12 research outputs found

    On DP-Coloring of Digraphs

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    DP-coloring is a relatively new coloring concept by Dvo\v{r}\'ak and Postle and was introduced as an extension of list-colorings of (undirected) graphs. It transforms the problem of finding a list-coloring of a given graph GG with a list-assignment LL to finding an independent transversal in an auxiliary graph with vertex set {(v,c)  vV(G),cL(v)}\{(v,c) ~|~ v \in V(G), c \in L(v)\}. In this paper, we extend the definition of DP-colorings to digraphs using the approach from Neumann-Lara where a coloring of a digraph is a coloring of the vertices such that the digraph does not contain any monochromatic directed cycle. Furthermore, we prove a Brooks' type theorem regarding the DP-chromatic number, which extends various results on the (list-)chromatic number of digraphs.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Colouring Complete Multipartite and Kneser-type Digraphs

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    The dichromatic number of a digraph DD is the smallest kk such that DD can be partitioned into kk acyclic subdigraphs, and the dichromatic number of an undirected graph is the maximum dichromatic number over all its orientations. Extending a well-known result of Lov\'{a}sz, we show that the dichromatic number of the Kneser graph KG(n,k)KG(n,k) is Θ(n2k+2)\Theta(n-2k+2) and that the dichromatic number of the Borsuk graph BG(n+1,a)BG(n+1,a) is n+2n+2 if aa is large enough. We then study the list version of the dichromatic number. We show that, for any ε>0\varepsilon>0 and 2kn1/2ε2\leq k\leq n^{1/2-\varepsilon}, the list dichromatic number of KG(n,k)KG(n,k) is Θ(nlnn)\Theta(n\ln n). This extends a recent result of Bulankina and Kupavskii on the list chromatic number of KG(n,k)KG(n,k), where the same behaviour was observed. We also show that for any ρ>3\rho>3, r2r\geq 2 and mlnρrm\geq\ln^{\rho}r, the list dichromatic number of the complete rr-partite graph with mm vertices in each part is Θ(rlnm)\Theta(r\ln m), extending a classical result of Alon. Finally, we give a directed analogue of Sabidussi's theorem on the chromatic number of graph products.Comment: 15 page

    Digraph Coloring and Distance to Acyclicity

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    In kk-Digraph Coloring we are given a digraph and are asked to partition its vertices into at most kk sets, so that each set induces a DAG. This well-known problem is NP-hard, as it generalizes (undirected) kk-Coloring, but becomes trivial if the input digraph is acyclic. This poses the natural parameterized complexity question what happens when the input is "almost" acyclic. In this paper we study this question using parameters that measure the input's distance to acyclicity in either the directed or the undirected sense. It is already known that, for all k2k\ge 2, kk-Digraph Coloring is NP-hard on digraphs of DFVS at most k+4k+4. We strengthen this result to show that, for all k2k\ge 2, kk-Digraph Coloring is NP-hard for DFVS kk. Refining our reduction we obtain two further consequences: (i) for all k2k\ge 2, kk-Digraph Coloring is NP-hard for graphs of feedback arc set (FAS) at most k2k^2; interestingly, this leads to a dichotomy, as we show that the problem is FPT by kk if FAS is at most k21k^2-1; (ii) kk-Digraph Coloring is NP-hard for graphs of DFVS kk, even if the maximum degree Δ\Delta is at most 4k14k-1; we show that this is also almost tight, as the problem becomes FPT for DFVS kk and Δ4k3\Delta\le 4k-3. We then consider parameters that measure the distance from acyclicity of the underlying graph. We show that kk-Digraph Coloring admits an FPT algorithm parameterized by treewidth, whose parameter dependence is (tw!)ktw(tw!)k^{tw}. Then, we pose the question of whether the tw!tw! factor can be eliminated. Our main contribution in this part is to settle this question in the negative and show that our algorithm is essentially optimal, even for the much more restricted parameter treedepth and for k=2k=2. Specifically, we show that an FPT algorithm solving 22-Digraph Coloring with dependence tdo(td)td^{o(td)} would contradict the ETH

    Extension of Gyárfás-Sumner conjecture to digraphs

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    The dichromatic number of a digraph D is the minimum number of colors needed to color its vertices in such a way that each color class induces an acyclic digraph. As it generalizes the notion of the chromatic number of graphs, it has been a recent center of study. In this work we look at possible extensions of Gyárfás-Sumner conjecture. More precisely, we propose as a conjecture a simple characterization of finite sets F of digraphs such that every oriented graph with sufficiently large dichromatic number must contain a member of F as an induce subdigraph. Among notable results, we prove that oriented triangle-free graphs without a directed path of length 3 are 2-colorable. If condition of "triangle-free" is replaced with "K 4-free", then we have an upper bound of 414. We also show that an orientation of complete multipartite graph with no directed triangle is 2-colorable. To prove these results we introduce the notion of nice sets that might be of independent interest

    Digraph Colouring and Arc-Connectivity

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    The dichromatic number χ(D)\vec\chi(D) of a digraph DD is the minimum size of a partition of its vertices into acyclic induced subgraphs. We denote by λ(D)\lambda(D) the maximum local edge connectivity of a digraph DD. Neumann-Lara proved that for every digraph DD, χ(D)λ(D)+1\vec\chi(D) \leq \lambda(D) + 1. In this paper, we characterize the digraphs DD for which χ(D)=λ(D)+1\vec\chi(D) = \lambda(D) + 1. This generalizes an analogue result for undirected graph proved by Stiebitz and Toft as well as the directed version of Brooks' Theorem proved by Mohar. Along the way, we introduce a generalization of Haj\'os join that gives a new way to construct families of dicritical digraphs that is of independent interest.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figure