555 research outputs found

    On the geometry of the pp-Laplacian operator

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    The pp-Laplacian operator Δpu=div(up2u)\Delta_pu={\rm div }\left(|\nabla u|^{p-2}\nabla u\right) is not uniformly elliptic for any p(1,2)(2,)p\in(1,2)\cup(2,\infty) and degenerates even more when pp\to \infty or p1p\to 1. In those two cases the Dirichlet and eigenvalue problems associated with the pp-Laplacian lead to intriguing geometric questions, because their limits for pp\to\infty or p1p\to 1 can be characterized by the geometry of Ω\Omega. In this little survey we recall some well-known results on eigenfunctions of the classical 2-Laplacian and elaborate on their extensions to general p[1,]p\in[1,\infty]. We report also on results concerning the normalized or game-theoretic pp-Laplacian ΔpNu:=1pu2pΔpu=1pΔ1Nu+p1pΔNu\Delta_p^Nu:=\tfrac{1}{p}|\nabla u|^{2-p}\Delta_pu=\tfrac{1}{p}\Delta_1^Nu+\tfrac{p-1}{p}\Delta_\infty^Nu and its parabolic counterpart utΔpNu=0u_t-\Delta_p^N u=0. These equations are homogeneous of degree 1 and ΔpN\Delta_p^N is uniformly elliptic for any p(1,)p\in (1,\infty). In this respect it is more benign than the pp-Laplacian, but it is not of divergence type.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, Survey lecture given at the WIAS conference "Theory and Applications of Partial Differential Equations" in Dec. 201

    Convergence in shape of Steiner symmetrizations

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    There are sequences of directions such that, given any compact set K in R^n, the sequence of iterated Steiner symmetrals of K in these directions converges to a ball. However examples show that Steiner symmetrization along a sequence of directions whose differences are square summable does not generally converge. (Note that this may happen even with sequences of directions which are dense in S^{n-1}.) Here we show that such sequences converge in shape. The limit need not be an ellipsoid or even a convex set. We also deal with uniformly distributed sequences of directions, and with a recent result of Klain on Steiner symmetrization along sequences chosen from a finite set of directions.Comment: 11 page

    The excluded volume of two-dimensional convex bodies: shape reconstruction and non-uniqueness

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    In the Onsager model of one-component hard-particle systems, the entire phase behaviour is dictated by a function of relative orientation, which represents the amount of space excluded to one particle by another at this relative orientation. We term this function the excluded volume function. Within the context of two-dimensional convex bodies, we investigate this excluded volume function for one-component systems addressing two related questions. Firstly, given a body can we find the excluded volume function? Secondly, can we reconstruct a body from its excluded volume function? The former is readily answered via an explicit Fourier series representation, in terms of the support function. However we show the latter question is ill-posed in the sense that solutions are not unique for a large class of bodies. This degeneracy is well characterised however, with two bodies admitting the same excluded volume function if and only if the Fourier coefficients of their support functions differ only in phase. Despite the non-uniqueness issue, we then propose and analyse a method for reconstructing a convex body given its excluded volume function, by means of a discretisation procedure where convex bodies are approximated by zonotopes with a fixed number of sides. It is shown that the algorithm will always asymptotically produce a best least-squares approximation of the trial function, within the space of excluded volume functions of centrally symmetric bodies. In particular, if a solution exists, it can be found. Results from a numerical implementation are presented, showing that with only desktop computing power, good approximations to solutions can be readily found

    Probability bounds for polynomial functions in random variables

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