71 research outputs found

    ASAP : towards accurate, stable and accelerative penetrating-rank estimation on large graphs

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    Pervasive web applications increasingly require a measure of similarity among objects. Penetrating-Rank (P-Rank) has been one of the promising link-based similarity metrics as it provides a comprehensive way of jointly encoding both incoming and outgoing links into computation for emerging applications. In this paper, we investigate P-Rank efficiency problem that encompasses its accuracy, stability and computational time. (1) We provide an accuracy estimate for iteratively computing P-Rank. A symmetric problem is to find the iteration number K needed for achieving a given accuracy Δ. (2) We also analyze the stability of P-Rank, by showing that small choices of the damping factors would make P-Rank more stable and well-conditioned. (3) For undirected graphs, we also explicitly characterize the P-Rank solution in terms of matrices. This results in a novel non-iterative algorithm, termed ASAP , for efficiently computing P-Rank, which improves the CPU time from O(n 4) to O( n 3 ). Using real and synthetic data, we empirically verify the effectiveness and efficiency of our approaches

    High quality graph-based similarity search

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    SimRank is an influential link-based similarity measure that has been used in many fields of Web search and sociometry. The best-of-breed method by Kusumoto et. al., however, does not always deliver high-quality results, since it fails to accurately obtain its diagonal correction matrix D. Besides, SimRank is also limited by an unwanted "connectivity trait": increasing the number of paths between nodes a and b often incurs a decrease in score s(a,b). The best-known solution, SimRank++, cannot resolve this problem, since a revised score will be zero if a and b have no common in-neighbors. In this paper, we consider high-quality similarity search. Our scheme, SR#, is efficient and semantically meaningful: (1) We first formulate the exact D, and devise a "varied-D" method to accurately compute SimRank in linear memory. Moreover, by grouping computation, we also reduce the time of from quadratic to linear in the number of iterations. (2) We design a "kernel-based" model to improve the quality of SimRank, and circumvent the "connectivity trait" issue. (3) We give mathematical insights to the semantic difference between SimRank and its variant, and correct an argument: "if D is replaced by a scaled identity matrix, top-K rankings will not be affected much". The experiments confirm that SR# can accurately extract high-quality scores, and is much faster than the state-of-the-art competitors

    On the efficiency of estimating penetrating rank on large graphs

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    P-Rank (Penetrating Rank) has been suggested as a useful measure of structural similarity that takes account of both incoming and outgoing edges in ubiquitous networks. Existing work often utilizes memoization to compute P-Rank similarity in an iterative fashion, which requires cubic time in the worst case. Besides, previous methods mainly focus on the deterministic computation of P-Rank, but lack the probabilistic framework that scales well for large graphs. In this paper, we propose two efficient algorithms for computing P-Rank on large graphs. The first observation is that a large body of objects in a real graph usually share similar neighborhood structures. By merging such objects with an explicit low-rank factorization, we devise a deterministic algorithm to compute P-Rank in quadratic time. The second observation is that by converting the iterative form of P-Rank into a matrix power series form, we can leverage the random sampling approach to probabilistically compute P-Rank in linear time with provable accuracy guarantees. The empirical results on both real and synthetic datasets show that our approaches achieve high time efficiency with controlled error and outperform the baseline algorithms by at least one order of magnitude

    Exact Single-Source SimRank Computation on Large Graphs

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    SimRank is a popular measurement for evaluating the node-to-node similarities based on the graph topology. In recent years, single-source and top-kk SimRank queries have received increasing attention due to their applications in web mining, social network analysis, and spam detection. However, a fundamental obstacle in studying SimRank has been the lack of ground truths. The only exact algorithm, Power Method, is computationally infeasible on graphs with more than 10610^6 nodes. Consequently, no existing work has evaluated the actual trade-offs between query time and accuracy on large real-world graphs. In this paper, we present ExactSim, the first algorithm that computes the exact single-source and top-kk SimRank results on large graphs. With high probability, this algorithm produces ground truths with a rigorous theoretical guarantee. We conduct extensive experiments on real-world datasets to demonstrate the efficiency of ExactSim. The results show that ExactSim provides the ground truth for any single-source SimRank query with a precision up to 7 decimal places within a reasonable query time.Comment: ACM SIGMOD 202

