8 research outputs found

    Material Recognition Meets 3D Reconstruction : Novel Tools for Efficient, Automatic Acquisition Systems

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    For decades, the accurate acquisition of geometry and reflectance properties has represented one of the major objectives in computer vision and computer graphics with many applications in industry, entertainment and cultural heritage. Reproducing even the finest details of surface geometry and surface reflectance has become a ubiquitous prerequisite in visual prototyping, advertisement or digital preservation of objects. However, today's acquisition methods are typically designed for only a rather small range of material types. Furthermore, there is still a lack of accurate reconstruction methods for objects with a more complex surface reflectance behavior beyond diffuse reflectance. In addition to accurate acquisition techniques, the demand for creating large quantities of digital contents also pushes the focus towards fully automatic and highly efficient solutions that allow for masses of objects to be acquired as fast as possible. This thesis is dedicated to the investigation of basic components that allow an efficient, automatic acquisition process. We argue that such an efficient, automatic acquisition can be realized when material recognition "meets" 3D reconstruction and we will demonstrate that reliably recognizing the materials of the considered object allows a more efficient geometry acquisition. Therefore, the main objectives of this thesis are given by the development of novel, robust geometry acquisition techniques for surface materials beyond diffuse surface reflectance, and the development of novel, robust techniques for material recognition. In the context of 3D geometry acquisition, we introduce an improvement of structured light systems, which are capable of robustly acquiring objects ranging from diffuse surface reflectance to even specular surface reflectance with a sufficient diffuse component. We demonstrate that the resolution of the reconstruction can be increased significantly for multi-camera, multi-projector structured light systems by using overlappings of patterns that have been projected under different projector poses. As the reconstructions obtained by applying such triangulation-based techniques still contain high-frequency noise due to inaccurately localized correspondences established for images acquired under different viewpoints, we furthermore introduce a novel geometry acquisition technique that complements the structured light system with additional photometric normals and results in significantly more accurate reconstructions. In addition, we also present a novel method to acquire the 3D shape of mirroring objects with complex surface geometry. The aforementioned investigations on 3D reconstruction are accompanied by the development of novel tools for reliable material recognition which can be used in an initial step to recognize the present surface materials and, hence, to efficiently select the subsequently applied appropriate acquisition techniques based on these classified materials. In the scope of this thesis, we therefore focus on material recognition for scenarios with controlled illumination as given in lab environments as well as scenarios with natural illumination that are given in photographs of typical daily life scenes. Finally, based on the techniques developed in this thesis, we provide novel concepts towards efficient, automatic acquisition systems

    Towards Predictive Rendering in Virtual Reality

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    The strive for generating predictive images, i.e., images representing radiometrically correct renditions of reality, has been a longstanding problem in computer graphics. The exactness of such images is extremely important for Virtual Reality applications like Virtual Prototyping, where users need to make decisions impacting large investments based on the simulated images. Unfortunately, generation of predictive imagery is still an unsolved problem due to manifold reasons, especially if real-time restrictions apply. First, existing scenes used for rendering are not modeled accurately enough to create predictive images. Second, even with huge computational efforts existing rendering algorithms are not able to produce radiometrically correct images. Third, current display devices need to convert rendered images into some low-dimensional color space, which prohibits display of radiometrically correct images. Overcoming these limitations is the focus of current state-of-the-art research. This thesis also contributes to this task. First, it briefly introduces the necessary background and identifies the steps required for real-time predictive image generation. Then, existing techniques targeting these steps are presented and their limitations are pointed out. To solve some of the remaining problems, novel techniques are proposed. They cover various steps in the predictive image generation process, ranging from accurate scene modeling over efficient data representation to high-quality, real-time rendering. A special focus of this thesis lays on real-time generation of predictive images using bidirectional texture functions (BTFs), i.e., very accurate representations for spatially varying surface materials. The techniques proposed by this thesis enable efficient handling of BTFs by compressing the huge amount of data contained in this material representation, applying them to geometric surfaces using texture and BTF synthesis techniques, and rendering BTF covered objects in real-time. Further approaches proposed in this thesis target inclusion of real-time global illumination effects or more efficient rendering using novel level-of-detail representations for geometric objects. Finally, this thesis assesses the rendering quality achievable with BTF materials, indicating a significant increase in realism but also confirming the remainder of problems to be solved to achieve truly predictive image generation

