93 research outputs found

    Lightweight MDS Involution Matrices

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    In this article, we provide new methods to look for lightweight MDS matrices, and in particular involutory ones. By proving many new properties and equivalence classes for various MDS matrices constructions such as circulant, Hadamard, Cauchy and Hadamard-Cauchy, we exhibit new search algorithms that greatly reduce the search space and make lightweight MDS matrices of rather high dimension possible to find. We also explain why the choice of the irreducible polynomial might have a significant impact on the lightweightness, and in contrary to the classical belief, we show that the Hamming weight has no direct impact. Even though we focused our studies on involutory MDS matrices, we also obtained results for non-involutory MDS matrices. Overall, using Hadamard or Hadamard-Cauchy constructions, we provide the (involutory or non-involutory) MDS matrices with the least possible XOR gates for the classical dimensions 4x4, 8x8, 16x16 and 32x32 in GF(2^4) and GF(2^8). Compared to the best known matrices, some of our new candidates save up to 50% on the amount of XOR gates required for an hardware implementation. Finally, our work indicates that involutory MDS matrices are really interesting building blocks for designers as they can be implemented with almost the same number of XOR gates as non-involutory MDS matrices, the latter being usually non-lightweight when the inverse matrix is required

    MDS matrices

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    MDS matrices are widely used in coding theory and cryptography (e.g. in diffusion layers of block ciphers or hash functions), but the construction of MDS matrices is not at all trivial, especially when we require some other suitable properties (involution, efficiency of implementation). That is why we will deal with the construction of MDS matrices (with other properties) in this thesis. We will show a construction of MDS matrices based on Cauchy matrices and on Vandermonde matrices. Then we will present an algorithm for testing whether a given matrix is MDS. And finally, we will show a construction of MDS matrices based on Companion matrices, which is very convenient for lightweight cryptography. 1MDS matice jsou hojně využívané v teorii kódování a v kryptografii (například v difuzních vrstvách blokových šifer či hashovacích funkcí), avšak konstrukce MDS matic není vůbec triviální, zvláště pokud po zkonstruované matici vyžadujeme i další vhodné vlastnosti (involučnost, efektivitu implementace). Proto se právě konstrukcí MDS ma- tic (s dalšími vlastnostmi) budeme v této práci zabývat. Postupně budeme konstruovat MDS matice pomocí Cauchyho matic a pomocí Vandermondových matic. Poté uvedeme algoritmus na testování, zda je daná matice MDS. A nakonec budeme konstruovat MDS matice pomocí Sériových matic, což je velmi výhodné pro lehkou kryptografii. 1Department of AlgebraKatedra algebryFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Optimizing Implementations of Lightweight Building Blocks

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    We study the synthesis of small functions used as building blocks in lightweight cryptographic designs in terms of hardware implementations. This phase most notably appears during the ASIC implementation of cryptographic primitives. The quality of this step directly affects the output circuit, and while general tools exist to carry out this task, most of them belong to proprietary software suites and apply heuristics to any size of functions. In this work, we focus on small functions (4- and 8-bit mappings) and look for their optimal implementations on a specific weighted instructions set which allows fine tuning of the technology. We propose a tool named LIGHTER, based on two related algorithms, that produces optimized implementations of small functions. To demonstrate the validity and usefulness of our tool, we applied it to two practical cases: first, linear permutations that define diffusion in most of SPN ciphers; second, non-linear 4-bit permutations that are used in many lightweight block ciphers. For linear permutations, we exhibit several new MDS diffusion matrices lighter than the state-of-the-art, and we also decrease the implementation cost of several already known MDS matrices. As for non-linear permutations, LIGHTER outperforms the area-optimized synthesis of the state-of-the-art academic tool ABC. Smaller circuits can also be reached when ABC and LIGHTER are used jointly

    Construction of generalized-involutory MDS matrices

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    Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) matrices are usually used to be diffusion layers in cryptographic designs. The main advantage of involutory MDS matrices lies in that both encryption and decryption share the same matrix-vector product. In this paper, we present a new type of MDS matrices called generalized-involutory MDS matrices, implementation of whose inverse matrix-vector products in decryption is the combination of the matrix-vector products in encryption plus a few extra XOR gates. For the purpose of verifying the existence of such matrices, we found 4 Ă— 4 Hadamard generalized-involutory MDS matrix over GF(24) consuming as little as 38 XOR gates with 4 additional XOR gates for inverse matrix, while the best previous single-clock implementation in IWSEC 2019 needs 46 XOR gates with 51 XOR gates for inverse matrix. For GF(28), our results also beat the best previous records in ToSC 2017

    New Subquadratic Algorithms for Constructing Lightweight Hadamard MDS Matrices (Full Version)

