10 research outputs found

    Work in Progress: the Linked Open Bibliographic Data Project

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    Reports on the first stage of a project to create an Open Educational Resource for the teaching of new cataloguing format BIBFRAME. Collaborative creation of knowledge with students is a key aspect of the project, and this is discussed in the context of UCL's Connected Curriculum

    Core Concepts for Future Cataloguers

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    The Linked Open Bibliographic Data project at UCL is developing an Open Educational Resource to enable the teaching and learning of BIBFRAME, the new RDF-based framework designed to take over from MARC. A new bibliographic dataset based on BIBFRAME, which will be linked with other online datasets, has been created for that purpose. The learning resource, which will be publicly available under an open licence on completion, will allow learners to access, explore, query and update the dataset through an intuitive interface built on top of the SPARQL query language. This masterclass shares experience in converting MARC records to BIBFRAME using the Library of Congress’s conversion tools [http://bibframe.org/tools/]. More fundamentally, it provides examples of how our model for Cataloguing is changing from linking record:record to field:field. Using publication data from library academics, we’ll look at what’s new in BIBFRAME and why this matters. Finally, we’ll discuss the extent to which those responsible for inputting data may (or may not) need to get to grips with the new data structure and ways that the enthusiastic can keep up

    Science 2.0 supported by Open Access Repositories and Open Linked Data

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    [EN]The main goal of this track is to gather experiences and works to disseminate initiatives, programmes and projects about both theoretical and technological issues related to Open Knowledge with regard to two key elements: the open access to the scientific knowledge and Science 2.

    Diskursiv friktion mellan öppenhet och auktoritet : en arkeologisk undersökning av bibliotekspolicyer för delning av bibliografiska data på den semantiska webben

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    In the last few years, we have seen an emerging activity among library institutions to release their catalogue data under the terms that are often referred to as “linked, open data”. The linked, open data concept brings some new features to the practice of bibliographic data exchange: It is done in a linked data environment following the technical principles of what is called the “semantic web”. It is also done through the explicit waiving of copyright over the data, through the invocation of “open” licenses that encourage free reuse with few or no restrictions. Since the body of literature within LIS that deals with cataloguing and metadata has been dominated by research from a technical or practice-oriented perspective, this study sets out to investigate the phenomenon of linked, open bibliographic data from a more socially or critically focused point of view. With inspiration from previous studies in classification and knowledge organisation, the theoretical and methodological framework of Michel Foucault is used to analyse policy documents from five national libraries and three large aggregated catalogues. The analysis also draws on the concepts of cognitive and institutional authority developed by Patrick Wilson. The study finds some discursive regularities that in a way “govern” the general discourse on linked, open bibliographic data, as well as the presence of friction between some rather contradictory discourses that exist side by side in the material. On the one hand, there is a strong “openness discourse”, framing the sharing practice as a social, ethical, and political issue as well as a question of technical access. On the other hand, there is a strong “authority discourse”, which underlines the quality of the data and the institution’s metadata production, and thus argues for some control or regulation over how the data can be used, usually in the form of requesting attribution. The release/regulation practices are carried out with reference to either a “goodwill discourse” or a “legal discourse”. Additionally, discourses of provenance, community and development are important regularities in the policy documents. The study calls for an understanding of these recent releases of bibliographic data that regards them neither as simple altruistic actions for the benefit of us all, nor mere technical adjustments of the cataloguing departments to the growing semantic web. The study points to another important aspect, namely that library institutions can use linked, open data not only to distribute bibliographic information, but to position themselves as knowledge authorities or main nodes in a global, network society

    ‚Linked Data‘ - und warum wir uns im hbz-Verbund damit beschäftigen

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    The topic “Linked Open Data“ is pushing more and more into the library sphere. While “Open Data“ is all about the legal status of any kind of data, “Linked Data“ aims at augmenting the interoperability of data by consistently applying (web-)standards. This article begins with an illustration of why “Linked Data“ is relevant to the library world. This is followed by a short introduction to the most important Linked Data standards and some thoughts on how to migrate bibliographic data to these standards. Finally the current activities of the hbz library network concerning this matter are presented

