5,890 research outputs found

    Linking in fluid construction grammars

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    Trabajo presentado a la 17th Belgium-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence, celebrada en Bruselas (Bélgica) del 17 al 18 de octubre de 2005.One of the key problems in any language processing system is to establish an adequate syntax/semantics interface, and one of the major requirements of such an interface is that partial meanings contributed by individual words are properly linked with each other based on grammatical constructions. This paper reports how we deal with this problem within the context of Fluid Construction Grammars (fcg). Fcg is a general unification-based inference engine which has been designed to support experiments in the self-organisation of language in a population of interacting situated embodied agents. The paper focuses on technical details pertaining to the linking problem.N

    Who is afraid of constructivism? (¿Quién tiene miedo del constructivismo?)

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    Both generative and constructivist researchers agree that children are able to form abstractions and produce novel grammatically patterned utterances. Both approaches are able to explain such abilities, and hence their existence does not entail an innate Universal Grammar. However, generativists and constructivists differ in their views on the nature of early generalisations: while generative researchers assume that adult-like linguistic representations are present from the very beginning, constructivists argue that children begin with relatively specific, low level schemas and gradually extract more abstract patterns. There is considerable empirical evidence for the latter position. Moreover, constructivist theories provide a better explanation for principled behaviour -not just the observed patterns, but also the absence of certain constructions in children's early productions and various developmental asynchronies. Tanto los investigadores generativistas como constructivistas coinciden en que los niños son capaces de formar abstracciones y de producir emisiones novedosas gramaticalmente estructuradas. Ambos enfoques son capaces de explicar tales habilidades, y por eso su existencia no implica una Gramática Universal innata. Sin embargo, los investigadores generativistas y constructivistas difieren en su visión sobre la naturaleza de las generalizaciones tempranas: mientras que los investigadores generativistas asumen que las representaciones lingüísticas parecidas a las adultas están presentes desde edades tempranas, los constructivistas argumentan que los niños comienzan con esquemas de bajo nivel, relativamente específicos, y que gradualmente extraen esquemas más abstractos. Existe considerable evidencia empírica en apoyo de esta segunda posición. Además, las teorías constructivistas proporcionan una mejor explicación de las conductas basadas en reglas; no sólo de los patrones observados, sino también de la ausencia de ciertas construcciones en las producciones verbales tempranas de los niños y de diversas asincronías evolutivas

    Enhancing a role and reference grammar approach to English motion constructions in a Natural Language Processing environment

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    This paper puts forward a finer-grained computational treatment of the English caused-motion construction (e.g. He kicked the ball into the net) within a knowledge base for natural language processing systems called FunGramKB. This computational project is largely based on Role and Reference Grammar (RRG), which is a functional projectionist theory of language. We argue that the RRG-based characterization of the caused-motion construction in FunGramKB is insufficient to account for the semantic and syntactic complexity of realizations such as He walked the dog to the park, I will show you out, or Mac flew Continental to Bush International Airport. Thus, drawing on insights from Constructions Grammars, three minimally distinct transitive motion sub-constructions are formalized within FunGramKB. It is through the inclusion of additional constructional schemas that the machine will be able to capture the various ways in which verbs and constructions interact to yield different input textsEste artículo presenta un tratamiento computacional más fino de la construcción de movimiento causado en inglés (por ejemplo, He kicked the ball into the net, “metió de una patada la pelota en la red”) en una base de conocimientos para sistemas de Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural llamada FunGramKB. Este proyecto computacional se basa en gran medida en la Gramática del Papel y la Referencia (RRG), que es una teoría funcionalista del lenguaje. Argumentamos que la caracterización basada en la RRG de la construcción de movimiento causado en FunGramKB es insuficiente para explicar la complejidad semántica y sintáctica de realizaciones tales como He walked the dog to the park, I will show you out, or Mac flew Continental to Bush International Airport , “Sacó a pasear al perro al parque, Te enseño la salida, Mac voló Continental al Aeropuerto Internacional Bush”. Así, basándose en las propuestas de las Gramáticas de Construcciones, se formalizan dentro de FunGramKB tres sub-construcciones de movimiento transitivas ligeramente distintas. A través de la de esquemas constructivos adicionales la máquina será capaz de dar cuenta de las diversas formas en que interactúan los verbos y las construcciones para producir diferentes textos de entradaThe research projects on which this paper is based have received financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, grants no. FFI2013- 43593-P and FFI2014-53788-C3-1-

