27 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Feasibility of Public Key Cryptography in Light of IIoT Communications

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    Digital certificates are regarded as the most secure and scalable way of implementing authentication services in the Internet today. They are used by most popular security protocols, including Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS). The lifecycle management of digital certificates relies on centralized Certification Authority (CA)-based Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs). However, the implementation of PKIs and certificate lifecycle management procedures in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) environments presents some challenges, mainly due to the high resource consumption that they imply and the lack of trust in the centralized CAs. This paper identifies and describes the main challenges to implement certificate-based public key cryptography in IIoT environments and it surveys the alternative approaches proposed so far in the literature to address these challenges. Most proposals rely on the introduction of a Trusted Third Party to aid the IIoT devices in tasks that exceed their capacity. The proposed alternatives are complementary and their application depends on the specific challenge to solve, the application scenario, and the capacities of the involved IIoT devices. This paper revisits all these alternatives in light of industrial communication models, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, and providing an in-depth comparative analysis.This work was financially supported by the European commission through ECSEL-JU 2018 program under the COMP4DRONES project (grant agreement N∘ 826610), with national financing from France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Czech, Belgium and Latvia. It was also partially supported by the Ayudas Cervera para Centros Tecnológicos grant of the Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) under the project EGIDA (CER-20191012), and in part by the Department of Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government through the project TRUSTIND—Creating Trust in the Industrial Digital Transformation (KK-2020/00054)

    Improving efficiency and security of IIoT communications using in-network validation of server certificate

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    The use of advanced communications and smart mechanisms in industry is growing rapidly, making cybersecurity a critical aspect. Currently, most industrial communication protocols rely on the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to build their secure version, providing confidentiality, integrity and authentication. In the case of UDP-based communications, frequently used in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) scenarios, the counterpart of TLS is Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS), which includes some mechanisms to deal with the high unreliability of the transport layer. However, the (D)TLS handshake is a heavy process, specially for resource-deprived IIoT devices and frequently, security is sacrificed in favour of performance. More specifically, the validation of digital certificates is an expensive process from the time and resource consumption point of view. For this reason, digital certificates are not always properly validated by IIoT devices, including the verification of their revocation status; and when it is done, it introduces an important delay in the communications. In this context, this paper presents the design and implementation of an in-network server certificate validation system that offloads this task from the constrained IIoT devices to a resource-richer network element, leveraging data plane programming (DPP). This approach enhances security as it guarantees that a comprehensive server certificate verification is always performed. Additionally, it increases performance as resource-expensive tasks are moved from IIoT devices to a resource-richer network element. Results show that the proposed solution reduces DTLS handshake times by 50–60 %. Furthermore, CPU use in IIoT devices is also reduced, resulting in an energy saving of about 40 % in such devices.This work was financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the TRUE-5G project PID2019-108713RB-C54/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. It was also partially supported by the Ayudas Cervera para Centros Tecnológicos grant of the Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) under the project EGIDA (CER-20191012), and by the Basque Country Government under the ELKARTEK Program, project REMEDY - Real tiME control and embeddeD securitY (KK-2021/00091)

    Lightweight payload encryption-based authentication scheme for advanced metering infrastructure sensor networks

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) connects billions of sensors to share and collect data at any time and place. The Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is one of the most important IoT applications. IoT supports AMI to collect data from smart sensors, analyse and measure abnormalities in the energy consumption pattern of sensors. However, two-way communication in distributed sensors is sensitive and tends towards security and privacy issues. Before deploying distributed sensors, data confidentiality and privacy and message authentication for sensor devices and control messages are the major security requirements. Several authentications and encryption protocols have been developed to provide confidentiality and integrity. However, many sensors in distributed systems, resource constraint smart sensors, and adaptability of IoT communication protocols in sensors necessitate designing an efficient and lightweight security authentication scheme. This paper proposes a Payload Encryption-based Optimisation Scheme for lightweight authentication (PEOS) on distributed sensors. The PEOS integrates and optimises important features of Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) in Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) architecture instead of implementing the DTLS in a separate channel. The proposed work designs a payload encryption scheme and an Optimised Advanced Encryption Standard (OP-AES). The PEOS modifies the DTLS handshaking and retransmission processes in PEOS using payload encryption and NACK messages, respectively. It also removes the duplicate features of the protocol version and sequence number without impacting the performance of CoAP. Moreover, the PEOS attempts to improve the CoAP over distributed sensors in the aspect of optimised AES operations, such as parallel execution of S-boxes in SubBytes and delayed Mixcolumns. The efficiency of PEOS authentication is evaluated on Conitki OS using the Cooja simulator for lightweight security and authentication. The proposed scheme attains better throughput while minimising the message size overhead by 9% and 23% than the existing payload-based mutual authentication PbMA and basic DTLS/CoAP scheme in random network topologies with less than 50 nodes

