113,595 research outputs found

    End-to-End Kernel Learning with Supervised Convolutional Kernel Networks

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    In this paper, we introduce a new image representation based on a multilayer kernel machine. Unlike traditional kernel methods where data representation is decoupled from the prediction task, we learn how to shape the kernel with supervision. We proceed by first proposing improvements of the recently-introduced convolutional kernel networks (CKNs) in the context of unsupervised learning; then, we derive backpropagation rules to take advantage of labeled training data. The resulting model is a new type of convolutional neural network, where optimizing the filters at each layer is equivalent to learning a linear subspace in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). We show that our method achieves reasonably competitive performance for image classification on some standard "deep learning" datasets such as CIFAR-10 and SVHN, and also for image super-resolution, demonstrating the applicability of our approach to a large variety of image-related tasks.Comment: to appear in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS

    Harmonic Exponential Families on Manifolds

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    In a range of fields including the geosciences, molecular biology, robotics and computer vision, one encounters problems that involve random variables on manifolds. Currently, there is a lack of flexible probabilistic models on manifolds that are fast and easy to train. We define an extremely flexible class of exponential family distributions on manifolds such as the torus, sphere, and rotation groups, and show that for these distributions the gradient of the log-likelihood can be computed efficiently using a non-commutative generalization of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). We discuss applications to Bayesian camera motion estimation (where harmonic exponential families serve as conjugate priors), and modelling of the spatial distribution of earthquakes on the surface of the earth. Our experimental results show that harmonic densities yield a significantly higher likelihood than the best competing method, while being orders of magnitude faster to train.Comment: fixed typ

    Unsupervised machine learning for detection of phase transitions in off-lattice systems I. Foundations

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    We demonstrate the utility of an unsupervised machine learning tool for the detection of phase transitions in off-lattice systems. We focus on the application of principal component analysis (PCA) to detect the freezing transitions of two-dimensional hard-disk and three-dimensional hard-sphere systems as well as liquid-gas phase separation in a patchy colloid model. As we demonstrate, PCA autonomously discovers order-parameter-like quantities that report on phase transitions, mitigating the need for a priori construction or identification of a suitable order parameter--thus streamlining the routine analysis of phase behavior. In a companion paper, we further develop the method established here to explore the detection of phase transitions in various model systems controlled by compositional demixing, liquid crystalline ordering, and non-equilibrium active forces

    Sample Complexity Analysis for Learning Overcomplete Latent Variable Models through Tensor Methods

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    We provide guarantees for learning latent variable models emphasizing on the overcomplete regime, where the dimensionality of the latent space can exceed the observed dimensionality. In particular, we consider multiview mixtures, spherical Gaussian mixtures, ICA, and sparse coding models. We provide tight concentration bounds for empirical moments through novel covering arguments. We analyze parameter recovery through a simple tensor power update algorithm. In the semi-supervised setting, we exploit the label or prior information to get a rough estimate of the model parameters, and then refine it using the tensor method on unlabeled samples. We establish that learning is possible when the number of components scales as k=o(dp/2)k=o(d^{p/2}), where dd is the observed dimension, and pp is the order of the observed moment employed in the tensor method. Our concentration bound analysis also leads to minimax sample complexity for semi-supervised learning of spherical Gaussian mixtures. In the unsupervised setting, we use a simple initialization algorithm based on SVD of the tensor slices, and provide guarantees under the stricter condition that k≤βdk\le \beta d (where constant β\beta can be larger than 11), where the tensor method recovers the components under a polynomial running time (and exponential in β\beta). Our analysis establishes that a wide range of overcomplete latent variable models can be learned efficiently with low computational and sample complexity through tensor decomposition methods.Comment: Title change
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