195 research outputs found

    User Review-Based Change File Localization for Mobile Applications

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    In the current mobile app development, novel and emerging DevOps practices (e.g., Continuous Delivery, Integration, and user feedback analysis) and tools are becoming more widespread. For instance, the integration of user feedback (provided in the form of user reviews) in the software release cycle represents a valuable asset for the maintenance and evolution of mobile apps. To fully make use of these assets, it is highly desirable for developers to establish semantic links between the user reviews and the software artefacts to be changed (e.g., source code and documentation), and thus to localize the potential files to change for addressing the user feedback. In this paper, we propose RISING (Review Integration via claSsification, clusterIng, and linkiNG), an automated approach to support the continuous integration of user feedback via classification, clustering, and linking of user reviews. RISING leverages domain-specific constraint information and semi-supervised learning to group user reviews into multiple fine-grained clusters concerning similar users' requests. Then, by combining the textual information from both commit messages and source code, it automatically localizes potential change files to accommodate the users' requests. Our empirical studies demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline work in terms of clustering and localization accuracy, and thus produces more reliable results.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 8 table

    Leveraging Identifier Naming Structures in Source Code and Bug Reports to Localize Relevant Bugs

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    When bugs are found in source code, bug reports are created which contain relevant information for developers to locate and fix the bug. In large source code repositories, it can be difficult and time consuming for developers to manually analyze bug reports to locate a bug. The discovery of patterns between bug reports and source files has led to the creation of automated tools using various techniques. Automated bug localization techniques can reduce the amount of manual effort required by developers by ranking the most probable location of the bug using textual information from bug reports and source code. Although these approaches offer some assistance, the lexical mismatch between the bug reports and the source code makes it difficult to accurately locate the buggy source code file(s) using Information Retrieval (IR) techniques. Our research proposes a technique that takes advantage of the lexical and structural patterns observed in source code identifier names to help offset the mismatch between bug reports and their related source code files. Our observations reveal that there are lexical and structural identifier naming trends for different identifier types in the source code. Using two open-source projects, and collecting frequencies for observed identifier patterns across the project, we applied the observed frequencies to matched word occurrences in bug reports across our evaluation data set to modify the significance of that word. Based on observations discovered in our empirical analysis of open source repositories ElasticSearch and RxJava, we developed a method to modify the significance of a word by altering the weight of the matched word represented in the Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) vectorization of that particular bug report. The idea behind this approach is that if we come across a word perceived to be significant based on our observed identifier pattern frequency data, we can apply a weight to that word in the bug report vectorization to increase the cosine similarity score between the bug report and source file vectors. This work expands and improves upon previous work by Gharibi et al. [1], who propose a multicomponent approach that uses token matching, stack trace, semantic similarity, and a revised vector space model (rVSM). Specifically, our approach modifies the rVSM component, and our work is evaluated on the same three open-source software projects: AspectJ, SWT, and ZXing. The results of our approach are comparable to the results of Gharibi et al., and we achieve an improvement in some cases. It was observed that our work outperforms many existing bug localization approaches. Top@N, Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR), and Mean Average Precision (MAP) are metrics used to evaluate and rank our work against other approaches, revealing some improvement in bug localization across three open-source projects

    Changeset-based Retrieval of Source Code Artifacts for Bug Localization

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    Modern software development is extremely collaborative and agile, with unprecedented speed and scale of activity. Popular trends like continuous delivery and continuous deployment aim at building, fixing, and releasing software with greater speed and frequency. Bug localization, which aims to automatically localize bug reports to relevant software artifacts, has the potential to improve software developer efficiency by reducing the time spent on debugging and examining code. To date, this problem has been primarily addressed by applying information retrieval techniques based on static code elements, which are intrinsically unable to reflect how software evolves over time. Furthermore, as prior approaches frequently rely on exact term matching to measure relatedness between a bug report and a software artifact, they are prone to be affected by the lexical gap that exists between natural and programming language. This thesis explores using software changes (i.e., changesets), instead of static code elements, as the primary data unit to construct an information retrieval model toward bug localization. Changesets, which represent the differences between two consecutive versions of the source code, provide a natural representation of a software change, and allow to capture both the semantics of the source code, and the semantics of the code modification. To bridge the lexical gap between source code and natural language, this thesis investigates using topic modeling and deep learning architectures that enable creating semantically rich data representation with the goal of identifying latent connection between bug reports and source code. To show the feasibility of the proposed approaches, this thesis also investigates practical aspects related to using a bug localization tool, such retrieval delay and training data availability. The results indicate that the proposed techniques effectively leverage historical data about bugs and their related source code components to improve retrieval accuracy, especially for bug reports that are expressed in natural language, with little to no explicit code references. Further improvement in accuracy is observed when the size of the training dataset is increased through data augmentation and data balancing strategies proposed in this thesis, although depending on the model architecture the magnitude of the improvement varies. In terms of retrieval delay, the results indicate that the proposed deep learning architecture significantly outperforms prior work, and scales up with respect to search space size

