351 research outputs found

    Linear-Regression Estimation of the Propagation-Loss Parameters Using Mobiles' Measurements in Wireless Cellular Networks

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    Cellular NetworksInternational audienceWe propose a new linear-regression model for the estimation of the path-loss exponent and the parameters of the shadowing from the propagation-loss data collected by the mobiles with respect to their serving base stations. The difficulty consists in deriving the parameters of the distribution of the propagation loss with respect to an arbitrary base station from these regarding the strongest one. The proposed solution is based on a simple, explicit relation between the two distributions in the case of infinite Poisson network and on the convergence of an arbitrary regular (in particular hexagonal) network to the Poisson one with increasing variance of the shadowing. The new approach complements existing methods, in particular the one based on COSTWalfisch-Ikegami model, which does not allow for the shadowing estimation and is not suited for indoor scenario

    Wireless networks appear Poissonian due to strong shadowing

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    Geographic locations of cellular base stations sometimes can be well fitted with spatial homogeneous Poisson point processes. In this paper we make a complementary observation: In the presence of the log-normal shadowing of sufficiently high variance, the statistics of the propagation loss of a single user with respect to different network stations are invariant with respect to their geographic positioning, whether regular or not, for a wide class of empirically homogeneous networks. Even in perfectly hexagonal case they appear as though they were realized in a Poisson network model, i.e., form an inhomogeneous Poisson point process on the positive half-line with a power-law density characterized by the path-loss exponent. At the same time, the conditional distances to the corresponding base stations, given their observed propagation losses, become independent and log-normally distributed, which can be seen as a decoupling between the real and model geometry. The result applies also to Suzuki (Rayleigh-log-normal) propagation model. We use Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to empirically study the quality of the Poisson approximation and use it to build a linear-regression method for the statistical estimation of the value of the path-loss exponent

    Stochastic Signal Processing and Power Control for Wireless Communication Systems

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    This dissertation is concerned with dynamical modeling, estimation and identification of wireless channels from received signal measurements. Optimal power control algorithms, mobile location and velocity estimation methods are developed based on the proposed models. The ultimate performance limits of any communication system are determined by the channel it operates in. In this dissertation, we propose new stochastic wireless channel models which capture both the space and time variations of wireless systems. The proposed channel models are based on stochastic differential equations (SDEs) driven by Brownian motions. These models are more realistic than the time invariant models encountered in the literature which do not capture and track the time varying characteristics of the propagation environment. The statistics of the proposed models are shown to be time varying, and converge in steady state to their static counterparts. Cellular and ad hoc wireless channel models are developed. In urban propagation environment, the parameters of the channel models can be determined from approximating the band-limited Doppler power spectral density (DPSD) by rational transfer functions. However, since the DPSD is not available on-line, a filterbased expectation maximization algorithm and Kalman filter to estimate the channel parameters and states, respectively, are proposed. The algorithm is recursive allowing the inphase and quadrature components and parameters to be estimated on-line from received signal measurements. The algorithms are tested using experimental data, and the results demonstrate the method’s viability for both cellular and ad hoc networks. Power control increases system capacity and quality of communications, and reduces battery power consumption. A stochastic power control algorithm is developed using the so-called predictable power control strategies. An iterative distributed algorithm is then deduced using stochastic approximations. The latter only requires each mobile to know its received signal to interference ratio at the receiver

    Distributed Power Control for Cellular Networks in the Presence of Channel Uncertainties

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    In this paper, a novel distributed power control (DPC) scheme for cellular network in the presence of radio channel uncertainties such as path loss, shadowing, and Rayleigh fading is presented. Since these uncertainties can attenuate the received signal strength and can cause variations in the received Signal-to-Interference ratio (SIR), a new DPC scheme, which can estimate the slowly varying channel uncertainty, is proposed so that a target SIR at the receiver can be maintained. Further, the standard assumption of a constant interference during a link\u27s power update used in other works in the literature is relaxed. A CDMA-based cellular network environment has been developed to compare the proposed scheme with earlier approaches. The results show that our DPC scheme can converge faster than others by adapting to the channel variations. In the presence of channel uncertainties, our DPC scheme renders lower outage probability while consuming significantly low power per active mobile user compared with other schemes that are available in the literature