    How to Survive Identity Management in the Industry 4.0 Era

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    Industry 4.0 heavily builds on massive deployment of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices to monitor every aspect of the manufacturing processes. Since the data gathered by these devices impact the output of critical processes, identity management and communications security are critical aspects, which commonly rely on the deployment of X.509 certificates. Nevertheless, the provisioning and management of individual certificates for a high number of IIoT devices involves important challenges. In this paper, we present a solution to improve the management of digital certificates in IIoT environments, which relies on partially delegating the certificate enrolment process to an edge server. However, in order to preserve end-to-end security, private keys are never delegated. Additionally, for the protection of the communications between the edge server and the IIoT devices, an approach based on Identity Based Cryptography is deployed. The proposed solution considers also the issuance of very short-lived certificates, which reduces the risk of using expired or compromised certificates, and avoids the necessity of implementing performance expensive protocols such as Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP). The proposed solution has been successfully tested as an efficient identity management solution for IIoT environments in a real industrial environment.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the National Towards zeRo toUch nEtwork and services for beyond 5G (TRUE-5G) Project under Grant PID2019-108713RB-C53, in part by the European Commission through the Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership-Joint Undertaking (ECSEL-JU) 2018 Program under the framework of key enabling technologies for safe and autonomous drones' applications (COMP4DRONES) Project under Grant 826610, with the national financing from France, Spain, Italy, The Netherlands, Austria, Czech, Belgium, and Latvia, in part by the Ayudas Cervera para Centros Tecnologicos Grant of the Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) through the Project EGIDA under Grant CER-20191012, and in part by the Basque Country Government through the Creating Trust in the Industrial Digital Transformation (TRUSTIND) ELKARTEK Program Project under Grant KK-2020/00054

    Expressive policy based authorization model for resource-constrained device sensors.

