15 research outputs found

    Soft Session Types

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    We show how systems of session types can enforce interactions to be bounded for all typable processes. The type system we propose is based on Lafont's soft linear logic and is strongly inspired by recent works about session types as intuitionistic linear logic formulas. Our main result is the existence, for every typable process, of a polynomial bound on the length of any reduction sequence starting from it and on the size of any of its reducts.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS 2011, arXiv:1108.407

    An Elementary Affine λ-Calculus with Multithreading and Side Effects

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    International audienceLinear logic provides a framework to control the complexity of higher-order functional programs. We present an extension of this framework to programs with multithreading and side effects focusing on the case of elementary time. Our main contributions are as follows. First, we introduce a modal call-by-value λ-calculus with multithreading and side effects. Second, we provide a combinatorial proof of termination in elementary time for the language. Third, we introduce an elementary affine type system that guarantees the standard subject reduction and progress properties. Finally, we illustrate the programming of iterative functions with side effects in the presented formalism

    Indexed realizability for bounded-time programming with references and type fixpoints

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    The field of implicit complexity has recently produced several bounded-complexity programming languages. This kind of language allows to implement exactly the functions belonging to a certain complexity class. We here present a realizability semantics for a higher-order functional language based on a fragment of linear logic called LAL which characterizes the complexity class PTIME. This language features recursive types and higher-order store. Our realizability is based on biorthogonality, step-indexing and is moreover quantitative. This last feature enables us not only to derive a semantical proof of termination, but also to give bounds on the number of computational steps needed by typed programs to terminate

    An Elementary affine λ-calculus with multithreading and side effects (extended version)

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    Linear logic provides a framework to control the complexity of higher-order functional programs. We present an extension of this framework to programs with multithreading and side effects focusing on the case of elementary time. Our main contributions are as follows. First, we provide a new combinatorial proof of termination in elementary time for the functional case. Second, we develop an extension of the approach to a call-by-value lambdalambda-calculus with multithreading and side effects. Third, we introduce an elementary affine type system that guarantees the standard subject reduction and progress properties. Finally, we illustrate the programming of iterative functions with side effects in the presented formalism

    Bounding Reactions in the Pi-calculus using Interpretations

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    Resource control ; concurrency ; interpretation methodsInternational audienceWe present a new resource static analysis for the pi-calculus that provides upper bounds on the number of reactions that might occur at runtime for a given process. This work is complementary to previous results on termination of processes by capturing strictly more processes, since it captures all the strongly normalizing processes, and by providing precise upper bounds on the number of communications on each channel. For that purpose, it combines interpretation methods, inspired by polynomial interpretations introduced in order to study the complexity of term rewrite systems, with a notion of resource process that mimics reaction keeping information about resource consumption in terms of communication. We also show that presented analysis is general and can be easily adapted to study space properties of processes (for example, upper bounds on the size of the maximal value sent on a given channel during reaction)

    Type-based complexity analysis for fork processes

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    International audienceWe introduce a type system for concurrent programs described as a parallel imperative language using while-loops and fork/wait instructions, in which processes do not share a global memory, in order to analyze computational complexity. The type system provides an analysis of the data-flow based both on a data ramification principle related to tiering discipline and on secure typed languages. The main result states that well-typed processes characterize exactly the set of functions computable in polynomial space under termination, confluence and lock-freedom assumptions. More precisely, each process computes in polynomial time so that the evaluation of a process may be performed in polynomial time on a parallel model of computation. Type inference of the presented analysis is decidable in linear time provided that basic operator semantics is known

    Causal computational complexity of distributed processes

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    This article studies the complexity of π-calculus processes with respect to the quantity of transitions caused by an incoming message. First, we propose a typing system for integrating Bellantoni and Cook's characterisation of polytime computable functions into Deng and Sangiorgi's typing system for termination. We then define computational complexity of distributed messages based on Degano and Priami's causal semantics, which identifies the dependency between interleaved transitions. Next, we apply a necessary syntactic flow analysis to typable processes to ensure a computational bound on the number of distributed messages. We prove that our analysis is decidable; sound in the sense that it guarantees that the total number of messages causally dependent of an input request received from the outside is bounded by a polynomial of the content of this request; and complete, meaning that each polynomial recursive function can be computed by a typable process