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    Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) Matrix plays a crucial role in designing cryptosystems. In this paper we mainly talk about constructing lightweight Hadamard MDS matrices based on subquadratic multipliers over GF(24)GF(2^4). We firstly propose subquadratic Hadamard matrix-vector product formulae (HMVP), and provide two new XOR count metrics. To the best of our knowledge, subquadratic multipliers have not been used to construct MDS matrices. Furthermore, combined with HMVP formulae we design a construction algorithm to find lightweight Hadamard MDS matrices under our XOR count metric. Applying our algorithms, we successfully find MDS matrices with the state-of-the-art fewest XOR counts for 4Ă—44 \times 4 and 8Ă—88 \times 8 involutory and non-involutory MDS matrices. Experiment results show that our candidates save up to 40.63%40.63\% and 10.34%10.34\% XOR gates for 8Ă—88 \times 8 and 4Ă—44 \times 4 matrices over GF(24)GF(2^4) respectively

    On the Construction of Lightweight Circulant Involutory MDS Matrices

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    In the present paper, we investigate the problem of constructing MDS matrices with as few bit XOR operations as possible. The key contribution of the present paper is constructing MDS matrices with entries in the set of mĂ—mm\times m non-singular matrices over F2\mathbb{F}_2 directly, and the linear transformations we used to construct MDS matrices are not assumed pairwise commutative. With this method, it is shown that circulant involutory MDS matrices, which have been proved do not exist over the finite field F2m\mathbb{F}_{2^m}, can be constructed by using non-commutative entries. Some constructions of 4Ă—44\times4 and 5Ă—55\times5 circulant involutory MDS matrices are given when m=4,8m=4,8. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that circulant involutory MDS matrices have been constructed. Furthermore, some lower bounds on XORs that required to evaluate one row of circulant and Hadamard MDS matrices of order 4 are given when m=4,8m=4,8. Some constructions achieving the bound are also given, which have fewer XORs than previous constructions

    Lightweight MDS Serial-type Matrices with Minimal Fixed XOR Count (Full version)

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    Many block ciphers and hash functions require the diffusion property of Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) matrices. Serial matrices with the MDS property obtain a trade-off between area requirement and clock cycle performance to meet the needs of lightweight cryptography. In this paper, we propose a new class of serial-type matrices called Diagonal-Serial Invertible (DSI) matrices with the sparse property. These matrices have a fixed XOR count (contributed by the connecting XORs) which is half that of existing matrices. We prove that for matrices of order 4, our construction gives the matrix with the lowest possible fixed XOR cost. We also introduce the Reversible Implementation (RI) property, which allows the inverse matrix to be implemented using the similar hardware resource as the forward matrix, even when the two matrices have different finite field entries. This allows us to search for serial-type matrices which are lightweight in both directions by just focusing on the forward direction. We obtain MDS matrices which outperform existing lightweight (involutory) matrices

    Feistel Like Construction of Involutory Binary Matrices With High Branch Number

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    In this paper, we propose a generic method to construct involutory binary matrices from a three round Feistel scheme with a linear round function. We prove bounds on the maximum achievable branch number (BN) and the number of fixed points of our construction. We also define two families of efficiently implementable round functions to be used in our method. The usage of these families in the proposed method produces matrices achieving the proven bounds on branch numbers and fixed points. Moreover, we show that BN of the transpose matrix is the same with the original matrix for the function families we defined. Some of the generated matrices are \emph{Maximum Distance Binary Linear} (MDBL), i.e. matrices with the highest achievable BN. The number of fixed points of the generated matrices are close to the expected value for a random involution. Generated matrices are especially suitable for utilising in bitslice block ciphers and hash functions. They can be implemented efficiently in many platforms, from low cost CPUs to dedicated hardware

    Midori: A Block Cipher for Low Energy (Extended Version)

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    In the past few years, lightweight cryptography has become a popular research discipline with a number of ciphers and hash functions proposed. The designers\u27 focus has been predominantly to minimize the hardware area, while other goals such as low latency have been addressed rather recently only. However, the optimization goal of low energy for block cipher design has not been explicitly addressed so far. At the same time, it is a crucial measure of goodness for an algorithm. Indeed, a cipher optimized with respect to energy has wide applications, especially in constrained environments running on a tight power/energy budget such as medical implants. This paper presents the block cipher Midori that is optimized with respect to the energy consumed by the circuit per bit in encryption or decryption operation. We deliberate on the design choices that lead to low energy consumption in an electrical circuit, and try to optimize each component of the circuit as well as its entire architecture for energy. An added motivation is to make both encryption and decryption functionalities available by small tweak in the circuit that would not incur significant area or energy overheads. We propose two energy-efficient block ciphers Midori128 and Midori64 with block sizes equal to 128 and 64 bits respectively. These ciphers have the added property that a circuit that provides both the functionalities of encryption and decryption can be designed with very little overhead in terms of area and energy. We compare our results with other ciphers with similar characteristics: it was found that the energy consumptions of Midori64 and Midori128 are by far better when compared ciphers like PRINCE and NOEKEON
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