660,058 research outputs found

    Echo Cancellation : the generalized likelihood ratio test for double-talk vs. channel change

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    Echo cancellers are required in both electrical (impedance mismatch) and acoustic (speaker-microphone coupling) applications. One of the main design problems is the control logic for adaptation. Basically, the algorithm weights should be frozen in the presence of double-talk and adapt quickly in the absence of double-talk. The optimum likelihood ratio test (LRT) for this problem was studied in a recent paper. The LRT requires a priori knowledge of the background noise and double-talk power levels. Instead, this paper derives a generalized log likelihood ratio test (GLRT) that does not require this knowledge. The probability density function of a sufficient statistic under each hypothesis is obtained and the performance of the test is evaluated as a function of the system parameters. The receiver operating characteristics (ROCs) indicate that it is difficult to correctly decide between double-talk and a channel change, based upon a single look. However, detection based on about 200 successive samples yields a detection probability close to unity (0.99) with a small false alarm probability (0.01) for the theoretical GLRT model. Application of a GLRT-based echo canceller (EC) to real voice data shows comparable performance to that of the LRT-based EC given in a recent paper

    Bivariate Probit Models for Analysing how “Knowledge” Affects Innovation and Performance in Small and Medium Sized Firms

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    This paper examines the determinants of innovation and its effects on small- and medium-sized firms We use the data from the OPIS databank, which provides a survey on a representative sample of firms from a province of the Southern Italy. We want to study whether small and medium sized firms can have a competitive advantage using their innovative capabilities, regardless of their sectoral and size limits. The main factor influencing the likelihood of innovation is knowledge, which is acquired through different ways. The econometric methodology consists of two bivariate models in order to estimate the probability of increased sales conditioned to the probability of innovation. We found that knowledge positively influences the probability of innovation; at the same time, knowledge has also a positive indirect effect on the increase of sales through innovation.innovation; small and medium sized firms; human capital; networks; bivariate probit

    Stochastic control system parameter identifiability

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    The parameter identification problem of general discrete time, nonlinear, multiple input/multiple output dynamic systems with Gaussian white distributed measurement errors is considered. The knowledge of the system parameterization was assumed to be known. Concepts of local parameter identifiability and local constrained maximum likelihood parameter identifiability were established. A set of sufficient conditions for the existence of a region of parameter identifiability was derived. A computation procedure employing interval arithmetic was provided for finding the regions of parameter identifiability. If the vector of the true parameters is locally constrained maximum likelihood (CML) identifiable, then with probability one, the vector of true parameters is a unique maximal point of the maximum likelihood function in the region of parameter identifiability and the constrained maximum likelihood estimation sequence will converge to the vector of true parameters