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    Los capítulos II, III y IV están sujetos a confidencialidad por el autor 92 p.Upcoming smart scenarios enabled by the Internet of Things (IoT) envision smart objects that expose services that can adapt to user behavior or be managed with the goal of achieving higher productivity, often in multistakeholder applications. In such environments, smart things are cheap sensors (and actuators) and, therefore, constrained devices. However, they are also critical components because of the importance of the provided information. Given that, strong security in general and access control in particular is a must.However, tightness, feasibility and usability of existing access control models do not cope well with the principle of least privilege; they lack both expressiveness and the ability to update the policy to be enforced in the sensors. In fact, (1) traditional access control solutions are not feasible in all constrained devices due their big impact on the performance although they provide the highest effectiveness by means of tightness and flexibility. (2) Recent access control solutions designed for constrained devices can be implemented only in not so constrained ones and lack policy expressiveness in the local authorization enforcement. (3) Access control solutions currently feasible in the most severely constrained devices have been based on authentication and very coarse grained and static policies, scale badly, and lack a feasible policy based access control solution aware of local context of sensors.Therefore, there is a need for a suitable End-to-End (E2E) access control model to provide fine grained authorization services in service oriented open scenarios, where operation and management access is by nature dynamic and that integrate massively deployed constrained but manageable sensors. Precisely, the main contribution of this thesis is the specification of such a highly expressive E2E access control model suitable for all sensors including the most severely constrained ones. Concretely, the proposed E2E access control model consists of three main foundations. (1) A hybrid architecture, which combines advantages of both centralized and distributed architectures to enable multi-step authorization. Fine granularity of the enforcement is enabled by (2) an efficient policy language and codification, which are specifically defined to gain expressiveness in the authorization policies and to ensure viability in very-constrained devices. The policy language definition enables both to make granting decisions based on local context conditions, and to react accordingly to the requests by the execution of additional tasks defined as obligations.The policy evaluation and enforcement is performed not only during the security association establishment but also afterward, while such security association is in use. Moreover, this novel model provides also control over access behavior, since iterative re-evaluation of the policy is enabled during each individual resource access.Finally, (3) the establishment of an E2E security association between two mutually authenticated peers through a security protocol named Hidra. Such Hidra protocol, based on symmetric key cryptography, relies on the hybrid three-party architecture to enable multi-step authorization as well as the instant provisioning of a dynamic security policy in the sensors. Hidra also enables delegated accounting and audit trail. Proposed access control features cope with tightness, feasibility and both dimensions of usability such as scalability and manageability, which are the key unsolved challenges in the foreseen open and dynamic scenarios enabled by IoT. Related to efficiency, the high compression factor of the proposed policy codification and the optimized Hidra security protocol relying on a symmetric cryptographic schema enable the feasibility as it is demonstrated by the validation assessment. Specifically, the security evaluation and both the analytical and experimental performance evaluation demonstrate the feasibility and adequacy of the proposed protocol and access control model.Concretely, the security validation consists of the assessment that the Hidra security protocol meets the security goals of mutual strong authentication, fine-grained authorization, confidentiality and integrity of secret data and accounting. The security analysis of Hidra conveys on the one hand, how the design aspects of the message exchange contribute to the resilience against potential attacks. On the other hand, a formal security validation supported by a software tool named AVISPA ensures the absence of flaws and the correctness of the design of Hidra.The performance validation is based on an analytical performance evaluation and a test-bed implementation of the proposed access control model for the most severely constrained devices. The key performance factor is the length of the policy