5 research outputs found

    Multi-criteria decision methods for CSR management – literature review

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    Business today faces a managerial transition to adapt a new decision-making criterion and a course of action; namely, “corporate sustainability.” Corporate social responsibility can be embedded in (or fostered by) value-based management. In any case, adopting CSR as a part of a firm’s strategy and operations requires changed standards for decision-making. Decision-makers face the challenge of following tangible and intangible goals of multiple stakeholders. This study provides insights into how multi criteria decision tools can be harnessed to operationalize CSR. The method applied in the article is a systematic international literature review. The findings suggest that papers aimed at using MCDM to enhance CSR management are mostly newer publications. Three important research avenues have emerged. In the first avenue, MCDMs are seen and used to enhance managerial decisions where a number of heterogenic goals must be achieved. The second avenue is where MCDMs are seen and used to evaluate a firm’s quantitative and qualitative outcomes in terms of values created for multiple stakeholders. The third trend is connected with sustainable supply-chain management

    Studi eksplorasi alternatif pendekatan untuk pemilihan perusahaan skala menengah program poliot project implementsi industri hijau

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    Industri hijau merupakan isu hangat yang diperbincangkan di berbagai negara setelah dicanangkannya Kyoto Protocol yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi emisi karbon di seluruh dunia. Konsep industri hijau ialah dengan meminimalisir penggunaan sumber daya alam serta mengurangi emisi yang dihasilkan. Pemerintah Indonesia juga memberi perhatian khusus pada permasalahan tersebut dengan memasukkan standar industri hijau di Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No. 14 Tahun 2014 tentang perindustrian. Pemerintah Kota Surabaya melalui Dinas Perdagangan dan Perindustrian juga memberikan fasilitas berupa pendampingan untuk program pilot project implementasi industri hijau. Perusahaan pilot project yang sukses menerapkan standar industri hijau diharapkan mampu mendorong perusahaan-perusahaan lain di Kota Surabaya untuk menerapkan hal yang sama. Oleh karena itu proses pemilihan perusahaan akan menjadi fase paling kritis karena perusahaan rujukan diharapkan memiliki kesediaan dan kesiapan untuk menerapkan standar industri hijau sesuai dengan pedoman industri hijau dari Kementrian Perindustrian. Penelitian ini akan membahas tentang proses pemilihan perusahaan skala menengah untuk pilot project implementasi industri hijau Kota Surabaya menggunakan beberapa pendekatan yaitu top-down, bottom-up, dan hybrid. Pendekatan top-down yang dibahas akan meliputi pembuatan model pemilihan perusahaan potensial, penggunaan Analytical Network Process (ANP) dan Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Idea Solution (TOPSIS). Pendekatan bottom-up yang dibahas akan meliputi pembuatan brosur dan pemasangan iklan tentang pilot project implementasi industri hijau, proses pendistribusian brosur dan jangka waktu pemasangan iklan, serta pendaftaran peserta pilot project. Pendekatan hybrid dilakukan dengan memberikan informasi tentang implementasi industri hijau pada organisasi pemerhati industri di Kota Surabaya agar organisasi tersebut mendorong para pengusaha untuk mengajukan diri sebagai peserta pilot project. Ketiga pendekatan belum mampu mencapai target 10 perusahaan yang menjadi pilot project namun pendekatan top-down yang paling banyak meraih perusahaan peserta pilot project. Untuk penerapan pilot project industri hijau di kota lain peneliti merekomendasikan untuk menerapkan pendekatan top-down dengan kondisi ideal. ============================================================================================================ Green industry is becoming a hot issue all over the world. The basic principles of it are to minimize resources and emissions. Several developed and developing countries have obligated the implementation of green industry. Indonesian government also strives to implement the green industry principles by adding green industrial standards through the Act No. 14/2014. To support the implementation of that Act, Indonesian government through the Ministry of Industry has published the guideline for implementing green industry. In response to that Act, Surabaya City Government, that has successfully reduced carbon emission by green and clean initiatives in housing, kampong, and open space, tries to select some medium enterprises to implement the green industry principles in their companies. The selected companies will be provided technical assistance to fully implement the green standards, thus become the pilot projects in Surabaya. It is expected that the success of those selected companies will trigger other companies to implement the green principles as well. In Indonesian context, the role of examples is proven in successfully rolling programs. Therefore the selection process of potential medium companies to be the pilot projects becomes the critical step in implementing the program. This paper will present the processes and the findings of the selection process done by Surabaya Council of Trade and Industry together with ITS Team through several approach such as top-down, bottom-up, and hybrid. The top-down selection consists of criteria setting, Analytical Network Process (ANP) modeling, and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Idea Solution (TOPSIS) processing. Workshops and industrial visits are also the part of the selection processes. The bottom-up selection consists of brochure’s distribution, advertisement’s news paper, and also registration of pilot project. The hybrid selection consists of information’s distribution about green industry’s pilot project on industrial organization. The most effective approach from three alternatives above is top-down approach which can mor enterprise for becoming the participant of green industry pilot project than top-down and hybrid. The result of the paper can be a good reference for other cities that want to implement the same program in the future

