1,045 research outputs found

    Distributed Memory, GPU Accelerated Fock Construction for Hybrid, Gaussian Basis Density Functional Theory

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    With the growing reliance of modern supercomputers on accelerator-based architectures such a GPUs, the development and optimization of electronic structure methods to exploit these massively parallel resources has become a recent priority. While significant strides have been made in the development of GPU accelerated, distributed memory algorithms for many-body (e.g. coupled-cluster) and spectral single-body (e.g. planewave, real-space and finite-element density functional theory [DFT]), the vast majority of GPU-accelerated Gaussian atomic orbital methods have focused on shared memory systems with only a handful of examples pursuing massive parallelism on distributed memory GPU architectures. In the present work, we present a set of distributed memory algorithms for the evaluation of the Coulomb and exact-exchange matrices for hybrid Kohn-Sham DFT with Gaussian basis sets via direct density-fitted (DF-J-Engine) and seminumerical (sn-K) methods, respectively. The absolute performance and strong scalability of the developed methods are demonstrated on systems ranging from a few hundred to over one thousand atoms using up to 128 NVIDIA A100 GPUs on the Perlmutter supercomputer.Comment: 45 pages, 9 figure

    Complexity Reduction in Density Functional Theory: Locality in Space and Energy

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    We present recent developments of the NTChem program for performing large scale hybrid Density Functional Theory calculations on the supercomputer Fugaku. We combine these developments with our recently proposed Complexity Reduction Framework to assess the impact of basis set and functional choice on its measures of fragment quality and interaction. We further exploit the all electron representation to study system fragmentation in various energy envelopes. Building off this analysis, we propose two algorithms for computing the orbital energies of the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian. We demonstrate these algorithms can efficiently be applied to systems composed of thousands of atoms and as an analysis tool that reveals the origin of spectral properties.Comment: Accepted Manuscrip

    X10 for high-performance scientific computing

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    High performance computing is a key technology that enables large-scale physical simulation in modern science. While great advances have been made in methods and algorithms for scientific computing, the most commonly used programming models encourage a fragmented view of computation that maps poorly to the underlying computer architecture. Scientific applications typically manifest physical locality, which means that interactions between entities or events that are nearby in space or time are stronger than more distant interactions. Linear-scaling methods exploit physical locality by approximating distant interactions, to reduce computational complexity so that cost is proportional to system size. In these methods, the computation required for each portion of the system is different depending on that portion’s contribution to the overall result. To support productive development, application programmers need programming models that cleanly map aspects of the physical system being simulated to the underlying computer architecture while also supporting the irregular workloads that arise from the fragmentation of a physical system. X10 is a new programming language for high-performance computing that uses the asynchronous partitioned global address space (APGAS) model, which combines explicit representation of locality with asynchronous task parallelism. This thesis argues that the X10 language is well suited to expressing the algorithmic properties of locality and irregular parallelism that are common to many methods for physical simulation. The work reported in this thesis was part of a co-design effort involving researchers at IBM and ANU in which two significant computational chemistry codes were developed in X10, with an aim to improve the expressiveness and performance of the language. The first is a Hartree–Fock electronic structure code, implemented using the novel Resolution of the Coulomb Operator approach. The second evaluates electrostatic interactions between point charges, using either the smooth particle mesh Ewald method or the fast multipole method, with the latter used to simulate ion interactions in a Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance mass spectrometer. We compare the performance of both X10 applications to state-of-the-art software packages written in other languages. This thesis presents improvements to the X10 language and runtime libraries for managing and visualizing the data locality of parallel tasks, communication using active messages, and efficient implementation of distributed arrays. We evaluate these improvements in the context of computational chemistry application examples. This work demonstrates that X10 can achieve performance comparable to established programming languages when running on a single core. More importantly, X10 programs can achieve high parallel efficiency on a multithreaded architecture, given a divide-and-conquer pattern parallel tasks and appropriate use of worker-local data. For distributed memory architectures, X10 supports the use of active messages to construct local, asynchronous communication patterns which outperform global, synchronous patterns. Although point-to-point active messages may be implemented efficiently, productive application development also requires collective communications; more work is required to integrate both forms of communication in the X10 language. The exploitation of locality is the key insight in both linear-scaling methods and the APGAS programming model; their combination represents an attractive opportunity for future co-design efforts

