15,252 research outputs found

    QoS management and control for an all-IP WiMAX network architecture: Design, implementation and evaluation

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    The IEEE 802.16 standard provides a specification for a fixed and mobile broadband wireless access system, offering high data rate transmission of multimedia services with different Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements through the air interface. The WiMAX Forum, going beyond the air interface, defined an end-to-end WiMAX network architecture, based on an all-IP platform in order to complete the standards required for a commercial rollout of WiMAX as broadband wireless access solution. As the WiMAX network architecture is only a functional specification, this paper focuses on an innovative solution for an end-to-end WiMAX network architecture offering in compliance with the WiMAX Forum specification. To our best knowledge, this is the first WiMAX architecture built by a research consortium globally and was performed within the framework of the European IST project WEIRD (WiMAX Extension to Isolated Research Data networks). One of the principal features of our architecture is support for end-to-end QoS achieved by the integration of resource control in the WiMAX wireless link and the resource management in the wired domains in the network core. In this paper we present the architectural design of these QoS features in the overall WiMAX all-IP framework and their functional as well as performance evaluation. The presented results can safely be considered as unique and timely for any WiMAX system integrator

    A Query Integrator and Manager for the Query Web

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    We introduce two concepts: the Query Web as a layer of interconnected queries over the document web and the semantic web, and a Query Web Integrator and Manager (QI) that enables the Query Web to evolve. QI permits users to write, save and reuse queries over any web accessible source, including other queries saved in other installations of QI. The saved queries may be in any language (e.g. SPARQL, XQuery); the only condition for interconnection is that the queries return their results in some form of XML. This condition allows queries to chain off each other, and to be written in whatever language is appropriate for the task. We illustrate the potential use of QI for several biomedical use cases, including ontology view generation using a combination of graph-based and logical approaches, value set generation for clinical data management, image annotation using terminology obtained from an ontology web service, ontology-driven brain imaging data integration, small-scale clinical data integration, and wider-scale clinical data integration. Such use cases illustrate the current range of applications of QI and lead us to speculate about the potential evolution from smaller groups of interconnected queries into a larger query network that layers over the document and semantic web. The resulting Query Web could greatly aid researchers and others who now have to manually navigate through multiple information sources in order to answer specific questions

    A Neural Model of How The Brain Represents and Compares Numbers

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    Many psychophysical experiments have shown that the representation of numbers and numerical quantities in humans and animals is related to number magnitude. A neural network model is proposed to quantitatively simulate error rates in quantification and numerical comparison tasks, and reaction times for number priming and numerical assessment and comparison tasks. Transient responses to inputs arc integrated before they activate an ordered spatial map that selectively responds to the number of events in a sequence. The dynamics of numerical comparison are encoded in activity pattern changes within this spatial map. Such changes cause a "directional comparison wave" whose properties mimic data about numerical comparison. These model mechanisms are variants of neural mechanisms that have elsewhere been used to explain data about motion perception, attention shifts, and target tracking. Thus, the present model suggests how numerical representations may have emerged as specializations of more primitive mechanisms in the cortical Where processing stream.National Science Foundation (IRI-97-20333); Defense Advanced research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409); National Institute of Health (1-R29-DC02952-01

    A VHDL-AMS Simulation Environment for an UWB Impulse Radio Transceiver

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    Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) communication based on the impulse radio paradigm is becoming increasingly popular. According to the IEEE 802.15 WPAN Low Rate Alternative PHY Task Group 4a, UWB will play a major role in localization applications, due to the high time resolution of UWB signals which allow accurate indirect measurements of distance between transceivers. Key for the successful implementation of UWB transceivers is the level of integration that will be reached, for which a simulation environment that helps take appropriate design decisions is crucial. Owing to this motivation, in this paper we propose a multiresolution UWB simulation environment based on the VHDL-AMS hardware description language, along with a proper methodology which helps tackle the complexity of designing a mixed-signal UWB System-on-Chip. We applied the methodology and used the simulation environment for the specification and design of an UWB transceiver based on the energy detection principle. As a by-product, simulation results show the effectiveness of UWB in the so-called ranging application, that is the accurate evaluation of the distance between a couple of transceivers using the two-way-ranging metho

    A Hierachical Infrastrucutre for SOC Test Management

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    HD2BIST - a complete hierarchical framework for BIST scheduling, data-patterns delivery, and diagnosis of complex systems - maximizes and simplifies the reuse of built-in test architectures. HD2BIST optimizes the flexibility for chip designers in planning an overall SoC test strategy by defining a test access method that provides direct virtual access to each core of the system

    High-Order Stochastic Gradient Thermostats for Bayesian Learning of Deep Models

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    Learning in deep models using Bayesian methods has generated significant attention recently. This is largely because of the feasibility of modern Bayesian methods to yield scalable learning and inference, while maintaining a measure of uncertainty in the model parameters. Stochastic gradient MCMC algorithms (SG-MCMC) are a family of diffusion-based sampling methods for large-scale Bayesian learning. In SG-MCMC, multivariate stochastic gradient thermostats (mSGNHT) augment each parameter of interest, with a momentum and a thermostat variable to maintain stationary distributions as target posterior distributions. As the number of variables in a continuous-time diffusion increases, its numerical approximation error becomes a practical bottleneck, so better use of a numerical integrator is desirable. To this end, we propose use of an efficient symmetric splitting integrator in mSGNHT, instead of the traditional Euler integrator. We demonstrate that the proposed scheme is more accurate, robust, and converges faster. These properties are demonstrated to be desirable in Bayesian deep learning. Extensive experiments on two canonical models and their deep extensions demonstrate that the proposed scheme improves general Bayesian posterior sampling, particularly for deep models.Comment: AAAI 201

    QCD simulations with staggered fermions on GPUs

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    We report on our implementation of the RHMC algorithm for the simulation of lattice QCD with two staggered flavors on Graphics Processing Units, using the NVIDIA CUDA programming language. The main feature of our code is that the GPU is not used just as an accelerator, but instead the whole Molecular Dynamics trajectory is performed on it. After pointing out the main bottlenecks and how to circumvent them, we discuss the obtained performances. We present some preliminary results regarding OpenCL and multiGPU extensions of our code and discuss future perspectives.Comment: 22 pages, 14 eps figures, final version to be published in Computer Physics Communication

    The GENGA Code: Gravitational Encounters in N-body simulations with GPU Acceleration

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    We describe an open source GPU implementation of a hybrid symplectic N-body integrator, GENGA (Gravitational ENcounters with Gpu Acceleration), designed to integrate planet and planetesimal dynamics in the late stage of planet formation and stability analyses of planetary systems. GENGA uses a hybrid symplectic integrator to handle close encounters with very good energy conservation, which is essential in long-term planetary system integration. We extended the second order hybrid integration scheme to higher orders. The GENGA code supports three simulation modes: Integration of up to 2048 massive bodies, integration with up to a million test particles, or parallel integration of a large number of individual planetary systems. We compare the results of GENGA to Mercury and pkdgrav2 in respect of energy conservation and performance, and find that the energy conservation of GENGA is comparable to Mercury and around two orders of magnitude better than pkdgrav2. GENGA runs up to 30 times faster than Mercury and up to eight times faster than pkdgrav2. GENGA is written in CUDA C and runs on all NVIDIA GPUs with compute capability of at least 2.0.Comment: Accepted by ApJ. 18 pages, 17 figures, 4 table