    Uno sguardo sul futuro semantico dell’universo bibliografico

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    Il Web semantico è progettato in modo da consentire non solo ai programmi informatici di implementare da un punto di vista semantico raccolte di dati già esistenti, ma anche alle diverse comunità di utenti di connettere, condividere e comprendere in modo semplice e veloce informazioni strutturate e semi-strutturate. Il movimento Linked Data risponde allo sforzo del Web semantico di sviluppare buone pratiche per la pubblicazione e la connessione di dati strutturati sul Web. Come possono le biblioteche sfruttare quest'opportunità e allo stesso tempo affrontare le sfide che si preannunciano per il futuro semantico dell'universo bibliografico? Come fare in modo che Linked Data e Open Data non si riducano a uno slogan effimero ma guadagnino terreno nello scenario delle future infrastrutture digitali della biblioteca? Obiettivo principale dell'articolo è analizzare alcune questioni teoriche e pratiche diffuse nell'ambiente del web semantico, mettendone in luce vantaggi e svantaggi in relazione all'universo bibliografico.Semantic Web is designed to enable computer programs to enrich semantically big data solutions, as well as to connect, share and understand structured and semi-structured information easily by different user agents. The Linked Data movement is an effort of Semantic Web to develop best practices for publishing and connecting structured data on the Web. How could libraries take advantage of these opportunities and how can they handle the challenges of the semantic future of the bibliographic universe? How to guarantee that Linked Data and Open Data won't be a temporary hype but that they will gain ground in the scenery of future digital library infrastructures? The main objective of this paper is to survey some theory and practical issues used in Semantic Web environment and summarize some of their advantages and drawbacks in dealing with the bibliographic universe

    Contribuição para o desenho e proposta de laboratorio de pesquisa e ensino a partir da análise de iSchools de referência

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar resultados de projeto de pesquisa conduzido no núcleo de Ciência da Informação do Departamento de Ciência da Comunicação e Informação da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. Apresenta reflexões no campo da formação do profissional da informação na Era Digital. Destaca-se a importância da educação como uma ferramenta associada a promoção do crescimento econômico, geração de riqueza e distribuição de renda. No contexto da Ciência da Informação, Biblioteconomia, Arquivologia, Museologia e áreas afins, revisões de projetos pedagógicos são impostas pelas novas demandas por profissionais com habilidades inter-trans-multidisciplinares, capacidade de inovação e habilidades em lidar com ferramentas de tecnologias digitais, sem limitações geopolíticas, e com diversidade cultural. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho está em analisar o modelo organizacional de ensino e pesquisa de uma amostra das escolas de informação que fazem parte do consórcio iSchools, com foco em orientar a tomada de decisão na modernização e inovação nos planos de ensino e pesquisa na área da Ciência da Informação e na contribuição para o desenho e proposta de laboratório de ensino e pesquisa a partir da análise do modelo seguido pelas iSchools e Aplicados a Informação, Comunicação e Cultura sintonizado com as demandas da Sociedade em Rede e da Era Digital.This paper presents the results of a research project undertaken in the Information Science Center of the Communication and Information Science Department of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto. It discusses the qualification of the information professional in the Digital Era, pointing out the importance of education as a tool associated to the promotion of economic growth, generation of wealth and income distribution. In the context of Information Science, Librarianship, Archival Science, Museology, and related areas, the reviewing of educational projects is necessary as the result of the new demands for professionals with inter-trans-multidisciplinary skills, with the ability for innovation and the capacity of dealing with digital technology tools, unhindered by geopolitical limitations and able to deal with cultural diversity. In this context, the objectives of this article are, firstly, to analyze the organizational model of teaching and research of a sample of the information schools of the iSchools consortium, with a focus on helping decision-making with regard to modernization and innovation in the teaching and research plans in the field of Information Science; and secondly, to contribute to the design of teaching and research laboratories applied to information, communication and culture, in line with the demands of the Network Society and the Digital Era, having as a basis an analysis of the model followed by iSchools

    Visibilidad e impacto de la literatura gris científica en repositorios institucionales de acceso abierto. Estudio de caso bibliométrico del repositorio Gredos de la Universidad de Salamanca