    High quality SimRank-based similarity search

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    SimRank is an influential link-based similarity measure that has been used in many fields of Web search and sociometry. The best-of-breed method by Kusumoto et al. [7], however, does not always deliver high-quality results, since it fails to accurately obtain its diagonal correction matrix D. Besides, SimRank is also limited by an unwanted“connectivity trait”: increasing the number of paths between nodes a and b often incurs a decrease in score s(a, b). The best-known solution, SimRank++ [1], cannot resolve this problem, since a revised score will be zero if a and b have no common in-neighbors. In this paper, we consider high-quality similarity search. Our scheme, SR#, is efficient and semantically meaningful: (1) We first formulate the exact D, and devise a “varied-D” method to accurately compute SimRank in linear memory. Moreover, by grouping computation, we also reduce the time of [7] from quadratic to linear in the number of iterations. (2) We design a “kernel-based”model to improve the quality of SimRank, and circumvent the “connectivity trait” issue. (3) We give mathematical insights to the semantic difference between SimRank and its variant, and correct an argument in [7]: “if D is replaced by a scaled identity matrix (1−γ)I, top-K rankings will not be affected much”. The experiments confirm that SR# can accurately extract high-quality scores, and is much faster than the state-of-the-art competitors

    Massively Parallel Single-Source SimRanks in o(log⁥n)o(\log n) Rounds

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    SimRank is one of the most fundamental measures that evaluate the structural similarity between two nodes in a graph and has been applied in a plethora of data management tasks. These tasks often involve single-source SimRank computation that evaluates the SimRank values between a source node ss and all other nodes. Due to its high computation complexity, single-source SimRank computation for large graphs is notoriously challenging, and hence recent studies resort to distributed processing. To our surprise, although SimRank has been widely adopted for two decades, theoretical aspects of distributed SimRanks with provable results have rarely been studied. In this paper, we conduct a theoretical study on single-source SimRank computation in the Massive Parallel Computation (MPC) model, which is the standard theoretical framework modeling distributed systems such as MapReduce, Hadoop, or Spark. Existing distributed SimRank algorithms enforce either Ω(log⁥n)\Omega(\log n) communication round complexity or Ω(n)\Omega(n) machine space for a graph of nn nodes. We overcome this barrier. Particularly, given a graph of nn nodes, for any query node vv and constant error Ï”>3n\epsilon>\frac{3}{n}, we show that using O(log⁥2log⁥n)O(\log^2 \log n) rounds of communication among machines is almost enough to compute single-source SimRank values with at most Ï”\epsilon absolute errors, while each machine only needs a space sub-linear to nn. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first single-source SimRank algorithm in MPC that can overcome the Θ(log⁥n)\Theta(\log n) round complexity barrier with provable result accuracy

    Supervised and unsupervised methods for learning representations of linguistic units

