66 research outputs found

    Evaluation Comparison of Mesh-Based routing Protocols in MANET

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    A multicast routing protocol manages group membership and controls the path that multicast data takes over the network in mobile ad hoc network. This process is done through either tree-based or mesh-based protocols. The mesh-based protocols are more reliable and robust against the tree based protocols. One of the most used on-demand multicast routing protocol is ODMRP (On-Demand Routing Protocol). However, it has the significant overhead due to redundant data delivery group and path maintenance. This overhead has been eliminated through the forwarding node reduction and link break time prediction algorithm (FNRLP). This work aims to exhibit the performance characteristics of mesh-based on-demand multicast routing protocols ODMRP and ODMRP-FNRLP

    Mesh based and Hybrid Multicast routing protocols for MANETs: Current State of the art

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    This paper discusses various multicast routing protocols which are proposed in the recent past each having its own unique characteristic, with a motive of providing a complete understanding of these multicast routing protocols and present the scope of future research in this field. Further, the paper specifically discusses the current development in the development of mesh based and hybrid multicasting routing protocols. The study of this paper addresses the solution of most difficult task in Multicast routing protocols for MANETs under host mobility which causes multi-hop routing which is even more severe with bandwidth limitations. The Multicast routing plays a substantial part in MANETs

    Reliable Multicast in Mobile Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

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    A mobile wireless ad hoc network (MANET) consists of a group of mobile nodes communicating wirelessly with no fixed infrastructure. Each node acts as source or receiver, and all play a role in path discovery and packet routing. MANETs are growing in popularity due to multiple usage models, ease of deployment and recent advances in hardware with which to implement them. MANETs are a natural environment for multicasting, or group communication, where one source transmits data packets through the network to multiple receivers. Proposed applications for MANET group communication ranges from personal network apps, impromptu small scale business meetings and gatherings, to conference, academic or sports complex presentations for large crowds reflect the wide range of conditions such a protocol must handle. Other applications such as covert military operations, search and rescue, disaster recovery and emergency response operations reflect the mission critical nature of many ad hoc applications. Reliable data delivery is important for all categories, but vital for this last one. It is a feature that a MANET group communication protocol must provide. Routing protocols for MANETs are challenged with establishing and maintaining data routes through the network in the face of mobility, bandwidth constraints and power limitations. Multicast communication presents additional challenges to protocols. In this dissertation we study reliability in multicast MANET routing protocols. Several on-demand multicast protocols are discussed and their performance compared. Then a new reliability protocol, R-ODMRP is presented that runs on top of ODMRP, a well documented best effort protocol with high reliability. This protocol is evaluated against ODMRP in a standard network simulator, ns-2. Next, reliable multicast MANET protocols are discussed and compared. We then present a second new protocol, Reyes, also a reliable on-demand multicast communication protocol. Reyes is implemented in the ns-2 simulator and compared against the current standards for reliability, flooding and ODMRP. R-ODMRP is used as a comparison point as well. Performance results are comprehensively described for latency, bandwidth and reliable data delivery. The simulations show Reyes to greatly outperform the other protocols in terms of reliability, while also outperforming R-ODMRP in terms of latency and bandwidth overhead