    Development of Decision Making Techniques for Analysing the Designation of the Northern Sea Route (NSR)

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    The prospect of being able to shorten the route between Europe and the Far East using the NSR as a permanent shipping lane is attracting increasing interest. This is why the use of the NSR is now a major topic, especially in financial circles, amongst politicians, and shipping operators. Numerous assessments to determine the potential cost advantage of using the NSR as a transit route have been conducted throughout recent years. These are, however conflicting in their conclusions and a final answer to the question is therefore lacking. The primary aim of this research is the application of decision-making tools to analyse the current routes of the NSR. Accordingly, this will lead to the development of decision-making techniques that will formulate a tool for shipping companies to select the most cost-effective route(s) for travelling between the Far East and European regions

    Influência do protocolo agroambiental na gestão ambiental de indústrias do setor sucroenergético da microrregião de Assis/SP: um estudo de múltiplos casos

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    Tese apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração - Doutorado da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do SulA noção de que existe certa tensão entre as atividades econômicas e o ambiente natural não é recente. Estudos têm evidenciado que a inserção da dimensão ambiental na gestão corporativa pode trazer ganhos de competitividade para as organizações, além de melhorar sua imagem diante de seus stakeholders. Nesse âmbito, o agronegócio nacional tem passado por uma crise ambiental sem precedentes. A configuração dessa crise está intrinsicamente associada à irradiação direta e indireta dos efeitos da organização socioeconômica e técnica do espaço rural que se expandiu na agricultura brasileira desde os anos de 1960. No bojo desse contexto estão as agroindústrias e fornecedores de cana-de-açúcar atuantes no setor sucroenergético que apresentam forte expansão, especialmente na Região Centro-Sul, com significativos impactos econômico, social e ambiental. A demanda social por um ambiente mais limpo, aliada ao aumento da regulação ambiental, têm forçado as empresas desse setor a realizar e participar de programas extensivos de prevenção e mitigação dos impactos ambientais. Dessa concepção, surge o Protocolo Agroambiental do Setor Sucroenergético Paulista, que consiste num acordo de cooperação assinado em junho de 2007 entre o governo do Estado de São Paulo, representado pelas Secretarias de Estado do Meio Ambiente (SMA) e da Agricultura e Abastecimento (SAA), a União da Indústria de Cana-de-Açúcar (UNICA) e a Organização de Plantadores de Cana da Região Centro-Sul (ORPLANA). O Protocolo Agroambiental faz parte do Projeto Etanol Verde, cujo objetivo consiste no desenvolvimento de ações que estimulem a sustentabilidade da cadeia produtiva de açúcar, etanol e bioenergia. Assim, essa pesquisa objetivou analisar a gestão ambiental de indústrias do setor sucroenergético localizadas na Microrregião de Assis/SP, a partir da implementação e execução das Diretivas Técnicas do Protocolo Agroambiental. Para tanto, elaborou-se uma plataforma teórico-conceitual que proporcionou sustentação à pesquisa, além de subsidiar a elaboração do roteiro para entrevista semiestruturada, o protocolo geral de pesquisa, o protocolo de pesquisa para observação sistemática e o roteiro para análise documental. Em conformidade com os procedimentos técnicos, efetuou-se um estudo de múltiplos casos em quatro Agroindústrias, dois Fornecedores e uma Associação de Fornecedores. Como auxílio à análise de conteúdo utilizou-se o software ATLAS.ti – Qualitative Data Analysis, versão 7. Os resultados permitiram constatar que há uma significativa importância atribuída ao Protocolo Agroambiental, a ponto de ser visto pelos players como uma certificação, inclusive como pré-requisito para certificações internacionais, sobretudo através do cumprimento de suas Diretivas Técnicas. Através da propositura da taxonomia de níveis de gestão ambiental exclusiva para essa tese, apurou-se que, com exceção da AGR2, todas as demais Agroindústrias e Fornecedores encontram-se no Nível Intermediário (INT) de gestão ambiental. Além disso, o Protocolo Agroambiental, de adesão voluntária, contribuiu fortemente com os avanços no desenvolvimento regional sustentável, ao estimular as empresas do setor a investirem em tecnologia que aumentasse a eficiência de seus processos nas áreas agrícola e industrial, mormente quanto à minimização dos impactos ambientai