1,402 research outputs found


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    A list sphere detector (LSD) is an enhancement of a sphere detector (SD) that can be used to approximate the optimal MAP detector. In this paper, we introduce a novel architecture for the increasing radius (IR)-LSD algorithm, which is based on the Dijkstra’s algorithm. The parallelism possibilities are introduced in the presented architecture, which is also scalable for different multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. The novel architecture is implemented on a Virtex-IV field programmable gate array (FPGA) chip using high-level ANSI C++ language based Catapult C Synthesis tool from Mentor Graphics. The used word lengths, the latency of the design, and the required resources are presented and analyzed for 4 x 4 MIMO system with 16- quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). The detector implementation achieves a maximum throughput of 12.1Mbps at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)

    ASIC Implementation Comparison of SIC and LSD Receivers for MIMO-OFDM

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    MIMO-OFDM receivers with horizontal encoding are considered in this paper. The successive interference cancellation (SIC) algorithm is compared to the K-best list sphere detector (LSD). A modification to the K-best LSD algorithm is introduced. The SIC and K-best LSD receivers are designed for a 2 x 2 antenna system with 64-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). The ASIC implementation results for both architectures are presented. The K-best LSD outperforms the SIC receiver in bad channel conditions but the SIC receiver performs better in channels with less correlated MIMO streams. The latency of the K-best LSD is large due to the high modulation order and list size. The throughput of the SIC receiver is more than 6 times higher than that of the K-best LSD.TekesFinnish Funding Agency for Technology and InnovationNokiaTexas InstrumentsNokia Siemens Networks (NSN)Elekrobi


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    In this paper, the complexity and performance of two novel list sphere detector (LSD) algorithms are studied and evaluated in multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system. The LSDs are based on the K-best and the Schnorr-Euchner enumeration (SEE) algorithms. The required list sizes for LSD algorithms are determined for a 2×2 system with 4- quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), 16-QAM, and 64-QAM. The complexity of the algorithms is compared by studying the number of visited nodes per received symbol vector by the algorithm in computer simulations. The SEE based LSD algorithm is found to be a less complex and a feasible choice for implementation compared to the K-best based LSD algorithm.ElekrobitNokiaTexas InstrumentsFinnish Funding Agency for Technology and InnovationTeke

    The Effect of Preprocessing to the Complexity of List Sphere Detector Algorithms

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    A list sphere detector (LSD) is an enhancement of a sphere detector (SD) that can be used to approximate the soft output MAP detector used in the detection of the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) signals. The LSD algorithm executes a tree search on the given lattice and returns a candidate list. The LSD algorithm complexity, i.e., the number of visited nodes in the search tree, can be decreased by applying proper ordering of the transmitted spatial streams in the detection. In this paper, we study the effect of two sophisticated preprocessing methods, the channel matrix column ordering based on Euclidean norm and the sorted QR decomposition (SQRD), to the performance and complexity of the LSD algorithms and compare them to the traditional QR decomposition (QRD). We show that the SQRD preprocessing is a simple way to decrease complexity of the LSD and it decreases the number of visited nodes approximately 20 - 30% compared to the QRD which results in significant number of saved arithmetic operations in the LSD. We also show that the plain channel matrix column ordering is not feasible preprocessing method to be used with LSD in highly correlated channel realization.ElekrobitNokiaNokia Siemens Networks (NSN)Texas InstrumentsFinnish Funding Agency for Technology and InnovationTeke