    Multicast outing protocols and architectures in mobile ad-hoc wireless networks

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    The basic philosophy of personal communication services is to provide user-to-user, location independent communication services. The emerging group communication wireless applications, such as multipoint data dissemination and multiparty conferencing tools have made the design and development of efficient multicast techniques in mobile ad-hoc networking environments a necessity and not just a desire. Multicast protocols in mobile adhoc networks have been an area of active research for the past few years. In this dissertation, protocols and architectures for supporting multicast services are proposed, analyzed and evaluated in mobile ad-hoc wireless networks. In the first chapter, the activities and recent advances are summarized in this work-in-progress area by identifying the main issues and challenges that multicast protocols are facing in mobile ad-hoc networking environments and by surveying several existing multicasting protocols. a classification of the current multicast protocols is presented, the functionality of the individual existing protocols is discussed, and a qualitative comparison of their characteristics is provided according to several distinct features and performance parameters. In the second chapter, a novel mobility-based clustering strategy that facilitates the support of multicast routing and mobility management is presented in mobile ad-hoc networks. In the proposed structure, mobile nodes are organized into nonoverlapping clusters which have adaptive variable-sizes according to their respective mobility. The mobility-based clustering (MBC) approach which is proposed uses combination of both physical and logical partitions of the network (i.e. geographic proximity and functional relation between nodes, such as mobility pattern etc.). In the third chapter, an entropy-based modeling framework for supporting and evaluating the stability is proposed in mobile ad-hoc wireless networks. The basic motivations of the proposed modeling approach stem from the commonality observed in the location uncertainty in mobile ad-hoc wireless networks and the concept of entropy. In the fourth chapter, a Mobility-based Hybrid Multicast Routing (MHMR) protocol suitable for mobile ad-hoc networks is proposed. The MHMR uses the MBC algorithm as the underlying structure. The main features that the proposed protocol introduces are the following: a) mobility based clustering and group based hierarchical structure, in order to effectively support the stability and scalability, b) group based (limited) mesh structure and forwarding tree concepts, in order to support the robustness of the mesh topologies which provides limited redundancy and the efficiency of tree forwarding simultaneously, and c) combination of proactive and reactive concepts which provide the low route acquisition delay of proactive techniques and the low overhead of reactive methods. In the fifth chapter, an architecture for supporting geomulticast services with high message delivery accuracy is presented in mobile ad-hoc wireless networks. Geomulticast is a specialized location-dependent multicasting technique, where messages are multicast to some specific user groups within a specific zone. An analytical framework which is used to evaluate the various geomulticast architectures and protocols is also developed and presented. The last chapter concludes the dissertation

    A Novel Scalable Multicast Mesh Routing Protocol for Mobile ad hoc Networks

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    In recent years the use of portable and wireless equipment is becoming more widespread, and as in many situations communication infrastructure might not be available, wireless networks such as Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are becoming increasingly important. A mobile ad hoc network is a collection of nodes that exchanges data over wireless paths. The nodes in this network are free to move at any time, therefore the network topology changes in an unpredictable way. Since there is no fixed infrastructure support in mobile ad hoc networks, each node functions as a host and a router. Due to mobility, continuous change in topology, limited bandwidth, and reliance on batteries; designing a reliable and scalable routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks is a challenging task. Multicast routing protocols have been developed for routing packets in mobile ad hoc networks. Existing protocols suffer from overheads and scalability. As the number of senders, groups, and mobility speed increases, the routing overhead and the packet collision increases, and therefore the packet delivery ratio decreases. Thus none of the existing proposed multicast routing protocols perform well in every situation. In this study a novel multicast routing protocol for ad hoc networks is proposed. It is an efficient and scalable routing protocol, and named Network Sender Multicast Routing Protocol (NSMRP). NSMRP is a reactive mesh based multicast routing protocol. A central node called mesh sender (MS) is selected periodically from among the group(s) sender(s) to create one mesh in order to be used in forwarding control and data packets to all multicast group(s) member(s). One invitation message will be periodically flooded to all group(s) member(s) by MS to join the group(s). The proposed routing protocol is evaluated by simulation and compared with a well known routing protocol. The results are analyzed and conclusions are drawn

    Mobility-adaptive clustering and network-layer multicasting in mobile ad hoc networks

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    Energy Efficient Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Contemporary Affirmation of Benchmarking Models in Recent Literature

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    The Mobile Ad hoc Networks playing critical role in network aided communication requirements The features such as ad hoc and open architecture based connectivity and node mobility are elevating the mobile ad hoc networks as much as feasible to deploy and use The direct communication between any of two nodes in this network is possible if target node is in the range of source node If not the indirect communication took place which is usually referred as multi hop routing The multi hop routing occurs as either a unicast model one source node to one destination node multicast model one source node to multiple destination nodes or multiple casting manifold unicast routing In these routing strategies provision of service quality in multi hop routing is a challenging task The optimal quality of service in routing magnifies the delivery ratio transmission rate network life span and other expected characteristics of the ad hoc routing Among the quality service provision factors minimal energy conservation is prime factor which is since the nodes involved in routing are self-energized and if discharged early then the route will be destructed that causes discontinued routing The energy consumption is more specific in multicast routing hence it is grabbing the more attention of the current research contribution