instance, since it impacts proportionally on the three critical parameters such as the delay, energy consumption, memory footprint and therefore, on the feasibility.Attending to the obtained performance measures, it can be concluded that the proposed policy language keeps such balance since it enables expressive policy instances but always under limited length values. Additionally, the proposed policy codification improves notably the performance of the protocol since it results in the best policy length compression factor compared with currently existing and adopted standards.Therefore, the assessed access control model is the first approach to bring to severely constrained devices a similar expressiveness level for enforcement and accounting as in current Internet. The positive performance evaluation concludes the feasibility and suitability of this access control model, which notably rises the security features on severely constrained devices for the incoming smart scenarios.Additionally, there is no comparable impact assessment of policy expressiveness of any other access control model. That is, the presented analysis models as well as results might be a reference for further analysis and benchmarkingGaur egun darabilzkigun hainbeste gailutan mikroprozesadoreak daude txertatuta, eragiten duten prozesuan neurketak egin eta logika baten ondorioz ekiteko. Horretarako, bai sentsoreak eta baita aktuadoreak erabiltzen dira (hemendik aurrera, komunitatean onartuta dagoenez, sentsoreak esango diegu nahiz eta erabilpen biak izan). Orain arteko erabilpen zabalenetako konekzio motak, banaka edota sare lokaletan konekatuta izan dira. Era honetan, sentsoreak elkarlanean elkarreri eraginez edota zerbitzari nagusi baten agindupean, erakunde baten prozesuak ahalbideratu eta hobetzeko erabili izan dira.Internet of Things (IoT) deritzonak, sentsoreak dituzten gailuak Internet sarearen bidez konektatu eta prozesu zabalagoak eta eraginkorragoak ahalbidetzen ditu. Smartcity, Smartgrid, Smartfactory eta bestelako smart adimendun ekosistemak, gaur egun dauden eta datozen komunikaziorako teknologien aukerak baliatuz, erabilpen berriak ahalbideratu eta eragina areagotzea dute helburu.Era honetan, ekosistema hauek zabalak dira, eremu ezberdinetako erakundeek hartzen dute parte, eta berariazko sentsoreak dituzten gailuen kopurua izugarri handia da. Sentsoreak beraz, berariazkoak, merkeak eta txikiak dira, eta orain arteko lehenengo erabilpen nagusia, magnitude fisikoren bat neurtzea eta neurketa hauek zerbitzari zentralizatu batera bidaltzea izan da. Hau da, inguruan gertatzen direnak neurtu, eta zerbitzari jakin bati neurrien datuak aldiro aldiro edota atari baten baldintzapean igorri. Zerbitzariak logika aplikatu eta sistema osoa adimendun moduan jardungo du. Jokabide honetan, aurretik ezagunak diren entitateen arteko komunikazioen segurtasuna bermatzearen kexka, nahiz eta Internetetik pasatu, hein onargarri batean ebatzita dago gaur egun.Baina adimendun ekosistema aurreratuak sentsoreengandik beste jokabide bat ere aurreikusten dute. Sentsoreek eurekin harremanak izateko moduko zerbitzuak ere eskaintzen dituzte. Erakunde baten prozesuetan, beste jatorri bateko erakundeekin elkarlanean, jokabide honen erabilpen nagusiak bi dira. Batetik, prozesuan parte hartzen duen erabiltzaileak (eta jabeak izan beharrik ez duenak) inguruarekin harremanak izan litzake, eta bere ekintzetan gailuak bere berezitasunetara egokitzearen beharrizana izan litzake. Bestetik, sentsoreen jarduera eta mantenimendua zaintzen duten teknikariek, beroriek egokitzeko zerbitzuen beharrizana izan dezakete.Holako harremanak, sentsoreen eta erabiltzaileen kokalekua zehaztugabea izanik, kasu askotan Internet bidez eta zuzenak (end-to-end) izatea aurreikusten da. Hau da, sentsore txiki asko daude handik hemendik sistemaren adimena ahalbidetuz, eta harreman zuzenetarako zerbitzu ñimiñoak eskainiz. Batetik, zerbitzu zuzena, errazagoa eta eraginkorragoa dena, bestetik erronkak ere baditu. Izan ere, sentsoreak hain txikiak izanik, ezin dituzte gaur egungo protokolo eta mekanismo estandarak gauzatu. Beraz, sare mailatik eta aplikazio mailarainoko berariazko protokoloak sortzen ari dira.Tamalez, protokolo hauek arinak izatea dute helburu eta segurtasuna ez dute behar den moduan aztertu eta gauzatzen. Eta egon badaude berariazko sarbide kontrolerako ereduak baina baliabideen urritasuna dela eta, ez dira ez zorrotzak ez kudeagarriak. Are gehiago, Gartnerren arabera, erabilpen aurreratuetan inbertsioa gaur egun mugatzen duen traba Nagusia segurtasunarekiko mesfidantza da.Eta hauxe da erronka eta tesi honek landu duen gaia: batetik sentsoreak hain txikiak izanik, eta baliabideak hain urriak (10kB RAM, 100 kB Flash eta bateriak, sentsore txikienetarikoetan), eta bestetik Internet sarea hain zabala eta arriskutsua izanik, segurtasuna areagotuko duen sarbide zuzenaren kontrolerako eredu zorrotz, arin eta kudeagarri berri bat zehaztu eta bere erabilgarritasuna aztertu

