8 research outputs found

    Automated Blood Cell Detection and Counting via Deep Learning for Microfluidic Point-of-Care Medical Devices

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    Automated in-vitro cell detection and counting have been a key theme for artificial and intelligent biological analysis such as biopsy, drug analysis and decease diagnosis. Along with the rapid development of microfluidics and lab-on-chip technologies, in-vitro live cell analysis has been one of the critical tasks for both research and industry communities. However, it is a great challenge to obtain and then predict the precise information of live cells from numerous microscopic videos and images. In this paper, we investigated in-vitro detection of white blood cells using deep neural networks, and discussed how state-of-the-art machine learning techniques could fulfil the needs of medical diagnosis. The approach we used in this study was based on Faster Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks (Faster RCNNs), and a transfer learning process was applied to apply this technique to the microscopic detection of blood cells. Our experimental results demonstrated that fast and efficient analysis of blood cells via automated microscopic imaging can achieve much better accuracy and faster speed than the conventionally applied methods, implying a promising future of this technology to be applied to the microfluidic point-of-care medical devices

    In-house deep environmental sentience for smart homecare solutions toward ageing society.

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    With an increasing amount of elderly people needing home care around the clock, care workers are not able to keep up with the demand of providing maximum support to those who require it. As medical costs of home care increase the quality is care suffering as a result of staff shortages, a solution is desperately needed to make the valuable care time of these workers more efficient. This paper proposes a system that is able to make use of the deep learning resources currently available to produce a base system that could provide a solution to many of the problems that care homes and staff face today. Transfer learning was conducted on a deep convolutional neural network to recognize common household objects was proposed. This system showed promising results with an accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of 90.6%, 0.90977 and 0.99668 respectively. Real-time applications were also considered, with the system achieving a maximum speed of 19.6 FPS on an MSI GTX 1060 GPU with 4GB of VRAM allocated

    3D Printed Brain-Controlled Robot-Arm Prosthetic via Embedded Deep Learning From sEMG Sensors

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    In this paper, we present our work on developing robot arm prosthetic via deep learning. Our work proposes to use transfer learning techniques applied to the Google Inception model to retrain the final layer for surface electromyography (sEMG) classification. Data have been collected using the Thalmic Labs Myo Armband and used to generate graph images comprised of 8 subplots per image containing sEMG data captured from 40 data points per sensor, corresponding to the array of 8 sEMG sensors in the armband. Data captured were then classified into four categories (Fist, Thumbs Up, Open Hand, Rest) via using a deep learning model, Inception-v3, with transfer learning to train the model for accurate prediction of each on real-time input of new data. This trained model was then downloaded to the ARM processor based embedding system to enable the brain-controlled robot-arm prosthetic manufactured from our 3D printer. Testing of the functionality of the method, a robotic arm was produced using a 3D printer and off-the-shelf hardware to control it. SSH communication protocols are employed to execute python files hosted on an embedded Raspberry Pi with ARM processors to trigger movement on the robot arm of the predicted gesture

    A Deep Learning Based Wearable Healthcare Iot Device for AI-Enabled Hearing Assistance Automation

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    With the recent booming of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly deep learning techniques, digital healthcare is one of the prevalent areas that could gain benefits from AI-enabled functionality. This research presents a novel AI-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) device operating from the ESP-8266 platform capable of assisting those who suffer from impairment of hearing or deafness to communicate with others in conversations. In the proposed solution, a server application is created that leverages Google's online speech recognition service to convert the received conversations into texts, then deployed to a micro-display attached to the glasses to display the conversation contents to deaf people, to enable and assist conversation as normal with the general population. Furthermore, in order to raise alert of traffic or dangerous scenarios, an 'urban-emergency' classifier is developed using a deep learning model, Inception-v4, with transfer learning to detect/recognize alerting/alarming sounds, such as a horn sound or a fire alarm, with texts generated to alert the prospective user. The training of Inception-v4 was carried out on a consumer desktop PC and then implemented into the AI-based IoT application. The empirical results indicate that the developed prototype system achieves an accuracy rate of 92% for sound recognition and classification with real-time performance

    Live-Cell Tracking Using SIFT Features in DIC Microscopic Videos

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    In this paper, a novel motion-tracking scheme using scale-invariant features is proposed for automatic cell motility analysis in gray-scale microscopic videos, particularly for the live-cell tracking in low-contrast differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy. In the proposed approach, scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) points around live cells in the microscopic image are detected, and a structure locality preservation (SLP) scheme using Laplacian Eigenmap is proposed to track the SIFT feature points along successive frames of low-contrast DIC videos. Experiments on low-contrast DIC microscopic videos of various live-cell lines shows that in comparison with principal component analysis (PCA) based SIFT tracking, the proposed Laplacian-SIFT can significantly reduce the error rate of SIFT feature tracking. With this enhancement, further experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme is a robust and accurate approach to tackling the challenge of live-cell tracking in DIC microscopy

