5 research outputs found

    Bidirectional Text Compression in External Memory

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    Bidirectional compression algorithms work by substituting repeated substrings by references that, unlike in the famous LZ77-scheme, can point to either direction. We present such an algorithm that is particularly suited for an external memory implementation. We evaluate it experimentally on large data sets of size up to 128 GiB (using only 16 GiB of RAM) and show that it is significantly faster than all known LZ77 compressors, while producing a roughly similar number of factors. We also introduce an external memory decompressor for texts compressed with any uni- or bidirectional compression scheme

    Linear-Time Text Compression by Longest-First Substitution

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    We consider grammar-based text compression with longest first substitution (LFS), where non-overlapping occurrences of a longest repeating factor of the input text are replaced by a new non-terminal symbol. We present the first linear-time algorithm for LFS. Our algorithm employs a new data structure called sparse lazy suffix trees. We also deal with a more sophisticated version of LFS, called LFS2, that allows better compression. The first linear-time algorithm for LFS2 is also presented

    27th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms: ESA 2019, September 9-11, 2019, Munich/Garching, Germany

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