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    Word representations, also called word embeddings, are generic representations, often high-dimensional vectors. They map the discrete space of words into a continuous vector space, which allows us to handle rare or even unseen events, e.g. by considering the nearest neighbors. Many Natural Language Processing tasks can be improved by word representations if we extend the task specific training data by the general knowledge incorporated in the word representations. The first publication investigates a supervised, graph-based method to create word representations. This method leads to a graph-theoretic similarity measure, CoSimRank, with equivalent formalizations that show CoSimRank’s close relationship to Personalized Page-Rank and SimRank. The new formalization is efficient because it can use the graph-based word representation to compute a single node similarity without having to compute the similarities of the entire graph. We also show how we can take advantage of fast matrix multiplication algorithms. In the second publication, we use existing unsupervised methods for word representation learning and combine these with semantic resources by learning representations for non-word objects like synsets and entities. We also investigate improved word representations which incorporate the semantic information from the resource. The method is flexible in that it can take any word representations as input and does not need an additional training corpus. A sparse tensor formalization guarantees efficiency and parallelizability. In the third publication, we introduce a method that learns an orthogonal transformation of the word representation space that focuses the information relevant for a task in an ultradense subspace of a dimensionality that is smaller by a factor of 100 than the original space. We use ultradense representations for a Lexicon Creation task in which words are annotated with three types of lexical information – sentiment, concreteness and frequency. The final publication introduces a new calculus for the interpretable ultradense subspaces, including polarity, concreteness, frequency and part-of-speech (POS). The calculus supports operations like “−1 × hate = love” and “give me a neutral word for greasy” (i.e., oleaginous) and extends existing analogy computations like “king − man + woman = queen”.WortreprĂ€sentationen, sogenannte Word Embeddings, sind generische ReprĂ€sentationen, meist hochdimensionale Vektoren. Sie bilden den diskreten Raum der Wörter in einen stetigen Vektorraum ab und erlauben uns, seltene oder ungesehene Ereignisse zu behandeln -- zum Beispiel durch die Betrachtung der nĂ€chsten Nachbarn. Viele Probleme der Computerlinguistik können durch WortreprĂ€sentationen gelöst werden, indem wir spezifische Trainingsdaten um die allgemeinen Informationen erweitern, welche in den WortreprĂ€sentationen enthalten sind. In der ersten Publikation untersuchen wir ĂŒberwachte, graphenbasierte Methodenn um WortreprĂ€sentationen zu erzeugen. Diese Methoden fĂŒhren zu einem graphenbasierten Ähnlichkeitsmaß, CoSimRank, fĂŒr welches zwei Ă€quivalente Formulierungen existieren, die sowohl die enge Beziehung zum personalisierten PageRank als auch zum SimRank zeigen. Die neue Formulierung kann einzelne KnotenĂ€hnlichkeiten effektiv berechnen, da graphenbasierte WortreprĂ€sentationen benutzt werden können. In der zweiten Publikation verwenden wir existierende WortreprĂ€sentationen und kombinieren diese mit semantischen Ressourcen, indem wir ReprĂ€sentationen fĂŒr Objekte lernen, welche keine Wörter sind, wie zum Beispiel Synsets und EntitĂ€ten. Die FlexibilitĂ€t unserer Methode zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass wir beliebige WortreprĂ€sentationen als Eingabe verwenden können und keinen zusĂ€tzlichen Trainingskorpus benötigen. In der dritten Publikation stellen wir eine Methode vor, die eine Orthogonaltransformation des Vektorraums der WortreprĂ€sentationen lernt. Diese Transformation fokussiert relevante Informationen in einen ultra-kompakten Untervektorraum. Wir benutzen die ultra-kompakten ReprĂ€sentationen zur Erstellung von WörterbĂŒchern mit drei verschiedene Angaben -- Stimmung, Konkretheit und HĂ€ufigkeit. Die letzte Publikation prĂ€sentiert eine neue Rechenmethode fĂŒr die interpretierbaren ultra-kompakten UntervektorrĂ€ume -- Stimmung, Konkretheit, HĂ€ufigkeit und Wortart. Diese Rechenmethode beinhaltet Operationen wie ”−1 × Hass = Liebe” und ”neutrales Wort fĂŒr Winkeladvokat” (d.h., Anwalt) und erweitert existierende Rechenmethoden, wie ”Onkel − Mann + Frau = Tante”

    Fast incremental SimRank on link-evolving graphs

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    SimRank is an arresting measure of node-pair similarity based on hyperlinks. It iteratively follows the concept that 2 nodes are similar if they are referenced by similar nodes. Real graphs are often large, and links constantly evolve with small changes over time. This paper considers fast incremental computations of SimRank on link-evolving graphs. The prior approach [12] to this issue factorizes the graph via a singular value decomposition (SVD) first, and then incrementally maintains this factorization for link updates at the expense of exactness. Consequently, all node-pair similarities are estimated in O(r4n2) time on a graph of n nodes, where r is the target rank of the low-rank approximation, which is not negligibly small in practice. In this paper, we propose a novel fast incremental paradigm. (1) We characterize the SimRank update matrix ΔS, in response to every link update, via a rank-one Sylvester matrix equation. By virtue of this, we devise a fast incremental algorithm computing similarities of n2 node-pairs in O(Kn2) time for K iterations. (2) We also propose an effective pruning technique capturing the “affected areas” of ΔS to skip unnecessary computations, without loss of exactness. This can further accelerate the incremental SimRank computation to O(K(nd+|AFF|)) time, where d is the average in-degree of the old graph, and |AFF| (≀ n2) is the size of “affected areas” in ΔS, and in practice, |AFF| â‰Ș n2. Our empirical evaluations verify that our algorithm (a) outperforms the best known link-update algorithm [12], and (b) runs much faster than its batch counterpart when link updates are small