    A Survey of QoS Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks

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    The aim of this paper is to give a big survey in enhancing the balance of the routing load and the consumption of resources using network layer metrics for the path discovery in the MAODV protocol. A ad hoc network (AD HOC NETWORKS) consists of a collection of wireless mobile nodes, which form a temporary network without relying on any existing infrastructure or centralized administration. The bandwidth of the ad hoc networks architecture is limited and shared between the participating nodes in the network, therefore an efficient utilization of the network bandwidth is very important. Multicasting technology can minimize the consumption of the link bandwidth and reduce the communication cost too. As multimedia and group-oriented computing gains more popularity for users of ad hoc networks, the effective Quality of Service (QoS) of the multicasting protocol plays a significant role in ad hoc networks. In this paper we propose a reconstruction of the MAODV protocol by extending some featuring QoS in MAODV. All simulations are prepared with the NS2 simulator and compare the performance of this algorithm with the MAODV algorithm. The achieved results illustrate faster path discovery and more performing routing balance in the use of MAODV-Extension.This paper would give relatively a modest support in Mobile Technology according to QoS communication

    Multicast Routing Algorithms and Failure Analyses for Low Earth Orbit Satellite Communication Networks

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    In the rapidly changing environment of mobile communications, the importance of the mobile satellite (e,g,, low earth orbit satellites (LEOsats)) networks will increase due to their global visibility and connection. Multicasting is an effective communication method in terms of frequency spectrum usage for a LEO network. It is devised to provide lower network traffic (i,e,, one-to-many transmissions). This research examines the system performance of two dissimilar terrestrially-based multicasting protocols: the Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP) and the On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP). These two protocols are simulated in large group membership density and in the presence of satellite failures. Two different algorithms are developed and used to select critical satellites for degrading a LEO network constellation. The simulation results show that the ODMRP protocol successfully reconfigured routes in large group membership density areas and in satellite failure conditions. Results also show that the ODMRP provided reliable packet delivery. However, ODMRP showed an enormous end-to-end delay in severe satellite failure conditions. This result is attributable to the delayed route refreshing procedure of ODMRP. In contrast, the DVMRP suffered from broken routes and complexity in the large group membership density and in satellite failure conditions. It had a smaller packet delivery ratio than the ODMRP (approximately 85,5% versus 98,9% for the 80 user case). The DVMRP showed scalable and stable end-to-end delay under multiple failed satellite conditions. The large group membership density and the multiple satellite failure conditions provide a more complete assessment for these two protocols

    Design and investigation of scalable multicast recursive protocols for wired and wireless ad hoc networks

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    The ever-increasing demand on content distribution and media streaming over the Internet has created the need for efficient methods of delivering information. One of the most promising approaches is based on multicasting. However, multicast solutions have to cope with several constraints as well as being able to perform in different environments such as wired, wireless, and ad hoc environments. Additionally, the scale and size of the Internet introduces another dimension of difficulty. Providing scalable multicast for mobile hosts in wireless environment and in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is a challenging problem. In the past few years, several protocols have been proposed to efficient multicast solutions over the Internet, but these protocols did not give efficient solution for the scalability issue. In this thesis, scalable multicast protocols for wired, wireless and wireless ad hoc networks are proposed and evaluated. These protocols share the idea of building up a multicast tree gradually and recursively as join/leave of the multicast group members using a dynamic branching node-based tree (DBT) concept. The DBT uses a pair of branching node messages (BNMs). These messages traverse between a set of dynamically assigned branching node routers (BNRs) to build the multicast tree. In the proposed protocols only the branching node routers (BNRs) carry the state information about their next BNRs rather than the multicast group members, which gives a fixed size of control packet header size as the multicast group size increases, i.e. a good solution to the problem of scalability. Also the process of join/leave of multicast group members is carried out locally which gives low join/leave latency. The proposed protocols include: Scalable Recursive Multicast protocol (SReM) which is proposed using the DBT concepts mentioned above, Mobile Scalable Recursive Multicast protocol (MoSReM) which is an extension for SReM by taking into consideration the mobility feature in the end hosts and performing an efficient roaming process, and finally, a Scalable Ad hoc Recursive Multicast protocol (SARM) to achieve the mobility feature for all nodes and performing an efficient solution for link recovery because of node movement. By cost analysis and an extensive simulation, the proposed protocols show many positive features like fixed size control messages, being scalable, low end to end delay, high packet rate delivery and low normalized routing overhead. The thesis concludes by discussing the contributions of the proposed protocols on scalable multicast in the Internet society