17 research outputs found

    Bounding normalization time through intersection types

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    Non-idempotent intersection types are used in order to give a bound of the length of the normalization beta-reduction sequence of a lambda term: namely, the bound is expressed as a function of the size of the term.Comment: In Proceedings ITRS 2012, arXiv:1307.784

    Call-by-value non-determinism in a linear logic type discipline

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    We consider the call-by-value lambda-calculus extended with a may-convergent non-deterministic choice and a must-convergent parallel composition. Inspired by recent works on the relational semantics of linear logic and non-idempotent intersection types, we endow this calculus with a type system based on the so-called Girard's second translation of intuitionistic logic into linear logic. We prove that a term is typable if and only if it is converging, and that its typing tree carries enough information to give a bound on the length of its lazy call-by-value reduction. Moreover, when the typing tree is minimal, such a bound becomes the exact length of the reduction

    The probability of non-confluent systems

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    We show how to provide a structure of probability space to the set of execution traces on a non-confluent abstract rewrite system, by defining a variant of a Lebesgue measure on the space of traces. Then, we show how to use this probability space to transform a non-deterministic calculus into a probabilistic one. We use as example Lambda+, a recently introduced calculus defined through type isomorphisms.Comment: In Proceedings DCM 2013, arXiv:1403.768

    On the discriminating power of tests in resource lambda-calculus

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    Since its discovery, differential linear logic (DLL) inspired numerous domains. In denotational semantics, categorical models of DLL are now commune, and the simplest one is Rel, the category of sets and relations. In proof theory this naturally gave birth to differential proof nets that are full and complete for DLL. In turn, these tools can naturally be translated to their intuitionistic counterpart. By taking the co-Kleisly category associated to the ! comonad, Rel becomes MRel, a model of the \Lcalcul that contains a notion of differentiation. Proof nets can be used naturally to extend the \Lcalcul into the lambda calculus with resources, a calculus that contains notions of linearity and differentiations. Of course MRel is a model of the \Lcalcul with resources, and it has been proved adequate, but is it fully abstract? That was a strong conjecture of Bucciarelli, Carraro, Ehrhard and Manzonetto. However, in this paper we exhibit a counter-example. Moreover, to give more intuition on the essence of the counter-example and to look for more generality, we will use an extension of the resource \Lcalcul also introduced by Bucciarelli et al for which \Minf is fully abstract, the tests

    Call-by-Value solvability, revisited

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    International audienceIn the call-by-value lambda-calculus solvable terms have been characterised by means of call-by-name reductions, which is disappointing and requires complex reasonings. We introduce the value substitution lambda-calculus, a simple calculus borrowing ideas from Herbelin and Zimmerman's call-by-value lambda-CBV calculus and from Accattoli and Kesner's substitution calculus lambda-sub. In this new setting, we characterise solvable terms as those terms having normal form with respect to a suitable restriction of the rewriting relation

    Proof Normalisation in a Logic Identifying Isomorphic Propositions

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    We define a fragment of propositional logic where isomorphic propositions, such as A∧BA\land B and B∧AB\land A, or A⇒(B∧C)A\Rightarrow (B\land C) and (A⇒B)∧(A⇒C)(A\Rightarrow B)\land(A\Rightarrow C) are identified. We define System I, a proof language for this logic, and prove its normalisation and consistency

    Inhabitation for Non-idempotent Intersection Types

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    The inhabitation problem for intersection types in the lambda-calculus is known to be undecidable. We study the problem in the case of non-idempotent intersection, considering several type assignment systems, which characterize the solvable or the strongly normalizing lambda-terms. We prove the decidability of the inhabitation problem for all the systems considered, by providing sound and complete inhabitation algorithms for them

    Extensional proofs in a propositional logic modulo isomorphisms

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    System I is a proof language for a fragment of propositional logic where isomorphic propositions, such as A∧BA\wedge B and B∧AB\wedge A, or A⇒(B∧C)A\Rightarrow(B\wedge C) and (A⇒B)∧(A⇒C)(A\Rightarrow B)\wedge(A\Rightarrow C) are made equal. System I enjoys the strong normalisation property. This is sufficient to prove the existence of empty types, but not to prove the introduction property (every closed term in normal form is an introduction). Moreover, a severe restriction had to be made on the types of the variables in order to obtain the existence of empty types. We show here that adding η\eta-expansion rules to System I permits to drop this restriction, and yields a strongly normalising calculus with enjoying the full introduction property.Comment: 15 pages plus references and appendi

    Call-by-Value solvability, revisited

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    International audienceIn the call-by-value lambda-calculus solvable terms have been characterised by means of call-by-name reductions, which is disappointing and requires complex reasonings. We introduce the value substitution lambda-calculus, a simple calculus borrowing ideas from Herbelin and Zimmerman's call-by-value lambda-CBV calculus and from Accattoli and Kesner's substitution calculus lambda-sub. In this new setting, we characterise solvable terms as those terms having normal form with respect to a suitable restriction of the rewriting relation