687 research outputs found

    Data-Efficient Decentralized Visual SLAM

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    Decentralized visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is a powerful tool for multi-robot applications in environments where absolute positioning systems are not available. Being visual, it relies on cameras, cheap, lightweight and versatile sensors, and being decentralized, it does not rely on communication to a central ground station. In this work, we integrate state-of-the-art decentralized SLAM components into a new, complete decentralized visual SLAM system. To allow for data association and co-optimization, existing decentralized visual SLAM systems regularly exchange the full map data between all robots, incurring large data transfers at a complexity that scales quadratically with the robot count. In contrast, our method performs efficient data association in two stages: in the first stage a compact full-image descriptor is deterministically sent to only one robot. In the second stage, which is only executed if the first stage succeeded, the data required for relative pose estimation is sent, again to only one robot. Thus, data association scales linearly with the robot count and uses highly compact place representations. For optimization, a state-of-the-art decentralized pose-graph optimization method is used. It exchanges a minimum amount of data which is linear with trajectory overlap. We characterize the resulting system and identify bottlenecks in its components. The system is evaluated on publicly available data and we provide open access to the code.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to ICRA 201

    Past, Present, and Future of Simultaneous Localization And Mapping: Towards the Robust-Perception Age

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)consists in the concurrent construction of a model of the environment (the map), and the estimation of the state of the robot moving within it. The SLAM community has made astonishing progress over the last 30 years, enabling large-scale real-world applications, and witnessing a steady transition of this technology to industry. We survey the current state of SLAM. We start by presenting what is now the de-facto standard formulation for SLAM. We then review related work, covering a broad set of topics including robustness and scalability in long-term mapping, metric and semantic representations for mapping, theoretical performance guarantees, active SLAM and exploration, and other new frontiers. This paper simultaneously serves as a position paper and tutorial to those who are users of SLAM. By looking at the published research with a critical eye, we delineate open challenges and new research issues, that still deserve careful scientific investigation. The paper also contains the authors' take on two questions that often animate discussions during robotics conferences: Do robots need SLAM? and Is SLAM solved

    Robust Planar Odometry Based on Symmetric Range Flow and Multiscan Alignment.

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    This paper presents a dense method for estimating planar motion with a laser scanner. Starting from a symmetric representation of geometric consistency between scans, we derive a precise range flow constraint and express the motion of the scan observations as a function of the rigid motion of the scanner. In contrast to existing techniques, which align the incoming scan with either the previous one or the last selected keyscan, we propose a combined and efficient formulation to jointly align all these three scans at every iteration. This new formulation preserves the advantages of keyscan-based strategies but, is more robust against suboptimal selection of keyscans and the presence of moving objects. An extensive evaluation of our method is presented with simulated and real data in both static and dynamic environments. Results show that our approach is one order of magnitude faster and significantly more accurate than existing methods in all the conducted experiments. With a runtime of about one millisecond, it is suitable for those robotic applications that require planar odometry with low computational cost. The code is available online as a ROS package.Spanish Government (project DPI2014-55826-R ) and grant program FPI-MICINN2012), An dalusian Government (projectTEP2012-530)and the ERC Consolidator Grant 3DReloade

    Robust and efficient robotic mapping

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 123-129).Mobile robots are dependent upon a model of the environment for many of their basic functions. Locally accurate maps are critical to collision avoidance, while large-scale maps (accurate both metrically and topologically) are necessary for efficient route planning. Solutions to these problems have immediate and important applications to autonomous vehicles, precision surveying, and domestic robots. Building accurate maps can be cast as an optimization problem: find the map that is most probable given the set of observations of the environment. However, the problem rapidly becomes difficult when dealing with large maps or large numbers of observations. Sensor noise and non-linearities make the problem even more difficult especially when using inexpensive (and therefore preferable) sensors. This thesis describes an optimization algorithm that can rapidly estimate the maximum likelihood map given a set of observations. The algorithm, which iteratively reduces map error by considering a single observation at a time, scales well to large environments with many observations. The approach is particularly robust to noise and non-linearities, quickly escaping local minima that trap current methods. Both batch and online versions of the algorithm are described. In order to build a map, however, a robot must first be able to recognize places that it has previously seen. Limitations in sensor processing algorithms, coupled with environmental ambiguity, make this difficult. Incorrect place recognitions can rapidly lead to divergence of the map. This thesis describes a place recognition algorithm that can robustly handle ambiguous data. We evaluate these algorithms on a number of challenging datasets and provide quantitative comparisons to other state-of-the-art methods, illustrating the advantages of our methods.by Edwin B. Olson.Ph.D