    Methods for Automated Neuron Image Analysis

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    Knowledge of neuronal cell morphology is essential for performing specialized analyses in the endeavor to understand neuron behavior and unravel the underlying principles of brain function. Neurons can be captured with a high level of detail using modern microscopes, but many neuroscientific studies require a more explicit and accessible representation than offered by the resulting images, underscoring the need for digital reconstruction of neuronal morphology from the images into a tree-like graph structure. This thesis proposes new computational methods for automated detection and reconstruction of neurons from fluorescence microscopy images. Specifically, the successive chapters describe and evaluate original solutions to problems such as the detection of landmarks (critical points) of the neuronal tree, complete tracing and reconstruction of the tree, and the detection of regions containing neurons in high-content screens

    New algorithms for the analysis of live-cell images acquired in phase contrast microscopy

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    La détection et la caractérisation automatisée des cellules constituent un enjeu important dans de nombreux domaines de recherche tels que la cicatrisation, le développement de l'embryon et des cellules souches, l’immunologie, l’oncologie, l'ingénierie tissulaire et la découverte de nouveaux médicaments. Étudier le comportement cellulaire in vitro par imagerie des cellules vivantes et par le criblage à haut débit implique des milliers d'images et de vastes quantités de données. Des outils d'analyse automatisés reposant sur la vision numérique et les méthodes non-intrusives telles que la microscopie à contraste de phase (PCM) sont nécessaires. Comme les images PCM sont difficiles à analyser en raison du halo lumineux entourant les cellules et de la difficulté à distinguer les cellules individuelles, le but de ce projet était de développer des algorithmes de traitement d'image PCM dans Matlab® afin d’en tirer de l’information reliée à la morphologie cellulaire de manière automatisée. Pour développer ces algorithmes, des séries d’images de myoblastes acquises en PCM ont été générées, en faisant croître les cellules dans un milieu avec sérum bovin (SSM) ou dans un milieu sans sérum (SFM) sur plusieurs passages. La surface recouverte par les cellules a été estimée en utilisant un filtre de plage de valeurs, un seuil et une taille minimale de coupe afin d'examiner la cinétique de croissance cellulaire. Les résultats ont montré que les cellules avaient des taux de croissance similaires pour les deux milieux de culture, mais que celui-ci diminue de façon linéaire avec le nombre de passages. La méthode de transformée par ondelette continue combinée à l’analyse d'image multivariée (UWT-MIA) a été élaborée afin d’estimer la distribution de caractéristiques morphologiques des cellules (axe majeur, axe mineur, orientation et rondeur). Une analyse multivariée réalisée sur l’ensemble de la base de données (environ 1 million d’images PCM) a montré d'une manière quantitative que les myoblastes cultivés dans le milieu SFM étaient plus allongés et plus petits que ceux cultivés dans le milieu SSM. Les algorithmes développés grâce à ce projet pourraient être utilisés sur d'autres phénotypes cellulaires pour des applications de criblage à haut débit et de contrôle de cultures cellulaires.Automated cell detection and characterization is important in many research fields such as wound healing, embryo development, immune system studies, cancer research, parasite spreading, tissue engineering, stem cell research and drug research and testing. Studying in vitro cellular behavior via live-cell imaging and high-throughput screening involves thousands of images and vast amounts of data, and automated analysis tools relying on machine vision methods and non-intrusive methods such as phase contrast microscopy (PCM) are a necessity. However, there are still some challenges to overcome, since PCM images are difficult to analyze because of the bright halo surrounding the cells and blurry cell-cell boundaries when they are touching. The goal of this project was to develop image processing algorithms to analyze PCM images in an automated fashion, capable of processing large datasets of images to extract information related to cellular viability and morphology. To develop these algorithms, a large dataset of myoblasts images acquired in live-cell imaging (in PCM) was created, growing the cells in either a serum-supplemented (SSM) or a serum-free (SFM) medium over several passages. As a result, algorithms capable of computing the cell-covered surface and cellular morphological features were programmed in Matlab®. The cell-covered surface was estimated using a range filter, a threshold and a minimum cut size in order to look at the cellular growth kinetics. Results showed that the cells were growing at similar paces for both media, but their growth rate was decreasing linearly with passage number. The undecimated wavelet transform multivariate image analysis (UWT-MIA) method was developed, and was used to estimate cellular morphological features distributions (major axis, minor axis, orientation and roundness distributions) on a very large PCM image dataset using the Gabor continuous wavelet transform. Multivariate data analysis performed on the whole database (around 1 million PCM images) showed in a quantitative manner that myoblasts grown in SFM were more elongated and smaller than cells grown in SSM. The algorithms developed through this project could be used in the future on other cellular phenotypes for high-throughput screening and cell culture control applications