72 research outputs found

    Collaborative Adaptive Optical Wireless System in Realistic Indoor Environment

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    In this paper, we propose and evaluate a collaborative mobile optical wireless (OW) system that employs a collaborative adaptive beam clustering method (CABCM) in conjunction with an imaging receiver. Three cases involving two, three and five receivers are considered. A collaborative maximum ratio combining scheme is used to collaboratively distribute the transmit power among the diffusing spots. Our ultimate goal is to increase the received optical power and improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at each coexisting receiver when the system operates in a multiuser scenario under the constraints of background noise, multipath dispersion, mobility and shadowing typical in a real indoor environment. Our proposed system (collaborative adaptive beam clustering method) is evaluated at 30 Mbit/s to enable comparison with previous work, and is also assessed at higher bit rates: 2.5 Gbit/s and 5 Gbit/s. Simulation results show that the mobile CABCM system offers a significant performance improvement including a reduction in the background noise (BN) effect, a strong received power, reduction in delay spread, and improvement in the SNR over multiuser line strip multibeam system (LSMS). However, the performance degrades gradually with increase in the number of users

    Hologram selection in realistic indoor optical wireless systems with angle diversity receivers

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    In this paper, we introduce a new adaptive optical wireless system that employs a finite vocabulary of stored holograms. We propose a fast delay, angle, and power adaptive holograms (FDAPA-Holograms) approach based on a divide and conquer (DandC) methodology and evaluate it with angle diversity receivers in a mobile optical wireless system. The ultimate goal is to increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), reduce the effect of intersymbol interference, and eliminate the need to calculate the hologram at each transmitter and receiver location. A significant improvement is achieved in the presence of demanding background illumination noise, receiver noise, multipath propagation, mobility, and shadowing typical in a realistic indoor environment. The combination of beam delay, angle, and power adaptation offers additional degrees of freedom in the link design, resulting in a system that is able to achieve higher data rates (5 Gb/s). At a higher data rate of 5 Gb/s and under eye safety regulations, the proposed FDAPA-Holograms system offers around 13 dB SNR with full mobility in a realistic environment where shadowing exists. The fast search algorithm introduced that is based on a D&C algorithm reduces the computation time required to identify the optimum hologram. Simulation results show that the proposed system, FDAPA-Holograms, can reduce the time required to identify the optimum hologram position from 64 ms taken by a classic adaptive hologram to about 14 ms

    Delay Adaptation Method for Relay Assisted Optical Wireless Systems

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    In this paper, we investigate optical wireless repeaters as relay terminals between a transmitter and a user in an Infrared Optical Wireless Communication (IROWC) system. A delay adaptation method is introduced to solve the problem of irregular signal arrival time from different relay terminals. Three different relay terminal deployment scenarios were investigated in a typical two-phase relay IROWC system with the proposed delay adaptation method. The simulation results indicate that the proposed system has better impulse response compared to the conventional system and that the root-mean-square delay spread of the relay system with the delay adaptation method is on average 30% less than the conventional system

    Holograms in Optical Wireless Communications

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    Adaptive beam steering in optical wireless communication (OWC) system has been shown to offer performance enhancements over traditional OWC systems. However, an increase in the computational cost is incurred. In this chapter, we introduce a fast hologram selection technique to speed up the adaptation process. We propose a fast delay, angle and power adaptive holograms (FDAPA-Holograms) approach based on a divide and conquer methodology and evaluate it with angle diversity receivers in a mobile optical wireless (OW) system. The fast and efficient fully adaptive FDAPA-Holograms system can improve the receiver signal to noise ratio (SNR) and reduce the required time to estimate the position of the receiver. The adaptation techniques (angle, power and delay) offer a degree of freedom in the system design. The proposed system FDAPA-Holograms is able to achieve high data rate of 5 Gb/s with full mobility. Simulation results show that the proposed 5 Gb/s FDAPA-Holograms achieves around 13 dB SNR under mobility and under eye safety regulations. Furthermore, a fast divide and conquer search algorithm is introduced to find the optimum hologram as well as to reduce the computation time. The proposed system (FDAPA-Holograms) reduces the computation time required to find the best hologram location from 64 ms using conventional adaptive system to around 14 ms
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