    Visual Odometry and Sparse Scene Reconstruction for UAVs with a Multi-Fisheye Camera System

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    Autonomously operating UAVs demand a fast localization for navigation, to actively explore unknown areas and to create maps. For pose estimation, many UAV systems make use of a combination of GPS receivers and inertial sensor units (IMU). However, GPS signal coverage may go down occasionally, especially in the close vicinity of objects, and precise IMUs are too heavy to be carried by lightweight UAVs. This and the high cost of high quality IMU motivate the use of inexpensive vision based sensors for localization using visual odometry or visual SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping) techniques. The first contribution of this thesis is a more general approach to bundle adjustment with an extended version of the projective coplanarity equation which enables us to make use of omnidirectional multi-camera systems which may consist of fisheye cameras that can capture a large field of view with one shot. We use ray directions as observations instead of image points which is why our approach does not rely on a specific projection model assuming a central projection. In addition, our approach allows the integration and estimation of points at infinity, which classical bundle adjustments are not capable of. We show that the integration of far or infinitely far points stabilizes the estimation of the rotation angles of the camera poses. In its second contribution, we employ this approach to bundle adjustment in a highly integrated system for incremental pose estimation and mapping on light-weight UAVs. Based on the image sequences of a multi-camera system our system makes use of tracked feature points to incrementally build a sparse map and incrementally refines this map using the iSAM2 algorithm. Our system is able to optionally integrate GPS information on the level of carrier phase observations even in underconstrained situations, e.g. if only two satellites are visible, for georeferenced pose estimation. This way, we are able to use all available information in underconstrained GPS situations to keep the mapped 3D model accurate and georeferenced. In its third contribution, we present an approach for re-using existing methods for dense stereo matching with fisheye cameras, which has the advantage that highly optimized existing methods can be applied as a black-box without modifications even with cameras that have field of view of more than 180 deg. We provide a detailed accuracy analysis of the obtained dense stereo results. The accuracy analysis shows the growing uncertainty of observed image points of fisheye cameras due to increasing blur towards the image border. Core of the contribution is a rigorous variance component estimation which allows to estimate the variance of the observed disparities at an image point as a function of the distance of that point to the principal point. We show that this improved stochastic model provides a more realistic prediction of the uncertainty of the triangulated 3D points.Autonom operierende UAVs benötigen eine schnelle Lokalisierung zur Navigation, zur Exploration unbekannter Umgebungen und zur Kartierung. Zur Posenbestimmung verwenden viele UAV-Systeme eine Kombination aus GPS-Empfängern und Inertial-Messeinheiten (IMU). Die Verfügbarkeit von GPS-Signalen ist jedoch nicht überall gewährleistet, insbesondere in der Nähe abschattender Objekte, und präzise IMUs sind für leichtgewichtige UAVs zu schwer. Auch die hohen Kosten qualitativ hochwertiger IMUs motivieren den Einsatz von kostengünstigen bildgebenden Sensoren zur Lokalisierung mittels visueller Odometrie oder SLAM-Techniken zur simultanen Lokalisierung und Kartierung. Im ersten wissenschaftlichen Beitrag dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir einen allgemeineren Ansatz für die Bündelausgleichung mit einem erweiterten Modell für die projektive Kollinearitätsgleichung, sodass auch omnidirektionale Multikamerasysteme verwendet werden können, welche beispielsweise bestehend aus Fisheyekameras mit einer Aufnahme einen großen Sichtbereich abdecken. Durch die Integration von Strahlrichtungen als Beobachtungen ist unser Ansatz nicht von einem kameraspezifischen Abbildungsmodell abhängig solange dieses der Zentralprojektion folgt. Zudem erlaubt unser Ansatz die Integration und Schätzung von unendlich fernen Punkten, was bei klassischen Bündelausgleichungen nicht möglich ist. Wir zeigen, dass durch die Integration weit entfernter und unendlich ferner Punkte die Schätzung der Rotationswinkel der Kameraposen stabilisiert werden kann. Im zweiten Beitrag verwenden wir diesen entwickelten Ansatz zur Bündelausgleichung für ein System zur inkrementellen Posenschätzung und dünnbesetzten Kartierung auf einem leichtgewichtigen UAV. Basierend auf den Bildsequenzen eines Mulitkamerasystems baut unser System mittels verfolgter markanter Bildpunkte inkrementell eine dünnbesetzte Karte auf und verfeinert diese inkrementell mittels des iSAM2-Algorithmus. Unser System ist in der Lage optional auch GPS Informationen auf dem Level von GPS-Trägerphasen zu integrieren, wodurch sogar in unterbestimmten Situation - beispielsweise bei nur zwei verfügbaren Satelliten - diese Informationen zur georeferenzierten Posenschätzung verwendet werden können. Im dritten Beitrag stellen wir einen Ansatz zur Verwendung existierender Methoden für dichtes Stereomatching mit Fisheyekameras vor, sodass hoch optimierte existierende Methoden als Black Box ohne Modifzierungen sogar mit Kameras mit einem Gesichtsfeld von mehr als 180 Grad verwendet werden können. Wir stellen eine detaillierte Genauigkeitsanalyse basierend auf dem Ergebnis des dichten Stereomatchings dar. Die Genauigkeitsanalyse zeigt, wie stark die Genauigkeit beobachteter Bildpunkte bei Fisheyekameras zum Bildrand aufgrund von zunehmender Unschärfe abnimmt. Das Kernstück dieses Beitrags ist eine Varianzkomponentenschätzung, welche die Schätzung der Varianz der beobachteten Disparitäten an einem Bildpunkt als Funktion von der Distanz dieses Punktes zum Hauptpunkt des Bildes ermöglicht. Wir zeigen, dass dieses verbesserte stochastische Modell eine realistischere Prädiktion der Genauigkeiten der 3D Punkte ermöglicht

