490 research outputs found

    Waveforms for the Massive MIMO Downlink: Amplifier Efficiency, Distortion and Performance

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    In massive MIMO, most precoders result in downlink signals that suffer from high PAR, independently of modulation order and whether single-carrier or OFDM transmission is used. The high PAR lowers the power efficiency of the base station amplifiers. To increase power efficiency, low-PAR precoders have been proposed. In this article, we compare different transmission schemes for massive MIMO in terms of the power consumed by the amplifiers. It is found that (i) OFDM and single-carrier transmission have the same performance over a hardened massive MIMO channel and (ii) when the higher amplifier power efficiency of low-PAR precoding is taken into account, conventional and low-PAR precoders lead to approximately the same power consumption. Since downlink signals with low PAR allow for simpler and cheaper hardware, than signals with high PAR, therefore, the results suggest that low-PAR precoding with either single-carrier or OFDM transmission should be used in a massive MIMO base station

    A Digital Predistortion Scheme Exploiting Degrees-of-Freedom for Massive MIMO Systems

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    The primary source of nonlinear distortion in wireless transmitters is the power amplifier (PA). Conventional digital predistortion (DPD) schemes use high-order polynomials to accurately approximate and compensate for the nonlinearity of the PA. This is not practical for scaling to tens or hundreds of PAs in massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. There is more than one candidate precoding matrix in a massive MIMO system because of the excess degrees-of-freedom (DoFs), and each precoding matrix requires a different DPD polynomial order to compensate for the PA nonlinearity. This paper proposes a low-order DPD method achieved by exploiting massive DoFs of next-generation front ends. We propose a novel indirect learning structure which adapts the channel and PA distortion iteratively by cascading adaptive zero forcing precoding and DPD. Our solution uses a 3rd order polynomial to achieve the same performance as the conventional DPD using an 11th order polynomial for a 100x10 massive MIMO configuration. Experimental results show a 70% reduction in computational complexity, enabling ultra-low latency communications.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Communications 201

    Spatial Characteristics of Distortion Radiated from Antenna Arrays with Transceiver Nonlinearities

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    The distortion from massive MIMO (multiple-input--multiple-output) base stations with nonlinear amplifiers is studied and its radiation pattern is derived. The distortion is analyzed both in-band and out-of-band. By using an orthogonal Hermite representation of the amplified signal, the spatial cross-correlation matrix of the nonlinear distortion is obtained. It shows that, if the input signal to the amplifiers has a dominant beam, the distortion is beamformed in the same way as that beam. When there are multiple beams without any one being dominant, it is shown that the distortion is practically isotropic. The derived theory is useful to predict how the nonlinear distortion will behave, to analyze the out-of-band radiation, to do reciprocity calibration, and to schedule users in the frequency plane to minimize the effect of in-band distortion

    Out-of-Band Radiation Measure for MIMO Arrays with Beamformed Transmission

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    The spatial characteristics of the out-of-band radiation that a multiuser MIMO system emits in the environment, due to its power amplifiers (modeled by a polynomial model) are nonlinear, is studied by deriving an analytical expression for the continuous-time cross-correlation of the transmit signals. At a random spatial point, the same power is received at any frequency on average with a MIMO base station as with a SISO base station when the two radiate the same amount of power. For a specific channel realization however, the received power depends on the channel. We show that the power received out-of-band only deviates little from the average in a MIMO system with multiple users and that the deviation can be significant with only one user. Using an ergodicity argument, we conclude that out-of-band radiation is less of a problem in massive MIMO, where total radiated power is lower compared to SISO systems and that requirements on spectral regrowth can be relaxed in MIMO systems without causing more total out-of-band radiation

    Digital Predistortion in Large-Array Digital Beamforming Transmitters

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    In this article, we propose a novel digital predistortion (DPD) solution that allows to considerably reduce the complexity resulting from linearizing a set of power amplifiers (PAs) in single-user large-scale digital beamforming transmitters. In contrast to current state-of-the art solutions that assume a dedicated DPD per power amplifier, which is unfeasible in the context of large antenna arrays, the proposed solution only requires a single DPD in order to linearize an arbitrary number of power amplifiers. To this end, the proposed DPD predistorts the signal at the input of the digital precoder based on minimizing the nonlinear distortion of the combined signal at the intended receiver direction. This is a desirable feature, since the resulting emissions in other directions get partially diluted due to less coherent superposition. With this approach, only a single DPD is required, yielding great complexity and energy savings.Comment: 8 pages, Accepted for publication in Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computer