequential Ordering Problem (SOP). Moreover, we show how the very same ideas can be applied to improve the convergence of a dedicated local search, i.e. the SOP-3-exchange algorithm. A statistical analysis of the proposed algorithms both in terms of finding suitable parameter values and the quality of the generated solutions is presented based on a series of computational experiments conducted on SOP instances from the well-known TSPLIB and SOPLIB2006 repositories. The proposed ACS-SA and EACS-SA algorithms often generate solutions of better quality than the ACS and EACS, respectively. Moreover, the EACS-SA algorithm combined with the proposed SOP-3-exchange-SA local search was able to find 10 new best solutions for the SOP instances from the SOPLIB2006 repository, thus improving the state-of-the-art results as known from the literature. Overall, the best known or improved solutions were found in 41 out of 48 cases.Comment: 30 pages, 8 tables, 11 figure

    Layered graph approaches for combinatorial optimization problems

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    Extending the concept of time-space networks, layered graphs associate information about one or multiple resource state values with nodes and arcs. While integer programming formulations based on them allow to model complex problems comparably easy, their large size makes them hard to solve for non-trivial instances. We detail and classify layered graph modeling techniques that have been used in the (recent) scientific literature and review methods to successfully solve the resulting large-scale, extended formulations. Modeling guidelines and important observations concerning the solution of layered graph formulations by decomposition methods are given together with several future research directions

    Stronger multi-commodity flow formulations of the (capacitated) sequential ordering problem

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    The sequential ordering problem (SOP) is the generalisation of the asymmetric travelling salesman problem in which there are precedence relations between pairs of nodes. Hernandez & Salazar introduced a multi-commodity flow (MCF) formulation for a generalisation of the SOP in which the vehicle has a limited capacity. We strengthen this MCF formulation by fixing variables and adding valid equations. We then use polyhedral projection, together with some known results on flows, cuts and metrics, to derive new families of strong valid inequalities for both problems. Finally, we give computational results, which show that our findings yield good lower bounds in practice

    Το Πρόβλημα του Περιοδεύοντος Πωλητή: Ανάλυση Ερευνητικού Πεδίου, Αλγόριθμοι Επίλυσης και Επιχειρησιακές Εφαρμογές

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    Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο--Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία. Διεπιστημονικό-Διατμηματικό Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) “Τεχνο-Οικονομικά Συστήματα (ΜΒΑ)