3 research outputs found

    Informational Urbanism. A Conceptual Framework of Smart Cities

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    Contemporary and future cities are often labeled as “smart cities,” “digital cities” or “ubiquitous cities,” “knowledge cities,” and “creative cities.” Informational urbanism includes all aspects of information and (tacit as well as explicit) knowledge with regard to urban regions. “Informational city” (or “smart city” in a broader sense) is an umbrella term uniting the divergent trends of information-related city research. Informational urbanism is an interdisciplinary endeavor incorporating on the one side computer science and information science as well as on the other side urban studies, city planning, architecture, city economics, and city sociology. In this article, we present both, a conceptual framework for research on smart cities as well as results from our empirical studies on smart cities all over the world. The framework consists of seven building blocks, namely information and knowledge related infrastructures, economy, politics (e-governance) and administration (e-government), spaces (spaces of flows and spaces of places), location factors, the people’s information behavior, and problem areas. \

    Digital konst för stadens vÀntrum

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    Tid förhĂ„ller vi oss alla till. Ibland sker glapp i tidsplaneringen och dĂ„ intrĂ€der vĂ€ntan och vĂ€ntrummet. Generellt Ă€r vĂ€ntan nĂ„got som upplevs som trĂ„kigt och de flesta försöker att undvika att vĂ€nta eller Ă„tminstone upplevelsen av att vĂ€nta. PĂ„ perronger uppstĂ„r sĂ„dana vĂ€ntrum och trots att dessa offentliga platser Ă€r Ă€mnade för att vĂ€nta pĂ„ Ă€r de sĂ€llan utformade för att stimulera dess resenĂ€rer. PĂ„ perrongerna Triangeln och Malmö C i Malmö finns konst som förbigĂ„r det konventionella. Konsten Ă€r av digital prĂ€gel. I denna studie undersöks hur digital konst lĂ€mpar sig som arkitektoniskt element för att förhöja kvaliteten pĂ„ vĂ€ntan vid perronger. Syftet med denna studie var att bidra med kunskap om stadens vĂ€ntplatser och digitaliseringens roll inom arkitekturen och stadsplaneringen samt att fĂ„ en egen ökad förstĂ„else för dessa. Även att bidra med kunskap om hur dessa, i framtiden, kan utvecklas och nyttjas i utformningen av stadens offentliga vĂ€ntplatser. Datainsamlingen har gjorts genom fallstudier pĂ„ Triangeln och Malmö C som utarbetats genom tre stycken pilotstudier pĂ„ Uppsala C. Litteraturstudier av mestadels elektroniska vetenskapliga texter har utgjort underlag för diskussion och jĂ€mförelse av insamlade data. Resultatet visade att digital konst kan som arkitektoniskt element, bidra till en mer kvalitativ vĂ€ntan och att dess roll inte behöver vara primĂ€r för att göra detta. Aktiviteten pĂ„ perronger pĂ„verkas av den fysiska utformningen av vĂ€ntrummet samt att upplevelsen av den digitala konsten pĂ„verkas av aktiviteten pĂ„ perrongerna. Av resultatet framgĂ„r det att stimulanser pĂ„verkar den upplevda vĂ€ntetiden för resenĂ€rerna och att det finns en konkurrens mellan olika stimulanser pĂ„ perrongen, varav en av dessa Ă€r frĂ„n digital konst. En av slutsatserna frĂ„n studien Ă€r att digital konst pĂ„ perronger betraktas pĂ„ ett vis som skiljer sig frĂ„n konst pĂ„ museum och att dess roll dĂ€rav blir en annan. Det som kvarstĂ„r att undersökas Ă€r bland annat hur den digitala konstens innehĂ„ll Ă€r kopplat till betraktarens kĂ€nslor och hur det kan anvĂ€ndas inom arkitekturen.Time is something we can all relate to. Sometimes gaps occur in planning of time whereby the wait and the waiting room enters. Generally, waiting is considered boring and most people try to avoid waiting or at least the experience of waiting. In train platforms, such waiting rooms occurs and despite the fact that these public places are destined for waiting are they rarely designed to stimulate the travellers. On the platforms Triangeln and Malmö C in Malmö there is art that exceeds the conventional kind. The art is of digital approach. This study examines how digital art is suitable as an architectural element to improve the qualities of waiting in platforms. The aim of this study was to contribute knowledge about the waiting spots in the city and the role of digitization within architecture and city planning, as well to increase my own knowledge within these. Furthermore, the aim was to contribute knowledge about how these could be developed and used in the future. Collection of data has been done through case studies at Triangeln and Malmö C which was developed and structured through three pilot studies at Uppsala C. The literature study on mostly electronic scientific papers has been used as basis of discussion and comparison of the collected data. The results indicated that digital as an architectural element, can contribute to a more qualitative wait and that its role does not have to be primary to do so. The activity at platforms is affected by the physical design of the waiting room and the experience of the digital art is affected by the activity on the platform. It appears from the results that different stimuli affect the traveller’s waiting experience and that there is a competition among stimuli at platform whereby digital art compose one of them. One of the conclusions from this study is that digital art at platforms can be viewed in a way that differs from art in museums which also provides digital art with a different role. What remains to be examined is, among other, how the content of digital art is connected to the viewer’s emotions and how this can be used within architecture

    Living Among Screens in the City

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    International audienceScreens have become the apparatuses through which we encounter the world. However, this does not simply mean that our use of screens has increased, but rather that our relationship towards them has changed the way in which we see and live. Through screens we get knowledge and communicate with other people as well as with what is all around us, particularly the urban environment. Individuals and screens have become the inseparable elements of a single communicational and social system raising the fundamental questions of its comprehension and governance. The proliferation of screens and new information and communication technologies (ICT) is accomplishing a perceptive revolution. Our goal is to study the use of screens in the city and propose a new ecosystem contributing to their better use and mastery