9 research outputs found

    Uma ontologia de perfil holístico para estudantes de graduação

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2021.Este trabalho, após relatar a pesquisa por características modeladas de estudantes em diversos trabalhos científicos, propõe um modelo de estudante holístico, no formato de uma ontologia (OWL), voltado para o estudante de graduação do Departamento de Ciên cia da Computação da UnB. A construção do modelo base é relatada passo a passo. O modelo proposto pode ser utilizado por aplicações e serviços que participem do ecossis tema digital educacional da universidade. A utilização de um modelo comum possibilita o compartilhamento de dados e a integração das aplicações. Trabalhos futuros podem detalhar diversos aspectos do modelo proposto, construindo aplicações e serviços que po dem se beneficiar dos dados compartilhados na ontologia. Também podem ser construídos serviços para integrar aplicações e informações existentes ao modelo e, consequentemente, ao ecossistema digital.This work presents a ontology based holistic student model. After a literature review in Student Modeling, this work proposes a model in OWL format, aimed at the undegraduate student of the Computer Science Department at Universidade de Brasília (CiC-UnB). The construction of the base model is reported step-by-step. The proposed model can be used by applications and services in the university’s digital educational ecosystem. The use of a common model enables data sharing and application integration. Future works can detail aspects of the proposed model, building apps and services that can benefit from data shared using the ontology

    Future Perspectives on Positive Psychology:A Research Agenda

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    Just over two decades ago, Martin Seligman's inaugural lecture as the new president of the APA marked the dawn of Positive Psychology. Seligman called for a science of positive subjective experiences, positive individual states/traits/behaviours, and positive societal factors that improves the quality of life and wellbeing. Since then, this sub-discipline of psychology has shown extraordinary and inspiring growth in both the academy (e.g. research papers/books) and practice (e.g. establishment of professional associations, annual conferences). Positive psychology has increased our collective understanding of the factors that make life worth living, the drivers that enhance wellbeing and the elements that undermine them. It has given birth to many new theories, research models and methodologies that aim to measure, interpret, model and optimize the conditions that lead to flourishing individuals and thriving societies. It has also spawned a magnitude of sub-disciplines ranging from positive ageing, positive coaching, wellbeing therapies, positive relationships, positive health, positive organizational psychology etc. Despite building out its own identity, positive psychology has also been adopted in many adjacent fields like organizational studies, education, health, risk management, and even architectural sciences.In its relatively short life, positive psychology has provided new insights into the human condition and innovative means to solve complex individual, organizational and societal problems. Positive psychology has brought balance to psychology by establishing a platform to focus on more than just "fixing what is wrong" through focusing on optimizing what already works well. As a collective, we believe that positive psychology can continue to play a vital role in the future by deepening our understanding of 'positivity' and developing practical tools, methodologies, and interventions to enhance people, organizations, and societies' functioning.But what does the future of positive psychology hold? What are the strengths, opportunities, aspirations and results of positive psychology? And how can we, as a collective, build out the credibility and impact of the discipline's future? For us, these are some of the most challenging goals of positive psychology. With the rapid development of the field, detailed research and practice 'roadmaps' are required to direct the discipline's collective energies.This book address such by collating a series of research agendas about the future of positive psychology in different speciality areas. Specifically, the aim was to identify the limitations in our current understanding of the different theories, models, methods and interventions on which positive psychology is built and propose a roadmap for addressing such in the future. This aided in setting a specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound research agenda to direct the future development of positive psychology. Contributions discuss the current state of theory and research in positive psychology and presents a research agenda for future research

    Future Perspectives on Positive Psychology:A Research Agenda

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    Graduate Catalog

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    Gradate Catalog

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    Graduate Catalog

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    Undergraduate Catalog

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    Kenyon College Course Catalog 2021-2022

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