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    Object The main objective of this work is to prove the benefits of open access as a model of scientific communication for scientific gray literature, in general, and for electronic doctoral theses, in particular. This research work aims to answer the question on visibility, usability and impact of doctoral theses deposited in open access repositories, through a bibliometric case study of Gredos repository of the University of Salamanca. Method This research comprises two parts: a theory and practice. For locating and selecting of relevant literature that support both parts of the research it conducted a systematic review of the literature. In theory part it carried a detailed study of the state of the scientific knowledge on open access, on institutional repositories as a basis for conducting the case of study of Gredos Repository of the University of Salamanca, on grey literature and doctoral theses, and on altmetrics to mesure their use and impact according the impact studies about the subject. Practice part is based on quantitative analysis of visibility, use and citation of doctoral thesis at the University of Salamanca presented in the period between 2006 and 2011. To obtain the analyzed sample it took into account, first, the data provided by TESEO database and data provided by Blázquez Ochando (2015) about TESEO; for open access PhD theses it used data provided by the repository itself. To make the use and citation analysis of PhD theses it used data about visits and downloads which were extracted of statistics module of Tasmania University installed in Gredos repository and the citation data provided by Google Scholar Citation, previously it also screened and extracted PhD theses data of Web of Science database. It developed a database with the sample of PhD theses to analyze, where it collected a number of variables and indicators on the use, visibility and citation. To work with data it used Excel and SPSS. It carried a descriptive and comparative analysis of the variables under study. The normal distribution tests were performed with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. By Spearman correlation coefficient it estimated the relationship between quantitative variables of the study. To analyze the comparison of visibility and impact indicators according to areas of knowledge he used the Kruskal-Wallis tests. To find between what two groups had differences it carried comparisons (post-hoc) pairs with Dunn test. Results It is shown that the doctoral theses deposited in open access repositories reach a degree of visibility and use that not open access doctoral theses are not in any way; also it shows that doctoral theses disseminated through repositories are cited although the relationship between use and citations received is not proportional, a fact that allows us to deduce the lack of good practices on grey literature citation. Conclusions Institutional repositories are a valid channel to the dissemination of scientific grey literature, particularly the doctoral theses. It can establish a viable bibliometric analysis system for measuring visibility, use, citation and impact of theses deposited in institutional open access repositories.Objetivo. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es demostrar los beneficios del acceso abierto como modelo de comunicación científica para la literatura gris científica en general y para las tesis doctorales electrónicas en particular. El trabajo de investigación que se presenta pretende dar respuesta a la pregunta sobre la visibilidad, usabilidad e impacto de las tesis doctorales depositadas en repositorios de acceso abierto, a través de un estudio de caso bibliométrico del repositorio Gredos de la Universidad de Salamanca. Método. La presente investigación se compone de dos partes: una teórica y otra práctica. Para la localización y selección de la literatura pertinente en la que sustentar las dos partes de la investigación se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura. En la parte teórica se realizó un estudio pormenorizado del estado de la cuestión sobre el conocimiento científico en acceso abierto, sobre los repositorios institucionales como base para el caso de estudio del repositorio Gredos de la Universidad de Salamanca, sobre la literatura gris científica y las tesis doctorales, y sobre las métricas alternativas para medir su uso y su impacto teniendo en cuenta los estudios realizados sobre el tema. La parte práctica se basó en el análisis cuantitativo de visibilidad, uso y citación de las tesis doctorales de la Universidad de Salamanca leídas en el período comprendido entre 2006 y 2011. Para obtener la muestra analizada se tuvieron en cuenta, en primer lugar, los datos proporcionados por la base de datos TESEO y los datos proporcionados por Blázquez Ochando (2015) sobre TESEO; para las tesis en acceso abierto se han empleado los datos proporcionados por el propio repositorio. Para realizar el análisis de uso y citación de las tesis doctorales se utilizaron los datos sobre visitas y descargas extraídos del módulo de estadísticas de la universidad de Tasmania instalado en el repositorio Gredos y los datos sobre citas proporcionados por Google Scholar Citation, previamente también se rastrearon y extrajeron los datos sobre las tesis citadas de la base de datos Web of Science. Se elaboró una base de datos con la muestra de tesis a analizar, en la que se recogió una serie de variables e indicadores sobre el uso, la visibilidad y la citación de las mismas. Para trabajar con los datos se utilizaron Excel y SPSS. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y comparativo de las variables objeto de estudio. Las pruebas de distribución de normalidad se realizaron con el test de Kolmogórov-Smirnov. Mediante el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman se estimó la relación entre las variables cuantitativas del estudio. Para analizar la comparación de los indicadores de visibilidad e impacto según las áreas de conocimiento se utilizó el test de Kruskal-Wallis. Para saber entre qué par de grupos había diferencias se realizaron comparaciones por pares (post-hoc) con el test Dunn. Resultados. Se demuestra que las tesis depositadas en repositorios de acceso abierto alcanzan un grado de visibilidad y uso que no tienen de ninguna forma las tesis que no están en acceso abierto; también se demuestra que las tesis doctorales difundidas a través de repositorios son citadas aunque la relación entre uso y citas recibidas no es proporcional, hecho que permite deducir la falta de buenas prácticas de citación sobre la literatura gris. Conclusiones. Los repositorios institucionales son un canal válido para la difusión de la literatura gris científica, particularmente de las tesis doctorales