    Expressive policy based authorization model for resource-constrained device sensors.

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    Los capítulos II, III y IV están sujetos a confidencialidad por el autor 92 p.Upcoming smart scenarios enabled by the Internet of Things (IoT) envision smart objects that expose services that can adapt to user behavior or be managed with the goal of achieving higher productivity, often in multistakeholder applications. In such environments, smart things are cheap sensors (and actuators) and, therefore, constrained devices. However, they are also critical components because of the importance of the provided information. Given that, strong security in general and access control in particular is a must.However, tightness, feasibility and usability of existing access control models do not cope well with the principle of least privilege; they lack both expressiveness and the ability to update the policy to be enforced in the sensors. In fact, (1) traditional access control solutions are not feasible in all constrained devices due their big impact on the performance although they provide the highest effectiveness by means of tightness and flexibility. (2) Recent access control solutions designed for constrained devices can be implemented only in not so constrained ones and lack policy expressiveness in the local authorization enforcement. (3) Access control solutions currently feasible in the most severely constrained devices have been based on authentication and very coarse grained and static policies, scale badly, and lack a feasible policy based access control solution aware of local context of sensors.Therefore, there is a need for a suitable End-to-End (E2E) access control model to provide fine grained authorization services in service oriented open scenarios, where operation and management access is by nature dynamic and that integrate massively deployed constrained but manageable sensors. Precisely, the main contribution of this thesis is the specification of such a highly expressive E2E access control model suitable for all sensors including the most severely constrained ones. Concretely, the proposed E2E access control model consists of three main foundations. (1) A hybrid architecture, which combines advantages of both centralized and distributed architectures to enable multi-step authorization. Fine granularity of the enforcement is enabled by (2) an efficient policy language and codification, which are specifically defined to gain expressiveness in the authorization policies and to ensure viability in very-constrained devices. The policy language definition enables both to make granting decisions based on local context conditions, and to react accordingly to the requests by the execution of additional tasks defined as obligations.The policy evaluation and enforcement is performed not only during the security association establishment but also afterward, while such security association is in use. Moreover, this novel model provides also control over access behavior, since iterative re-evaluation of the policy is enabled during each individual resource access.Finally, (3) the establishment of an E2E security association between two mutually authenticated peers through a security protocol named Hidra. Such Hidra protocol, based on symmetric key cryptography, relies on the hybrid three-party architecture to enable multi-step authorization as well as the instant provisioning of a dynamic security policy in the sensors. Hidra also enables delegated accounting and audit trail. Proposed access control features cope with tightness, feasibility and both dimensions of usability such as scalability and manageability, which are the key unsolved challenges in the foreseen open and dynamic scenarios enabled by IoT. Related to efficiency, the high compression factor of the proposed policy codification and the optimized Hidra security protocol relying on a symmetric cryptographic schema enable the feasibility as it is demonstrated by the validation assessment. Specifically, the security evaluation and both the analytical and experimental performance evaluation demonstrate the feasibility and adequacy of the proposed protocol and access control model.Concretely, the security validation consists of the assessment that the Hidra security protocol meets the security goals of mutual strong authentication, fine-grained authorization, confidentiality and integrity of secret data and accounting. The security analysis of Hidra conveys on the one hand, how the design aspects of the message exchange contribute to the resilience against potential attacks. On the other hand, a formal security validation supported by a software tool named AVISPA ensures the absence of flaws and the correctness of the design of Hidra.The performance validation is based on an analytical performance evaluation and a test-bed implementation of the proposed access control model for the most severely constrained devices. The key performance