4 research outputs found

    Marker hiding methods: Applications in augmented reality

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    © 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.In augmented reality, the markers are noticeable by their simple design of a rectangular image with black and white areas that disturb the reality of the overall view. As the markerless techniques are not usually robust enough, hiding the markers has a valuable usage, which many researchers have focused on. Categorizing the marker hiding methods is the main motivation of this study, which explains each of them in detail and discusses the advantages and shortcomings of each. The main ideas, enhancements, and future works of the well-known techniques are also comprehensively summarized and analyzed in depth. The main goal of this study is to provide researchers who are interested in markerless or hiding-marker methods an easier approach for choosing the method that is best suited to their aims. This work reviews the different methods that hide the augmented reality marker by using information from its surrounding area. These methods have considerable differences in their smooth continuation of the textures that hide the marker area as well as their performance to hide the augmented reality marker in real time. It is also hoped that our analysis helps researchers find solutions to the drawbacks of each method. © 201

    DeepDR: Deep Structure-Aware RGB-D Inpainting for Diminished Reality

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    Diminished reality (DR) refers to the removal of real objects from the environment by virtually replacing them with their background. Modern DR frameworks use inpainting to hallucinate unobserved regions. While recent deep learning-based inpainting is promising, the DR use case is complicated by the need to generate coherent structure and 3D geometry (i.e., depth), in particular for advanced applications, such as 3D scene editing. In this paper, we propose DeepDR, a first RGB-D inpainting framework fulfilling all requirements of DR: Plausible image and geometry inpainting with coherent structure, running at real-time frame rates, with minimal temporal artifacts. Our structure-aware generative network allows us to explicitly condition color and depth outputs on the scene semantics, overcoming the difficulty of reconstructing sharp and consistent boundaries in regions with complex backgrounds. Experimental results show that the proposed framework can outperform related work qualitatively and quantitatively.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures + 13 pages, 10 figures supplementary. Accepted at 3DV 202

    Self-expression with a mobile augmented reality product – The Design of Colourwheel

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    Augmented reality, where virtual content is mixed with the real-world, is increasingly more popular among different areas of academic studies and consumer products. It can provide a more versatile approach for creating experiences and using everyday products, as virtual content can contain a lot more information and interaction than physical, static objects. This master’s thesis studies possibilities for self-expression using a product and a mobile app. The mobile app uses augmented reality when used to scan the product, triggering augmented reality content on the app’s camera view. This is a qualitative study in the field of Industrial Design, using case study as a research strategy and focus group interview and observation as data gathering methods to study the target group. The study contains background research on studies regarding mobile augmented reality, design process of the product and mobile app including interview and observation. The final chapters describe the results regarding both mobile app and the product itself, summarizing the study to conclusions.Lisätty todellisus, jossa virtuaalinen sisältö sekoittuu todellisuuden kanssa, on kasvavassa määrin suositumpi eri tutkimusalojen sekä kuluttajatuotteiden keskuudessa. Sen avulla voidaan mahdollistaa monipuolisempia kokemuksia tuotteiden käytössä, sillä virtuaalinen sisältö voi olla huomattavasti interaktiivisempi ja informatiivisempi kuin fyysiset, staattiset esineet. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma tutkii itsensä ilmaisemista tuotteen ja mobiilisovelluksen kautta. Mobiilisovellus käyttää lisättyä todellisuutta, kun sitä käytetään tuotteen skannaamiseen mobiilaitteen kameran avulla, jolloin kameranäkymään ilmestyy virtuaalista sisältöä. Tämä on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus teollisen muotoilun alueelle, käyttäen tapaustutkimusta tutkimusstrategiana ja kohderyhmähaastattelua sekä havainnointia tutkimusmateriaalin keräämiseen käyttäjäryhmältä. Tämä tutkielma sisältää aiempien mobiilia lisättyä todellisuutta tarkastelevien tutkimusten esittelyä, tuotesuunnitteluprosessin jossa kehitetään tuote sekä mobiilisovellus ja haastattelu sekä havainnointimateriaalia. Lopuksi tulokset käydään läpi kuvaillen niitä sekä tuotteen, että sovelluksen näkökulmasta

    Light-weight marker hiding for augmented reality

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