    Un nuevo entorno de la catalogación. La entidad ítem en el contexto de las RDA y del Modelo de Referencia Bibliotecaria de la IFLA

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    Han transcurrido casi veinte cinco años desde que se inició el camino para establecer un estándar internacional que permitiera modelar de manera efectiva el universo bibliográfico y posibilitara la puesta en marcha de normas para la catalogación de recursos en el entorno digital. En agosto de 2017 se presentó el Modelo de Referencia Bibliotecaria de la IFLA (Riva, Le Bœuf y Žumer, 2017a), y poco después el RDA Steerling Committee, conocido por sus siglas RSC, anunció su deseo de alinear las instrucciones RDA. Recursos, Descripción y Acceso (JSC, 2010; RSC, 2020) con el modelo conceptual consolidado, proceso que concluyó en diciembre de 2020. Este contexto de cambios estructurales implica una nueva visión en los flujos de trabajo de los bibliotecarios tanto desde el punto de vista teórico como desde el tecnológico. Esta tesis pretende profundizar en la entidad ítem, uno de los elementos del modelo, para valorar cuales son las principales repercusiones que tiene el nuevo entorno en los catálogos o herramientas de descubrimiento, los servicios a los usuarios y también en las tareas de gestión de las colecciones. Se parte de la base del establecimiento de un marco teórico que sitúa el punto de inicio y define el marco de actuación. Posteriormente se realiza un análisis global de los metadatos descriptivos y administrativos asociados a los ítems de una muestra de registros de ejemplar de una colección patrimonial que da lugar a la creación de una taxonomía del ítem relacionada con su ciclo de vida. Posteriormente, se analizan un conjunto de ítems de la misma colección, seleccionados en función de sus características diferenciadoras, a los que se les aplican las normas RDA (JSC, 2010; RSC, 2020) para obtener datos que comparados posibilitan la creación de una herramienta para facilitar la creación de perfiles de aplicación RDA (RSC, 2020) para el ítem. Se observa que, en este contexto, se abre un amplio margen de mejora, una oportunidad para integrar la gestión de los metadatos en las bibliotecas atendiendo a un enfoque holístico, que integre en el mismo proceso los datos considerados administrativos y de gestión o circulación con los descriptivos para ofrecer nuevos servicios a los usuarios, mejorar las visualizaciones que ofrecen los catálogos y la eficiencia en la gestión de colecciones.It has been almost twenty-five years since the way to establish an international standard that would model the bibliographic universe, and enable the implementation of standards for cataloging resources for the digital environment, was started. The IFLA’s Library Reference Model (Riva, Le Boeuf y Žumer, 2017) was presented in 2017, and afterward, the RDA Steering Committee, the RSC, announced his desire to align the consolidated conceptual model with the rules RDA: Resources Description and Access. This process was finally completed in December 2020. In this context, characterized by structural changes, a new vision of the library’s workflows, in a theoretical and technological way, is needed. This work aims to go deeper into the Item entity, an element of the model, to assess what are the main repercussions that this new environment may have on catalogs or resource discovery tools, user services and, also on collection management tasks. The starting point is to establish a theoretical framework that sets and defines it. Subsequently, an overall analysis is made on the descriptive and administrative metadata associated with the items in a sample of records from a heritage library collection, to create a taxonomy of the item. After that, a set of items from the same collection, selected according to their differentiating characteristics, were analyzed applying to them the RDA instructions, (RSC, 2020) to elaborate a useful tool to create an RDA (RSC, 2020) item application profiles. A holistic approach was discovered to improve the systems in a wide sense, and a great opportunity to integrate the metadata management systems in libraries. The data considered as administrative and management or circulation data, with the descriptive data to offer new and better services to users, improve the visualizations offered in the catalogs, and promote efficiency in the collection management are integrated into the same process.Programa de Doctorado en Documentación: Archivos y Bibliotecas en el Entorno Digital por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Blanca Rodríguez Bravo.- Secretario: Fátima García López.- Vocal: Juan Antonio Pastor Sánche

    Linked Data und die Bibliothekswelt

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    The topic “Linked Open Data“ is pushing more and more into the library sphere. While “Open Data“ is all about the legal status of any kind of data, “Linked Data“ aims at augmenting the interoperability of data by consistently applying (web-)standards. This article begins with an illustration of why “Linked Data“ is relevant to the library world. This is followed by a short introduction to the most important Linked Data standards and some thoughts on how to migrate bibliographic data to these standards. Finally the current activities of the hbz library network concerning this matter are presented as the experimental Linked (Open) Bibliographic Data platform lobid.org and its services lobid-resources and lobid-organisations