108 research outputs found

    Minimal Suffix and Rotation of a Substring in Optimal Time

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    For a text given in advance, the substring minimal suffix queries ask to determine the lexicographically minimal non-empty suffix of a substring specified by the location of its occurrence in the text. We develop a data structure answering such queries optimally: in constant time after linear-time preprocessing. This improves upon the results of Babenko et al. (CPM 2014), whose trade-off solution is characterized by Θ(nlogn)\Theta(n\log n) product of these time complexities. Next, we extend our queries to support concatenations of O(1)O(1) substrings, for which the construction and query time is preserved. We apply these generalized queries to compute lexicographically minimal and maximal rotations of a given substring in constant time after linear-time preprocessing. Our data structures mainly rely on properties of Lyndon words and Lyndon factorizations. We combine them with further algorithmic and combinatorial tools, such as fusion trees and the notion of order isomorphism of strings

    Constructing the bijective and the extended burrows-wheeler transform in linear time

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    Publisher Copyright: © Hideo Bannai, Juha Kärkkäinen, Dominik Köppl, and Marcin Piatkowski.The Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) is a permutation whose applications are prevalent in data compression and text indexing. The bijective BWT (BBWT) is a bijective variant of it. Although it is known that the BWT can be constructed in linear time for integer alphabets by using a linear time suffix array construction algorithm, it was up to now only conjectured that the BBWT can also be constructed in linear time. We confirm this conjecture in the word RAM model by proposing a construction algorithm that is based on SAIS, improving the best known result of O(n lg n/ lg lg n) time to linear. Since we can reduce the problem of constructing the extended BWT to constructing the BBWT in linear time, we obtain a linear-time algorithm computing the extended BWT at the same time.Peer reviewe

    Constructing the Bijective and the Extended Burrows-Wheeler Transform in Linear Time

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    The Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) is a permutation whose applications are prevalent in data compression and text indexing. The bijective BWT (BBWT) is a bijective variant of it. Although it is known that the BWT can be constructed in linear time for integer alphabets by using a linear time suffix array construction algorithm, it was up to now only conjectured that the BBWT can also be constructed in linear time. We confirm this conjecture in the word RAM model by proposing a construction algorithm that is based on SAIS, improving the best known result of O(n lg n / lg lg n) time to linear. Since we can reduce the problem of constructing the extended BWT to constructing the BBWT in linear time, we obtain a linear-time algorithm computing the extended BWT at the same time

    On baier's sort of maximal Lyndon substrings

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    We describe and analyze in terms of Lyndon words an elementary sort of maximal Lyndon factors of a string and prove formally its correctness. Since the sort is based on the first phase of Baier’s algorithm for sorting of the suffixes of a string, we refer to it as Baier’s sort

    Lyndon Arrays in Sublinear Time

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    ?} with ? ? n. In this case, the string can be stored in O(n log ?) bits (or O(n / log_? n) words) of memory, and reading it takes only O(n / log_? n) time. We show that O(n / log_? n) time and words of space suffice to compute the succinct 2n-bit version of the Lyndon array. The time is optimal for w = O(log n). The algorithm uses precomputed lookup tables to perform significant parts of the computation in constant time. This is possible due to properties of periodic substrings, which we carefully analyze to achieve the desired result. We envision that the algorithm has applications in the computation of runs (maximal periodic substrings), where the Lyndon array plays a central role in both theoretically and practically fast algorithms

    Internal Quasiperiod Queries

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    Internal pattern matching requires one to answer queries about factors of a given string. Many results are known on answering internal period queries, asking for the periods of a given factor. In this paper we investigate (for the first time) internal queries asking for covers (also known as quasiperiods) of a given factor. We propose a data structure that answers such queries in O(lognloglogn)O(\log n \log \log n) time for the shortest cover and in O(logn(loglogn)2)O(\log n (\log \log n)^2) time for a representation of all the covers, after O(nlogn)O(n \log n) time and space preprocessing.Comment: To appear in the SPIRE 2020 proceeding