    Advanced methods for relightable scene representations in image space

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    The realistic reproduction of visual appearance of real-world objects requires accurate computer graphics models that describe the optical interaction of a scene with its surroundings. Data-driven approaches that model the scene globally as a reflectance field function in eight parameters deliver high quality and work for most material combinations, but are costly to acquire and store. Image-space relighting, which constrains the application to create photos with a virtual, fix camera in freely chosen illumination, requires only a 4D data structure to provide full fidelity. This thesis contributes to image-space relighting on four accounts: (1) We investigate the acquisition of 4D reflectance fields in the context of sampling and propose a practical setup for pre-filtering of reflectance data during recording, and apply it in an adaptive sampling scheme. (2) We introduce a feature-driven image synthesis algorithm for the interpolation of coarsely sampled reflectance data in software to achieve highly realistic images. (3) We propose an implicit reflectance data representation, which uses a Bayesian approach to relight complex scenes from the example of much simpler reference objects. (4) Finally, we construct novel, passive devices out of optical components that render reflectance field data in real-time, shaping the incident illumination into the desired imageDie realistische Wiedergabe der visuellen Erscheinung einer realen Szene setzt genaue Modelle aus der Computergraphik für die Interaktion der Szene mit ihrer Umgebung voraus. Globale Ansätze, die das Verhalten der Szene insgesamt als Reflektanzfeldfunktion in acht Parametern modellieren, liefern hohe Qualität für viele Materialtypen, sind aber teuer aufzuzeichnen und zu speichern. Verfahren zur Neubeleuchtung im Bildraum schränken die Anwendbarkeit auf fest gewählte Kameras ein, ermöglichen aber die freie Wahl der Beleuchtung, und erfordern dadurch lediglich eine 4D - Datenstruktur für volle Wiedergabetreue. Diese Arbeit enthält vier Beiträge zu diesem Thema: (1) wir untersuchen die Aufzeichnung von 4D Reflektanzfeldern im Kontext der Abtasttheorie und schlagen einen praktischen Aufbau vor, der Reflektanzdaten bereits während der Messung vorfiltert. Wir verwenden ihn in einem adaptiven Abtastschema. (2) Wir führen einen merkmalgesteuerten Bildsynthesealgorithmus für die Interpolation von grob abgetasteten Reflektanzdaten ein. (3) Wir schlagen eine implizite Beschreibung von Reflektanzdaten vor, die mit einem Bayesschen Ansatz komplexe Szenen anhand des Beispiels eines viel einfacheren Referenzobjektes neu beleuchtet. (4) Unter der Verwendung optischer Komponenten schaffen wir passive Aufbauten zur Darstellung von Reflektanzfeldern in Echtzeit, indem wir einfallende Beleuchtung direkt in das gewünschte Bild umwandeln

    Research opportunities with compact accelerator-driven neutron sources

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    Since the discovery of the neutron in 1934 neutron beams have been used in a very broad range of applications, As an aging fleet of nuclear reactor sources is retired the use of compact accelerator–driven neutron sources (CANS) are becoming more prevalent. CANS are playing a significant and expanding role in research and development in science and engineering, as well as in education and training. In the realm of multidisciplinary applications, CANS offer opportunities over a wide range of technical utilization, from interrogation of civil structures to medical therapy to cultural heritage study. This paper aims to provide the first comprehensive overview of the history, current status of operation, and ongoing development of CANS worldwide. The basic physics and engineering regarding neutron production by accelerators, target-moderator systems, and beam line instrumentation are introduced, followed by an extensive discussion of various evolving applications currently exploited at CANS

    Neural Radiance Fields: Past, Present, and Future

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    The various aspects like modeling and interpreting 3D environments and surroundings have enticed humans to progress their research in 3D Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, and Machine Learning. An attempt made by Mildenhall et al in their paper about NeRFs (Neural Radiance Fields) led to a boom in Computer Graphics, Robotics, Computer Vision, and the possible scope of High-Resolution Low Storage Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality-based 3D models have gained traction from res with more than 1000 preprints related to NeRFs published. This paper serves as a bridge for people starting to study these fields by building on the basics of Mathematics, Geometry, Computer Vision, and Computer Graphics to the difficulties encountered in Implicit Representations at the intersection of all these disciplines. This survey provides the history of rendering, Implicit Learning, and NeRFs, the progression of research on NeRFs, and the potential applications and implications of NeRFs in today's world. In doing so, this survey categorizes all the NeRF-related research in terms of the datasets used, objective functions, applications solved, and evaluation criteria for these applications.Comment: 413 pages, 9 figures, 277 citation

    Light Source Calibration for IBR and BTF Acquisition Setups

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