21,182 research outputs found

    Lower Bounds for Symbolic Computation on Graphs: Strongly Connected Components, Liveness, Safety, and Diameter

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    A model of computation that is widely used in the formal analysis of reactive systems is symbolic algorithms. In this model the access to the input graph is restricted to consist of symbolic operations, which are expensive in comparison to the standard RAM operations. We give lower bounds on the number of symbolic operations for basic graph problems such as the computation of the strongly connected components and of the approximate diameter as well as for fundamental problems in model checking such as safety, liveness, and co-liveness. Our lower bounds are linear in the number of vertices of the graph, even for constant-diameter graphs. For none of these problems lower bounds on the number of symbolic operations were known before. The lower bounds show an interesting separation of these problems from the reachability problem, which can be solved with O(D)O(D) symbolic operations, where DD is the diameter of the graph. Additionally we present an approximation algorithm for the graph diameter which requires O~(nD)\tilde{O}(n \sqrt{D}) symbolic steps to achieve a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. This compares to O(n⋅D)O(n \cdot D) symbolic steps for the (naive) exact algorithm and O(D)O(D) symbolic steps for a 2-approximation. Finally we also give a refined analysis of the strongly connected components algorithms of Gentilini et al., showing that it uses an optimal number of symbolic steps that is proportional to the sum of the diameters of the strongly connected components

    Total Domishold Graphs: a Generalization of Threshold Graphs, with Connections to Threshold Hypergraphs

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    A total dominating set in a graph is a set of vertices such that every vertex of the graph has a neighbor in the set. We introduce and study graphs that admit non-negative real weights associated to their vertices such that a set of vertices is a total dominating set if and only if the sum of the corresponding weights exceeds a certain threshold. We show that these graphs, which we call total domishold graphs, form a non-hereditary class of graphs properly containing the classes of threshold graphs and the complements of domishold graphs, and are closely related to threshold Boolean functions and threshold hypergraphs. We present a polynomial time recognition algorithm of total domishold graphs, and characterize graphs in which the above property holds in a hereditary sense. Our characterization is obtained by studying a new family of hypergraphs, defined similarly as the Sperner hypergraphs, which may be of independent interest.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Non-Uniform Robust Network Design in Planar Graphs

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    Robust optimization is concerned with constructing solutions that remain feasible also when a limited number of resources is removed from the solution. Most studies of robust combinatorial optimization to date made the assumption that every resource is equally vulnerable, and that the set of scenarios is implicitly given by a single budget constraint. This paper studies a robustness model of a different kind. We focus on \textbf{bulk-robustness}, a model recently introduced~\cite{bulk} for addressing the need to model non-uniform failure patterns in systems. We significantly extend the techniques used in~\cite{bulk} to design approximation algorithm for bulk-robust network design problems in planar graphs. Our techniques use an augmentation framework, combined with linear programming (LP) rounding that depends on a planar embedding of the input graph. A connection to cut covering problems and the dominating set problem in circle graphs is established. Our methods use few of the specifics of bulk-robust optimization, hence it is conceivable that they can be adapted to solve other robust network design problems.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Identifying codes in vertex-transitive graphs and strongly regular graphs

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    We consider the problem of computing identifying codes of graphs and its fractional relaxation. The ratio between the size of optimal integer and fractional solutions is between 1 and 2ln(vertical bar V vertical bar) + 1 where V is the set of vertices of the graph. We focus on vertex-transitive graphs for which we can compute the exact fractional solution. There are known examples of vertex-transitive graphs that reach both bounds. We exhibit infinite families of vertex-transitive graphs with integer and fractional identifying codes of order vertical bar V vertical bar(alpha) with alpha is an element of{1/4, 1/3, 2/5}These families are generalized quadrangles (strongly regular graphs based on finite geometries). They also provide examples for metric dimension of graphs

    A Linear Kernel for Planar Total Dominating Set

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    A total dominating set of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is a subset D⊆VD \subseteq V such that every vertex in VV is adjacent to some vertex in DD. Finding a total dominating set of minimum size is NP-hard on planar graphs and W[2]-complete on general graphs when parameterized by the solution size. By the meta-theorem of Bodlaender et al. [J. ACM, 2016], there exists a linear kernel for Total Dominating Set on graphs of bounded genus. Nevertheless, it is not clear how such a kernel can be effectively constructed, and how to obtain explicit reduction rules with reasonably small constants. Following the approach of Alber et al. [J. ACM, 2004], we provide an explicit kernel for Total Dominating Set on planar graphs with at most 410k410k vertices, where kk is the size of the solution. This result complements several known constructive linear kernels on planar graphs for other domination problems such as Dominating Set, Edge Dominating Set, Efficient Dominating Set, Connected Dominating Set, or Red-Blue Dominating Set.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figure

    List coloring in the absence of a linear forest.

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    The k-Coloring problem is to decide whether a graph can be colored with at most k colors such that no two adjacent vertices receive the same color. The Listk-Coloring problem requires in addition that every vertex u must receive a color from some given set L(u)⊆{1,…,k}. Let Pn denote the path on n vertices, and G+H and rH the disjoint union of two graphs G and H and r copies of H, respectively. For any two fixed integers k and r, we show that Listk-Coloring can be solved in polynomial time for graphs with no induced rP1+P5, hereby extending the result of Hoàng, Kamiński, Lozin, Sawada and Shu for graphs with no induced P5. Our result is tight; we prove that for any graph H that is a supergraph of P1+P5 with at least 5 edges, already List 5-Coloring is NP-complete for graphs with no induced H
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