factor is the length of the policy instance, since it impacts proportionally on the three critical parameters such as the delay, energy consumption, memory footprint and therefore, on the feasibility.Attending to the obtained performance measures, it can be concluded that the proposed policy language keeps such balance since it enables expressive policy instances but always under limited length values. Additionally, the proposed policy codification improves notably the performance of the protocol since it results in the best policy length compression factor compared with currently existing and adopted standards.Therefore, the assessed access control model is the first approach to bring to severely constrained devices a similar expressiveness level for enforcement and accounting as in current Internet. The positive performance evaluation concludes the feasibility and suitability of this access control model, which notably rises the security features on severely constrained devices for the incoming smart scenarios.Additionally, there is no comparable impact assessment of policy expressiveness of any other access control model. That is, the presented analysis models as well as results might be a reference for further analysis and benchmarkingGaur egun darabilzkigun hainbeste gailutan mikroprozesadoreak daude txertatuta, eragiten duten prozesuan neurketak egin eta logika baten ondorioz ekiteko. Horretarako, bai sentsoreak eta baita aktuadoreak erabiltzen dira (hemendik aurrera, komunitatean onartuta dagoenez, sentsoreak esango diegu nahiz eta erabilpen biak izan). Orain arteko erabilpen zabalenetako konekzio motak, banaka edota sare lokaletan konekatuta izan dira. Era honetan, sentsoreak elkarlanean elkarreri eraginez edota zerbitzari nagusi baten agindupean, erakunde baten prozesuak ahalbideratu eta hobetzeko erabili izan dira.Internet of Things (IoT) deritzonak, sentsoreak dituzten gailuak Internet sarearen bidez konektatu eta prozesu zabalagoak eta eraginkorragoak ahalbidetzen ditu. Smartcity, Smartgrid, Smartfactory eta bestelako smart adimendun ekosistemak, gaur egun dauden eta datozen komunikaziorako teknologien aukerak baliatuz, erabilpen berriak ahalbideratu eta eragina areagotzea dute helburu.Era honetan, ekosistema hauek zabalak dira, eremu ezberdinetako erakundeek hartzen dute parte, eta berariazko sentsoreak dituzten gailuen kopurua izugarri handia da. Sentsoreak beraz, berariazkoak, merkeak eta txikiak dira, eta orain arteko lehenengo erabilpen nagusia, magnitude fisikoren bat neurtzea eta neurketa hauek zerbitzari zentralizatu batera bidaltzea izan da. Hau da, inguruan gertatzen direnak neurtu, eta zerbitzari jakin bati neurrien datuak aldiro aldiro edota atari baten baldintzapean igorri. Zerbitzariak logika aplikatu eta sistema osoa adimendun moduan jardungo du. Jokabide honetan, aurretik ezagunak diren entitateen arteko komunikazioen segurtasuna bermatzearen kexka, nahiz eta Internetetik pasatu, hein onargarri batean ebatzita dago gaur egun.Baina adimendun ekosistema aurreratuak sentsoreengandik beste jokabide bat ere aurreikusten dute. Sentsoreek eurekin harremanak izateko moduko zerbitzuak ere eskaintzen dituzte. Erakunde baten prozesuetan, beste jatorri bateko erakundeekin elkarlanean, jokabide honen erabilpen nagusiak bi dira. Batetik, prozesuan parte hartzen duen erabiltzaileak (eta jabeak izan beharrik ez duenak) inguruarekin harremanak izan litzake, eta bere ekintzetan gailuak bere berezitasunetara egokitzearen beharrizana izan litzake. Bestetik, sentsoreen jarduera eta mantenimendua zaintzen duten teknikariek, beroriek egokitzeko zerbitzuen beharrizana izan dezakete.Holako harremanak, sentsoreen eta erabiltzaileen kokalekua zehaztugabea izanik, kasu askotan Internet bidez eta zuzenak (end-to-end) izatea aurreikusten da. Hau da, sentsore txiki asko daude handik hemendik sistemaren adimena ahalbidetuz, eta harreman zuzenetarako zerbitzu ñimiñoak eskainiz. Batetik, zerbitzu zuzena, errazagoa eta eraginkorragoa dena, bestetik erronkak ere baditu. Izan ere, sentsoreak hain txikiak izanik, ezin dituzte gaur egungo protokolo eta mekanismo estandarak gauzatu. Beraz, sare mailatik eta aplikazio mailarainoko berariazko protokoloak sortzen ari dira.Tamalez, protokolo hauek arinak izatea dute helburu eta segurtasuna ez dute behar den moduan aztertu eta gauzatzen. Eta egon badaude berariazko sarbide kontrolerako ereduak baina baliabideen urritasuna dela eta, ez dira ez zorrotzak ez kudeagarriak. Are gehiago, Gartnerren arabera, erabilpen aurreratuetan inbertsioa gaur egun mugatzen duen traba Nagusia segurtasunarekiko mesfidantza da.Eta hauxe da erronka eta tesi honek landu duen gaia: batetik sentsoreak hain txikiak izanik, eta baliabideak hain urriak (10kB RAM, 100 kB Flash eta bateriak, sentsore txikienetarikoetan), eta bestetik Internet sarea hain zabala eta arriskutsua izanik, segurtasuna areagotuko duen sarbide zuzenaren kontrolerako eredu zorrotz, arin eta kudeagarri berri bat zehaztu eta bere erabilgarritasuna aztertu

