59 research outputs found

    Limits of permutation sequences

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    A permutation sequence is said to be convergent if the density of occurrences of every fixed permutation in the elements of the sequence converges. We prove that such a convergent sequence has a natural limit object, namely a Lebesgue measurable function Z:[0,1]2→[0,1]Z:[0,1]^2 \to [0,1] with the additional properties that, for every fixed x∈[0,1]x \in [0,1], the restriction Z(x,⋅)Z(x,\cdot) is a cumulative distribution function and, for every y∈[0,1]y \in [0,1], the restriction Z(⋅,y)Z(\cdot,y) satisfies a "mass" condition. This limit process is well-behaved: every function in the class of limit objects is a limit of some permutation sequence, and two of these functions are limits of the same sequence if and only if they are equal almost everywhere. An ingredient in the proofs is a new model of random permutations, which generalizes previous models and might be interesting for its own sake.Comment: accepted for publication in the Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1106.166

    Quasirandom permutations are characterized by 4-point densities

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    For permutations π and τ of lengths |π|≤|τ| , let t(π,τ) be the probability that the restriction of τ to a random |π| -point set is (order) isomorphic to π . We show that every sequence {τj} of permutations such that |τj|→∞ and t(π,τj)→1/4! for every 4-point permutation π is quasirandom (that is, t(π,τj)→1/|π|! for every π ). This answers a question posed by Graham

    Limits of Structures and the Example of Tree-Semilattices

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    The notion of left convergent sequences of graphs introduced by Lov\' asz et al. (in relation with homomorphism densities for fixed patterns and Szemer\'edi's regularity lemma) got increasingly studied over the past 1010 years. Recently, Ne\v set\v ril and Ossona de Mendez introduced a general framework for convergence of sequences of structures. In particular, the authors introduced the notion of QFQF-convergence, which is a natural generalization of left-convergence. In this paper, we initiate study of QFQF-convergence for structures with functional symbols by focusing on the particular case of tree semi-lattices. We fully characterize the limit objects and give an application to the study of left convergence of mm-partite cographs, a generalization of cographs

    Finitely forcible graphons and permutons

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    We investigate when limits of graphs (graphons) and permutations (permutons) are uniquely determined by finitely many densities of their substructures, i.e., when they are finitely forcible. Every permuton can be associated with a graphon through the notion of permutation graphs. We find permutons that are finitely forcible but the associated graphons are not. We also show that all permutons that can be expressed as a finite combination of monotone permutons and quasirandom permutons are finitely forcible, which is the permuton counterpart of the result of Lovasz and Sos for graphons.Comment: 30 pages, 18 figure
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