    Automatic Reconstruction of Textured 3D Models

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    Three dimensional modeling and visualization of environments is an increasingly important problem. This work addresses the problem of automatic 3D reconstruction and we present a system for unsupervised reconstruction of textured 3D models in the context of modeling indoor environments. We present solutions to all aspects of the modeling process and an integrated system for the automatic creation of large scale 3D models

    Grid-based scan-to-map matching for accurate 2D map building

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    © 2016 Taylor & Francis and The Robotics Society of Japan. This paper presents a grid-based scan-to-map matching technique for accurate 2D map building. At every acquisition of a new scan, the proposed technique matches the new scan to the previous scan similarly to the conventional techniques, but further corrects the error by matching the new scan to the globally defined map. In order to achieve best scan-to-map matching at each acquisition, the map is represented as a grid map with multiple normal distributions (NDs) in each cell, which is one contribution of this paper. Additionally, the new scan is also represented by NDs, developing a novel ND-to-ND matching technique. This ND-to-ND matching technique has significant potential in the enhancement of the global matching as well as the computational efficiency. Experimental results first show that the proposed technique accumulates very small errors after consecutive matchings and identifies that the scans are matched better to the map with the multi-ND representation than one ND representation. The proposed technique is then tested in a number of large indoor environments, including public domain datasets and the applicability to real world problems is demonstrated
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