39 research outputs found

    Model-based Dynamic Shielding for Safe and Efficient Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

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    Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) discovers policies that maximize reward but do not have safety guarantees during the learning and deployment phases. Although shielding with Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) is a promising formal method to ensure safety in single-agent Reinforcement Learning (RL), it results in conservative behaviors when scaling to multi-agent scenarios. Additionally, it poses computational challenges for synthesizing shields in complex multi-agent environments. This work introduces Model-based Dynamic Shielding (MBDS) to support MARL algorithm design. Our algorithm synthesizes distributive shields, which are reactive systems running in parallel with each MARL agent, to monitor and rectify unsafe behaviors. The shields can dynamically split, merge, and recompute based on agents' states. This design enables efficient synthesis of shields to monitor agents in complex environments without coordination overheads. We also propose an algorithm to synthesize shields without prior knowledge of the dynamics model. The proposed algorithm obtains an approximate world model by interacting with the environment during the early stage of exploration, making our MBDS enjoy formal safety guarantees with high probability. We demonstrate in simulations that our framework can surpass existing baselines in terms of safety guarantees and learning performance.Comment: Accepted in AAMAS 202

    R2U2: Tool Overview

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    R2U2 (Realizable, Responsive, Unobtrusive Unit) is an extensible framework for runtime System HealthManagement (SHM) of cyber-physical systems. R2U2 can be run in hardware (e.g., FPGAs), or software; can monitorhardware, software, or a combination of the two; and can analyze a range of different types of system requirementsduring runtime. An R2U2 requirement is specified utilizing a hierarchical combination of building blocks: temporal formula runtime observers (in LTL or MTL), Bayesian networks, sensor filters, and Boolean testers. Importantly, the framework is extensible; it is designed to enable definitions of new building blocks in combination with the core structure. Originally deployed on Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), R2U2 is designed to run on a wide range of embedded platforms, from autonomous systems like rovers, satellites, and robots, to human-assistive ground systems and cockpits. R2U2 is named after the requirements it satisfies; while the exact requirements vary by platform and mission, the ability to formally reason about realizability, responsiveness, and unobtrusiveness is necessary for flight certifiability, safety-critical system assurance, and achievement of technology readiness levels for target systems. Realizability ensures that R2U2 is suficiently expressive to encapsulate meaningful runtime requirements while maintaining adaptability to run on different platforms, transition between different mission stages, and update quickly between missions. Responsiveness entails continuously monitoring the system under test, real-time reasoning, reporting intermediate status, and as-early-as-possible requirements evaluations. Unobtrusiveness ensures compliance with the crucial properties of the target architecture: functionality, certifiability, timing, tolerances, cost, or other constraints

    How bit-vector logic can help improve the verification of LTL specifications over infinite domains

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    Propositional Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) is well-suited for describing properties of timed systems in which data belong to finite domains. However, when one needs to capture infinite domains, as is typically the case in software systems, extensions of LTL are better suited to be used as specification languages. Constraint LTL (CLTL) and its variant CLTL-over-clocks (CLTLoc) are examples of such extensions; both logics are decidable, and so-called bounded decision procedures based on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solving techniques have been implemented for them. In this paper we adapt a previously-introduced bounded decision procedure for LTL based on Bit-Vector Logic to deal with the infinite domains that are typical of CLTL and CLTLoc. We report on a thorough experimental comparison, which was carried out between the existing tool and the new, Bit-Vector Logic-based one, and we show how the latter outperforms the former in the vast majority of cases

    A Symbolic Model for Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming

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    AbstractConcurrent Constraint Programming (ccp) is a model for concurrency where agents interact with each other by telling and asking constraints (i.e., formulas in logic) into a shared store of partial information. The ntcc calculus extends ccp with the notion of discrete time-units for the specification of reactive systems. Moreover, ntcc features constructors for non-deterministic choices and asynchronous behavior, thus allowing for (1) synchronization of processes via constraint entailment during a time-unit and (2) synchronization of processes along time-intervals. In this paper we develop the techniques needed for the automatic verification of ntcc programs based on symbolic model checking. We show that the internal transition relation, modeling the behavior of processes during a time-unit (1 above), can be symbolically represented by formulas in a suitable fragment of linear time temporal logic. Moreover, by using standard techniques as difference decision diagrams, we provide a compact representation of these constraints. Then, relying on a fixpoint characterization of the timed constructs, we obtain a symbolic model of the observable transition (2 above). We prove that our construction is correct with respect to the operational semantics. Finally, we introduce a prototypical tool implementing our method

    Labelled Tableaux for Linear Time Bunched Implication Logic

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    In this paper, we define the logic of Linear Temporal Bunched Implications (LTBI), a temporal extension of the Bunched Implications logic BI that deals with resource evolution over time, by combining the BI separation connectives and the LTL temporal connectives. We first present the syntax and semantics of LTBI and illustrate its expressiveness with a significant example. Then we introduce a tableau calculus with labels and constraints, called TLTBI, and prove its soundness w.r.t. the Kripke-style semantics of LTBI. Finally we discuss and analyze the issues that make the completeness of the calculus not trivial in the general case of unbounded timelines and explain how to solve the issues in the more restricted case of bounded timelines

    Scaling BDD-based timed verification with simulation reduction

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    Digitization is a technique that has been widely used in real-time model checking. With the assumption of digital clocks, symbolic model checking techniques (like those based on BDDs) can be applied for real-time systems. The problem of model checking real-time systems based on digitization is that the number of tick transitions increases rapidly with the increment of clock upper bounds. In this paper, we propose to improve BDD-based verification for real-time systems using simulation reduction. We show that simulation reduction allows us to verify timed automata with large clock upper bounds and to converge faster to the fixpoint. The presented approach is applied to reachability and LTL verification for real-time systems. Finally, we compare our approach with existing tools such as Rabbit, Uppaal, and CTAV and show that our approach outperforms them and achieves a significant speedup.No Full Tex

    Model Checking a C++ Software Framework, a Case Study

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    This paper presents a case study on applying two model checkers, SPIN and DIVINE, to verify key properties of a C++ software framework, known as ADAPRO, originally developed at CERN. SPIN was used for verifying properties on the design level. DIVINE was used for verifying simple test applications that interacted with the implementation. Both model checkers were found to have their own respective sets of pros and cons, but the overall experience was positive. Because both model checkers were used in a complementary manner, they provided valuable new insights into the framework, which would arguably have been hard to gain by traditional testing and analysis tools only. Translating the C++ source code into the modeling language of the SPIN model checker helped to find flaws in the original design. With DIVINE, defects were found in parts of the code base that had already been subject to hundreds of hours of unit tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests. Most importantly, model checking was found to be easy to integrate into the workflow of the software project and bring added value, not only as verification, but also validation methodology. Therefore, using model checking for developing library-level code seems realistic and worth the effort.Comment: In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '19), August 26-30, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 11 page