4 research outputs found

    Precopy Live Migration on Core Network Virtualization Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem

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    Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) merupakan suatu arsitektur topologi framework untuk mengirimkan layanan Multimedia berbasiskan IP (Internet Protocol), yang telah menjadi arsitektur framework terkemuka yang sebagai enabler dari operator untuk menawarkan layanan VoIP dan layanan multimedia. Precopy Live Migration merupakan proses migrasi yang diterapkan pada IMS dengan cara page memory pada VM ditransmisikan pada fase iterasi ketika VM sedang dalam state running pada host sumber. Kemudian VM pada sumber di suspend menggunakan fase stop-and-copy dan sisa page memory ditransmisikan menuju host tujuan. Penelitian ini berfokus pada bagaimana IMS tetap dapat melayani pada saat terjadinya migrasi. Downtime yang terlalu lama akan berakibat pada pelayanan dari servis IMS tidak maksimal. Parameter yang akan diuji adalah Downtime, Waktu Migrasi, dan Jumlah data yang di transfer. Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is a framework architect topology to delivery multimedia services (Internet Protocol) based which has become the latest architect framework as operator services enabler that provide VoIP and Multimedia services. Precopy Live Migration implemented to IMS with VM’s memory pages are transmitted in the iteration phase, while the VM is still running at the source. After that, the VM is suspended in the stop- and-copy phase, and the remaining pages are transmitted to the destination. This research focused on how IMS can provide user during migration process. Longest downtime process will impact on service level to user. During migration process, Downtime, Migration Time, and Amount transferred data were evaluated. Keywords: downtime, migration, IMS, Virtual, precopy live migration


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    Cloud computing is one of the most advanced technologies to present computerized generation. Scheduling plays a major role in it. The connectivity of Virtual Machines (VM) to schedule the assigned tasks (cloudlet) is a most attractive field to research. This paper introduces a confined Cloudlet Migration based scheduling algorithm using Enhanced-First Come First Serve (CMeFCFS). The objective of this work is to minimize the makespan, cost and to optimize the resource utilization. The proposed work has been simulated in the CloudSim toolkit package. The results have been compared with pre-existing scheduling algorithms with same experimental configuration. Important parameters like execution time, completion time, cost, makespan and utilization of resources are compared to measure the performance of the proposed algorithm. Extensive simulation results prove that introduced work has better results than existing approaches. 99.8% resource utilization has been achieved by CMeFCFS. Plotted graphs and calculated values show that the proposed algorithm is very effective for cloudlet scheduling

    Live VM Migration under Time-Constraints in Share-Nothing IaaS-Clouds

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    Live VM migration helps attain both cloud-wide load balancing and operational consolidation while the migrating VMs remain accessible to users. To avoid periods of high-load for the involved resources, IaaS-cloud operators assign specific time windows for such migrations to occur in an orderly manner. Moreover, providers typically rely on share-nothing architectures to attain scalability. In this paper, we focus on the real-time scheduling of live VM migrations in large share-nothing IaaS clouds, such that migrations are completed on time and without adversely affecting agreed-upon SLAs. We propose a scalable, distributed network of brokers that oversees the progress of all on-going migration operations within the context of a provider. Brokers make use of an underlying special purpose file system, termed MigrateFS, that is capable of both replicating and keeping in sync virtual disks while the hypervisor live-migrates VMs (i.e., RAM and CPU state). By limiting the resources consumed during migration, brokers implement policies to reduce SLA violations while seeking to complete all migration tasks on time. We evaluate two such policies, one based on task prioritization and a second that considers the financial implications set by migration deadline requirements. Using our MigrateFS prototype operating on a real cloud, we demonstrate the feasibility of performing migrations within time windows. By simulating large clouds, we assess the effectiveness of our proposed broker policies in a share-nothing configuration; we also demonstrate that our approach stresses 24 percent less an already saturated network if compared to an unsupervised set up. © 1990-2012 IEEE

    Live VM Migration Under Time-Constraints in Share-Nothing IaaS-Clouds

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