    Performance - Complexity Comparison of Receivers for a LTE MIMO–OFDM System

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    Implementation of receivers for spatial multiplexing multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) orthogonal-frequency-division-multiplexing (OFDM) systems is considered. The linear minimum mean-square error (LMMSE) and the K-best list sphere detector (LSD) are compared to the iterative successive interference cancellation (SIC) detector and the iterative K-best LSD. The performance of the algorithms is evaluated in 3G long-term evolution (LTE) system. The SIC algorithm is found to perform worse than the K-best LSD when the MIMO channels are highly correlated, while the performance difference diminishes when the correlation decreases. The receivers are designed for 2X2 and 4X4 antenna systems and three different modulation schemes. Complexity results for FPGA and ASIC implementations are found. A modification to the K-best LSD which increases its detection rate is introduced. The ASIC receivers are designed to meet the decoding throughput requirements in LTE and the K-best LSD is found to be the most complex receiver although it gives the best reliable data transmission throughput. The SIC receiver has the best performance–complexity tradeoff in the 2X2 system but in the 4X4 case, the K-best LSD is the most efficient. A receiver architecture which could be reconfigured to using a simple or a more complex detector as the channel conditions change would achieve the best performance while consuming the least amount of power in the receiver

    Implementation aspects of list sphere decoder algorithms for MIMO-OFDM systems

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    A list sphere decoder (LSD) can be used to approximate the optimal maximum a posteriori (MAP) detector for the detection of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) signals. In this paper, we consider two LSD algorithms with different search methods and study some algorithm design choices which relate to the performance and computational complexity of the algorithm. We show that by limiting the dynamic range of log-likelihood ratio, the required LSD list size can be lowered, and, thus, the complexity of the LSD algorithm is decreased. We compare the real and the complex-valued signal models and their impact on the complexity of the algorithms. We show that the real-valued signal model is clearly the less complex choice and a better alternative for implementation. We also show the complexity of the sequential search LSD algorithm can be reduced by limiting the maximum number of checked nodes without sacrificing the performance of the system. Finally, we study the complexity and performance of an iterative receiver, analyze the tradeoff choices between complexity and performance, and show that the additional computational cost in LSD is justified to get better soft-output approximation.TekesFinnish Funding Agency for Technology and InnovationNokiaNokia Siemens Networks (NSN)ElekrobitUninor

    Channel coded iterative center-shifting K-best sphere detection for rank-deficient systems

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    Based on an EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) chart assisted receiver design, a low-complexity near-Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) detector is constructed for high-throughput MIMO systems. A high throughput is achieved by invoking high-order modulation schemes and/or multiple transmit antennas, while employing a novel sphere detector (SD) termed as a center-shifting SD scheme, which updates the SD’s search center during its consecutive iterations with the aid of channel decoder. Two low-complexity iterative center-shifting SD aided receiver architectures are investigated, namely the direct-hard-decision centershifting (DHDC) and the direct-soft-decision center-shifting (DSDC) schemes. Both of them are capable of attaining a considerable memory and complexity reduction over the conventional SD-aided iterative benchmark receiver. For example, the DSDC scheme reduces the candidate-list-generation-related and extrinsic-LLR-calculation related complexity by a factor of 3.5 and 16, respectively. As a further benefit, the associated memory requirements were also reduced by a factor of 16

    Adaptive and Iterative Multi-Branch MMSE Decision Feedback Detection Algorithms for MIMO Systems

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    In this work, decision feedback (DF) detection algorithms based on multiple processing branches for multi-input multi-output (MIMO) spatial multiplexing systems are proposed. The proposed detector employs multiple cancellation branches with receive filters that are obtained from a common matrix inverse and achieves a performance close to the maximum likelihood detector (MLD). Constrained minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) receive filters designed with constraints on the shape and magnitude of the feedback filters for the multi-branch MMSE DF (MB-MMSE-DF) receivers are presented. An adaptive implementation of the proposed MB-MMSE-DF detector is developed along with a recursive least squares-type algorithm for estimating the parameters of the receive filters when the channel is time-varying. A soft-output version of the MB-MMSE-DF detector is also proposed as a component of an iterative detection and decoding receiver structure. A computational complexity analysis shows that the MB-MMSE-DF detector does not require a significant additional complexity over the conventional MMSE-DF detector, whereas a diversity analysis discusses the diversity order achieved by the MB-MMSE-DF detector. Simulation results show that the MB-MMSE-DF detector achieves a performance superior to existing suboptimal detectors and close to the MLD, while requiring significantly lower complexity.Comment: 10 figures, 3 tables; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 201