    Distributed Power Control of Cellular Networks in the Presence of Channel Uncertainties

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    A novel distributed power control (DPC) scheme for cellular networks in the presence of radio channel uncertainties such as path loss shadowing, and Rayleigh fading is presented. Since these uncertainties can attenuate the received signal strength and can cause variations in the received Signal-to-lnterference ratio (SIR), the proposed DPC scheme maintains a target SIR at the receiver provided the uncertainty is slowly varying with time. The DPC estimates the time varying nature of the channel quickly and uses the information to arrive at a suitable transmitter power value . Further, the standard assumption of a constant interference during a link\u27s power update used in other work in the literature is relaxed. A CDMA-hased celluar network environment is used to compare the proposed scheme with earlier approaches. The results show that our DPC scheme can converge faster than others by adapting to the channel variations. The proposed DPC scheme can render outage prohability of 5 to 30% in the presence of uncertainties compared with other schemes of 50 to 90% while consuming law power per active mobile user. In other words, the proposed DPC scheme allows significant increase in network capacity while consuming low- power values even when the channel is uncertain

    Études des systèmes de communications sans-fil dans un environnement rural difficile

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    Les systèmes de communication sans fil, ayant de nombreux avantages pour les zones rurales, peuvent aider la population à bien s'y établir au lieu de déménager vers les centres urbains, accentuant ainsi les problèmes d’embouteillage, de pollution et d’habitation. Pour une planification et un déploiement efficace de ces systèmes, l'atténuation du signal radio et la réussite des liens d’accès doivent être envisagées. Ce travail s’intéresse à la provision d’accès Internet sans fil dans le contexte rural canadien caractérisé par sa végétation dense et ses variations climatiques extrêmes vu que les solutions existantes sont plus concentrées sur les zones urbaines. Pour cela, nous étudions plusieurs cas d’environnements difficiles affectant les performances des systèmes de communication. Ensuite, nous comparons les systèmes de communication sans fil les plus connus. Le réseau sans fil fixe utilisant le Wi-Fi ayant l’option de longue portée est choisi pour fournir les communications aux zones rurales. De plus, nous évaluons l'atténuation du signal radio, car les modèles existants sont conçus, en majorité, pour les technologies mobiles en zones urbaines. Puis, nous concevons un nouveau modèle empirique pour les pertes de propagation. Des approches utilisant l’apprentissage automatique sont ensuite proposées, afin de prédire le succès des liens sans fil, d’optimiser le choix des points d'accès et d’établir les limites de validité des paramètres des liens sans fil fiables. Les solutions proposées font preuve de précision (jusqu’à 94 % et 8 dB RMSE) et de simplicité, tout en considérant une multitude de paramètres difficiles à prendre en compte tous ensemble avec les solutions classiques existantes. Les approches proposées requièrent des données fiables qui sont généralement difficiles à acquérir. Dans notre cas, les données de DIGICOM, un fournisseur Internet sans fil en zone rurale canadien, sont utilisées. Wireless communication systems have many advantages for rural areas, as they can help people settle comfortably and conveniently in these regions instead of relocating to urban centers causing various overcrowding, habitation, and pollution problems. For effective planning and deployment of these technologies, the attenuation of the radio signal and the success of radio links must be precisely predicted. This work examines the provision of wireless internet access in the Canadian rural context, characterized by its dense vegetation and its extreme climatic variations, since existing solutions are more focused on urban areas. Hence, we study several cases of difficult environments affecting the performances of communication systems. Then, we compare the best-known wireless communication systems. The fixed wireless network using Wi-Fi, having the long-range option, is chosen to provide wireless access to rural areas. Moreover, we evaluate the attenuation of the radio signal, since the existing path loss models are generally designed for mobile technologies in urban areas. Then, we design a new path loss empirical model. Several approaches are then proposed by using machine learning to predict the success of wireless links, optimize the choice of access points and establish the validity limits for the pertinent parameters of reliable wireless connections. The proposed solutions are characterized by their accuracy (up to 94% and 8 dB RMSE) and simplicity while considering a wide range of parameters that are difficult to consider all together with conventional solutions. These approaches require reliable data, which is generally difficult to acquire. In our case, the dataset from DIGICOM, a rural Canadian wireless internet service provider, is used
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