    The evolution of case grammar

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    "There are few linguistic phenomena that have seduced linguists so skillfully as grammatical case has done. Ever since Panini (4th Century BC), case has claimed a central role in linguistic theory and continues to do so today. However, despite centuries worth of research, case has yet to reveal its most important secrets. This book offers breakthrough explanations for the understanding of case through agent-based experiments in cultural language evolution. The experiments demonstrate that case systems may emerge because they have a selective advantage for communication: they reduce the cognitive effort that listeners need for semantic interpretation, while at the same time limiting the cognitive resources required for doing so.

    The evolution of case grammar

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    There are few linguistic phenomena that have seduced linguists so skillfully as grammatical case has done. Ever since Panini (4th Century BC), case has claimed a central role in linguistic theory and continues to do so today. However, despite centuries worth of research, case has yet to reveal its most important secrets. This book offers breakthrough explanations for the understanding of case through agent-based experiments in cultural language evolution. The experiments demonstrate that case systems may emerge because they have a selective advantage for communication: they reduce the cognitive effort that listeners need for semantic interpretation, while at the same time limiting the cognitive resources required for doing so

    The evolution of case grammar

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    There are few linguistic phenomena that have seduced linguists so skillfully as grammatical case has done. Ever since Panini (4th Century BC), case has claimed a central role in linguistic theory and continues to do so today. However, despite centuries worth of research, case has yet to reveal its most important secrets. This book offers breakthrough explanations for the understanding of case through agent-based experiments in cultural language evolution. The experiments demonstrate that case systems may emerge because they have a selective advantage for communication: they reduce the cognitive effort that listeners need for semantic interpretation, while at the same time limiting the cognitive resources required for doing so

    The evolution of case grammar

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    There are few linguistic phenomena that have seduced linguists so skillfully as grammatical case has done. Ever since Panini (4th Century BC), case has claimed a central role in linguistic theory and continues to do so today. However, despite centuries worth of research, case has yet to reveal its most important secrets. This book offers breakthrough explanations for the understanding of case through agent-based experiments in cultural language evolution. The experiments demonstrate that case systems may emerge because they have a selective advantage for communication: they reduce the cognitive effort that listeners need for semantic interpretation, while at the same time limiting the cognitive resources required for doing so

    The evolution of case grammar

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    There are few linguistic phenomena that have seduced linguists so skillfully as grammatical case has done. Ever since Panini (4th Century BC), case has claimed a central role in linguistic theory and continues to do so today. However, despite centuries worth of research, case has yet to reveal its most important secrets. This book offers breakthrough explanations for the understanding of case through agent-based experiments in cultural language evolution. The experiments demonstrate that case systems may emerge because they have a selective advantage for communication: they reduce the cognitive effort that listeners need for semantic interpretation, while at the same time limiting the cognitive resources required for doing so

    The evolution of case grammar

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    There are few linguistic phenomena that have seduced linguists so skillfully as grammatical case has done. Ever since Panini (4th Century BC), case has claimed a central role in linguistic theory and continues to do so today. However, despite centuries worth of research, case has yet to reveal its most important secrets. This book offers breakthrough explanations for the understanding of case through agent-based experiments in cultural language evolution. The experiments demonstrate that case systems may emerge because they have a selective advantage for communication: they reduce the cognitive effort that listeners need for semantic interpretation, while at the same time limiting the cognitive resources required for doing so

    The evolution of case grammar

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    There are few linguistic phenomena that have seduced linguists so skillfully as grammatical case has done. Ever since Panini (4th Century BC), case has claimed a central role in linguistic theory and continues to do so today. However, despite centuries worth of research, case has yet to reveal its most important secrets. This book offers breakthrough explanations for the understanding of case through agent-based experiments in cultural language evolution. The experiments demonstrate that case systems may emerge because they have a selective advantage for communication: they reduce the cognitive effort that listeners need for semantic interpretation, while at the same time limiting the cognitive resources required for doing so