118 research outputs found

    Lifelong Path Planning with Kinematic Constraints for Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery

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    The Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery (MAPD) problem models applications where a large number of agents attend to a stream of incoming pickup-and-delivery tasks. Token Passing (TP) is a recent MAPD algorithm that is efficient and effective. We make TP even more efficient and effective by using a novel combinatorial search algorithm, called Safe Interval Path Planning with Reservation Table (SIPPwRT), for single-agent path planning. SIPPwRT uses an advanced data structure that allows for fast updates and lookups of the current paths of all agents in an online setting. The resulting MAPD algorithm TP-SIPPwRT takes kinematic constraints of real robots into account directly during planning, computes continuous agent movements with given velocities that work on non-holonomic robots rather than discrete agent movements with uniform velocity, and is complete for well-formed MAPD instances. We demonstrate its benefits for automated warehouses using both an agent simulator and a standard robot simulator. For example, we demonstrate that it can compute paths for hundreds of agents and thousands of tasks in seconds and is more efficient and effective than existing MAPD algorithms that use a post-processing step to adapt their paths to continuous agent movements with given velocities.Comment: AAAI 201

    Idle Time Optimization for Target Assignment and Path Finding in Sortation Centers

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    In this paper, we study the one-shot and lifelong versions of the Target Assignment and Path Finding problem in automated sortation centers, where each agent needs to constantly assign itself a sorting station, move to its assigned station without colliding with obstacles or other agents, wait in the queue of that station to obtain a parcel for delivery, and then deliver the parcel to a sorting bin. The throughput of such centers is largely determined by the total idle time of all stations since their queues can frequently become empty. To address this problem, we first formalize and study the one-shot version that assigns stations to a set of agents and finds collision-free paths for the agents to their assigned stations. We present efficient algorithms for this task based on a novel min-cost max-flow formulation that minimizes the total idle time of all stations in a fixed time window. We then demonstrate how our algorithms for solving the one-shot problem can be applied to solving the lifelong problem as well. Experimentally, we believe to be the first researchers to consider real-world automated sortation centers using an industrial simulator with realistic data and a kinodynamic model of real robots. On this simulator, we showcase the benefits of our algorithms by demonstrating their efficiency and effectiveness for up to 350 agents.Comment: AAAI 2020, to appea

    Distributed Fleet Management in Noisy Environments via Model-Predictive Control

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    This object is the reproducibility package for the paper Distributed Fleet Management in Noisy Environments via Model-Predictive Control accepted for publication at ICAPS '22. The package contains the software for executing the experiments, the data presented in the paper, examples of Uppaal models, and scripts for redoing the experiments presented in the paper

    Prioritized Multi-agent Path Finding for Differential Drive Robots

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    Methods for centralized planning of the collision-free trajectories for a fleet of mobile robots typically solve the discretized version of the problem and rely on numerous simplifying assumptions, e.g. moves of uniform duration, cardinal only translations, equal speed and size of the robots etc., thus the resultant plans can not always be directly executed by the real robotic systems. To mitigate this issue we suggest a set of modifications to the prominent prioritized planner -- AA-SIPP(m) -- aimed at lifting the most restrictive assumptions (syncronized translation only moves, equal size and speed of the robots) and at providing robustness to the solutions. We evaluate the suggested algorithm in simulation and on differential drive robots in typical lab environment (indoor polygon with external video-based navigation system). The results of the evaluation provide a clear evidence that the algorithm scales well to large number of robots (up to hundreds in simulation) and is able to produce solutions that are safely executed by the robots prone to imperfect trajectory following. The video of the experiments can be found at https://youtu.be/Fer_irn4BG0.Comment: This is a pre-print version of the paper accepted to ECMR 2019 (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8870957
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