    On the Efficient Evaluation of the Exchange Correlation Potential on Graphics Processing Unit Clusters

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    The predominance of Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS-DFT) for the theoretical treatment of large experimentally relevant systems in molecular chemistry and materials science relies primarily on the existence of efficient software implementations which are capable of leveraging the latest advances in modern high performance computing (HPC). With recent trends in HPC leading towards in increasing reliance on heterogeneous accelerator based architectures such as graphics processing units (GPU), existing code bases must embrace these architectural advances to maintain the high-levels of performance which have come to be expected for these methods. In this work, we purpose a three-level parallelism scheme for the distributed numerical integration of the exchange-correlation (XC) potential in the Gaussian basis set discretization of the Kohn-Sham equations on large computing clusters consisting of multiple GPUs per compute node. In addition, we purpose and demonstrate the efficacy of the use of batched kernels, including batched level-3 BLAS operations, in achieving high-levels of performance on the GPU. We demonstrate the performance and scalability of the implementation of the purposed method in the NWChemEx software package by comparing to the existing scalable CPU XC integration in NWChem.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure

    Coupled cluster theory on modern heterogeneous supercomputers

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    This study examines the computational challenges in elucidating intricate chemical systems, particularly through ab-initio methodologies. This work highlights the Divide-Expand-Consolidate (DEC) approach for coupled cluster (CC) theory—a linear-scaling, massively parallel framework—as a viable solution. Detailed scrutiny of the DEC framework reveals its extensive applicability for large chemical systems, yet it also acknowledges inherent limitations. To mitigate these constraints, the cluster perturbation theory is presented as an effective remedy. Attention is then directed towards the CPS (D-3) model, explicitly derived from a CC singles parent and a doubles auxiliary excitation space, for computing excitation energies. The reviewed new algorithms for the CPS (D-3) method efficiently capitalize on multiple nodes and graphical processing units, expediting heavy tensor contractions. As a result, CPS (D-3) emerges as a scalable, rapid, and precise solution for computing molecular properties in large molecular systems, marking it an efficient contender to conventional CC models

    T-cell epitope prediction and immune complex simulation using molecular dynamics: state of the art and persisting challenges

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    Atomistic Molecular Dynamics provides powerful and flexible tools for the prediction and analysis of molecular and macromolecular systems. Specifically, it provides a means by which we can measure theoretically that which cannot be measured experimentally: the dynamic time-evolution of complex systems comprising atoms and molecules. It is particularly suitable for the simulation and analysis of the otherwise inaccessible details of MHC-peptide interaction and, on a larger scale, the simulation of the immune synapse. Progress has been relatively tentative yet the emergence of truly high-performance computing and the development of coarse-grained simulation now offers us the hope of accurately predicting thermodynamic parameters and of simulating not merely a handful of proteins but larger, longer simulations comprising thousands of protein molecules and the cellular scale structures they form. We exemplify this within the context of immunoinformatics

    Roadmap on electronic structure codes in the exascale era

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    Electronic structure calculations have been instrumental in providing many important insights into a range of physical and chemical properties of various molecular and solid-state systems. Their importance to various fields, including materials science, chemical sciences, computational chemistry, and device physics, is underscored by the large fraction of available public supercomputing resources devoted to these calculations. As we enter the exascale era, exciting new opportunities to increase simulation numbers, sizes, and accuracies present themselves. In order to realize these promises, the community of electronic structure software developers will however first have to tackle a number of challenges pertaining to the efficient use of new architectures that will rely heavily on massive parallelism and hardware accelerators. This roadmap provides a broad overview of the state-of-the-art in electronic structure calculations and of the various new directions being pursued by the community. It covers 14 electronic structure codes, presenting their current status, their development priorities over the next five years, and their plans towards tackling the challenges and leveraging the opportunities presented by the advent of exascale computing