    Towards end-to-end security in internet of things based healthcare

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    Healthcare IoT systems are distinguished in that they are designed to serve human beings, which primarily raises the requirements of security, privacy, and reliability. Such systems have to provide real-time notifications and responses concerning the status of patients. Physicians, patients, and other caregivers demand a reliable system in which the results are accurate and timely, and the service is reliable and secure. To guarantee these requirements, the smart components in the system require a secure and efficient end-to-end communication method between the end-points (e.g., patients, caregivers, and medical sensors) of a healthcare IoT system. The main challenge faced by the existing security solutions is a lack of secure end-to-end communication. This thesis addresses this challenge by presenting a novel end-to-end security solution enabling end-points to securely and efficiently communicate with each other. The proposed solution meets the security requirements of a wide range of healthcare IoT systems while minimizing the overall hardware overhead of end-to-end communication. End-to-end communication is enabled by the holistic integration of the following contributions. The first contribution is the implementation of two architectures for remote monitoring of bio-signals. The first architecture is based on a low power IEEE 802.15.4 protocol known as ZigBee. It consists of a set of sensor nodes to read data from various medical sensors, process the data, and send them wirelessly over ZigBee to a server node. The second architecture implements on an IP-based wireless sensor network, using IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). The system consists of a IEEE 802.11 based sensor module to access bio-signals from patients and send them over to a remote server. In both architectures, the server node collects the health data from several client nodes and updates a remote database. The remote webserver accesses the database and updates the webpage in real-time, which can be accessed remotely. The second contribution is a novel secure mutual authentication scheme for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) implant systems. The proposed scheme relies on the elliptic curve cryptography and the D-Quark lightweight hash design. The scheme consists of three main phases: (1) reader authentication and verification, (2) tag identification, and (3) tag verification. We show that among the existing public-key crypto-systems, elliptic curve is the optimal choice due to its small key size as well as its efficiency in computations. The D-Quark lightweight hash design has been tailored for resource-constrained devices. The third contribution is proposing a low-latency and secure cryptographic keys generation approach based on Electrocardiogram (ECG) features. This is performed by taking advantage of the uniqueness and randomness properties of ECG's main features comprising of PR, RR, PP, QT, and ST intervals. This approach achieves low latency due to its reliance on reference-free ECG's main features that can be acquired in a short time. The approach is called Several ECG Features (SEF)-based cryptographic key generation. The fourth contribution is devising a novel secure and efficient end-to-end security scheme for mobility enabled healthcare IoT. The proposed scheme consists of: (1) a secure and efficient end-user authentication and authorization architecture based on the certificate based Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) handshake protocol, (2) a secure end-to-end communication method based on DTLS session resumption, and (3) support for robust mobility based on interconnected smart gateways in the fog layer. Finally, the fifth and the last contribution is the analysis of the performance of the state-of-the-art end-to-end security solutions in healthcare IoT systems including our end-to-end security solution. In this regard, we first identify and present the essential requirements of robust security solutions for healthcare IoT systems. We then analyze the performance of the state-of-the-art end-to-end security solutions (including our scheme) by developing a prototype healthcare IoT system

    Internet of Things for system integrity: a comprehensive survey on security, attacks and countermeasures for industrial applications

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    The growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) offers numerous opportunities for developing industrial applications such as smart grids, smart cities, smart manufacturers, etc. By utilising these opportunities, businesses engage in creating the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). IoT is vulnerable to hacks and, therefore, requires various techniques to achieve the level of security required. Furthermore, the wider implementation of IIoT causes an even greater security risk than its benefits. To provide a roadmap for researchers, this survey discusses the integrity of industrial IoT systems and highlights the existing security approaches for the most significant industrial applications. This paper mainly classifies the attacks and possible security solutions regarding IoT layers architecture. Consequently, each attack is connected to one or more layers of the architecture accompanied by a literature analysis on the various IoT security countermeasures. It further provides a critical analysis of the existing IoT/IIoT solutions based on different security mechanisms, including communications protocols, networking, cryptography and intrusion detection systems. Additionally, there is a discussion of the emerging tools and simulations used for testing and evaluating security mechanisms in IoT applications. Last, this survey outlines several other relevant research issues and challenges for IoT/IIoT security

    Lightweight wireless network authentication scheme for constrained oracle sensors

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    x, 212 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cmIncludes abstract and appendices.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 136-147).With the significant increase in the dependence of contextual data from constrained IoT, the blockchain has been proposed as a possible solution to address growing concerns from organizations. To address this, the Lightweight Blockchain Authentication for Constrained Sensors (LBACS) scheme was proposed and evaluated using quantitative and qualitative methods. LBACS was designed with constrained Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) in mind and independent of a blockchain implementation. It asserts the authentication and provenance of constrained IoT on the blockchain utilizing a multi-signature approach facilitated by symmetric and asymmetric methods and sufficient considerations for key and certificate registry management. The metrics, threat assessment and comparison to existing WSN authentication schemes conducted asserted the pragmatic use of LBACS to provide authentication, blockchain provenance, integrity, auditable, revocation, weak backward and forward secrecy and universal forgeability. The research has several implications for the ubiquitous use of IoT and growing interest in the blockchain