    Utilizing traceable software artifacts to improve bug localization

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    Die Entwicklung von Softwaresystemen ist eine komplexe Aufgabe. Qualitätssicherung versucht auftretenden Softwarefehler (bugs) in Systemen zu vermeiden, jedoch können Fehler nie ausgeschlossen werden. Sobald ein Softwarefehler entdeckt wird, wird typischerweise ein Fehlerbericht (bug report) erstellt. Dieser dient als Ausgangspunkt für den Entwickler den Fehler im Quellcode der Software zu finden und zu beheben (bug fixing). Fehlerberichte sowie weitere Softwareartefakte, z.B. Anforderungen und der Quellcode selbst, werden in Software Repositories abgelegt. Diese erlauben die Artefakte mit trace links zur Nachvollziehbarkeit (traceability) zu verknüpfen. Oftmals ist die Erstellung der trace links im Entwicklungsprozess vorgeschrieben. Dazu zählen u.a. die Luftfahrt- und Automobilindustrie, sowie die Entwicklung von medizinischen Geräten. Das Auffinden von Softwarefehlern in großen Systemen mit tausenden Artefakten ist eine anspruchsvolle, zeitintensive und fehleranfällige Aufgabe, welche eine umfangreiche Projektkenntnis erfordert. Deswegen wird seit Jahren aktiv an der Automatisierung dieses Prozesses geforscht. Weiterhin wird die manuelle Erstellung und Pflege von trace links als Belastung empfunden und sollte weitgehend automatisiert werden. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuartiger Algorithmus zum Auffinden von Softwarefehlern vorgestellt, der aktiv die erstellten trace links ausnutzt. Die Artefakte und deren Beziehungen dienen zur Erstellung eines Nachvollziehbarkeitsgraphen, welcher analysiert wird um fehlerhafte Quellcodedateien anhand eines Fehlerberichtes zu finden. Jedoch muss angenommen werden, dass nicht alle notwendigen trace links zwischen den Softwareartefakten eines Projektes erstellt wurden. Deswegen wird ein vollautomatisierter, projektunabhängiger Ansatz vorgestellt, der diese fehlenden trace links erstellt (augmentation). Die Grundlage zur Entwicklung dieses Algorithmus ist der typische Entwicklungsprozess eines Softwareprojektes. Die entwickelten Ansätze wurden mit mehr als 32.000 Fehlerberichten von 27 Open-Source Projekten evaluiert und die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Einbeziehung von traceability signifikant das Auffinden von Fehlern im Quellcode verbessert. Weiterhin kann der entwickelte Augmentation Algorithmus zuverlässig fehlende trace links erstellen.The development of software systems is a very complex task. Quality assurance tries to prevent defects – software bugs – in deployed systems, but it is impossible to avoid bugs all together, especially during development. Once a bug is observed, typically a bug report is written. It guides the responsible developer to locate the bug in the project's source code, and once found to fix it. The bug reports, along with other development artifacts such as requirements and the source code are stored in software repositories. The repositories also allow to create relationships – trace links – among contained artifacts. Establishing this traceability is demanded in many domains, such as safety related ones like the automotive and aviation industry, or in development of medical devices. However, in large software systems with thousands of artifacts, especially source code files, manually locating a bug is time consuming, error-prone, and requires extensive knowledge of the project. Thus, automating the bug localization process is actively researched since many years. Further, manually creating and maintaining trace links is often considered as a burden, and there is the need to automate this task as well. Multiple studies have shown, that traceability is beneficial for many software development tasks. This thesis presents a novel bug localization algorithm utilizing traceability. The project's artifacts and trace links are used to create a traceability graph. This graph is then analyzed to locate defective source code files for a given bug report. Since the existing trace link set of a project is possibly incomplete, another algorithm is prosed to augment missing links. The algorithm is fully automated, project independent, and derived from a project's development workflow. An evaluation on more than 32,000 bug reports from 27 open-source projects shows, that incorporating traceability information into bug localization significantly improves the bug localization performance compared to two state of the art algorithms. Further, the trace link augmentation approach reliably constructs missing links and therefore simplifies the required trace maintenance

    Source Code Retrieval from Large Software Libraries for Automatic Bug Localization

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    This dissertation advances the state-of-the-art in information retrieval (IR) based approaches to automatic bug localization in software. In an IR-based approach, one first creates a search engine using a probabilistic or a deterministic model for the files in a software library. Subsequently, a bug report is treated as a query to the search engine for retrieving the files relevant to the bug. With regard to the new work presented, we first demonstrate the importance of taking version histories of the files into account for achieving significant improvements in the precision with which the files related to a bug are located. This is motivated by the realization that the files that have not changed in a long time are likely to have ``stabilized and are therefore less likely to contain bugs. Subsequently, we look at the difficulties created by the fact that developers frequently use abbreviations and concatenations that are not likely to be familiar to someone trying to locate the files related to a bug. We show how an initial query can be automatically reformulated to include the relevant actual terms in the files by an analysis of the files retrieved in response to the original query for terms that are proximal to the original query terms. The last part of this dissertation generalizes our term-proximity based work by using Markov Random Fields (MRF) to model the inter-term dependencies in a query vis-a-vis the files. Our MRF work redresses one of the major defects of the most commonly used modeling approaches in IR, which is the loss of all inter-term relationships in the documents

    Using Word Embedding and Convolution Neural Network for Bug Triaging by Considering Design Flaws

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    Resolving bugs in the maintenance phase of software is a complicated task. Bug assignment is one of the main tasks for resolving bugs. Some Bugs cannot be fixed properly without making design decisions and have to be assigned to designers, rather than programmers, to avoid emerging bad smells that may cause subsequent bug reports. Hence, it is important to refer some bugs to the designer to check the possible design flaws. Based on our best knowledge, there are a few works that have considered referring bugs to designers. Hence, this issue is considered in this work. In this paper, a dataset is created, and a CNN-based model is proposed to predict the need for assigning a bug to a designer by learning the peculiarities of bug reports effective in creating bad smells in the code. The features of each bug are extracted from CNN based on its textual features, such as a summary and description. The number of bad samples added to it in the fixing process using the PMD tool determines the bug tag. The summary and description of the new bug are given to the model and the model predicts the need to refer to the designer. The accuracy of 75% (or more) was achieved for datasets with a sufficient number of samples for deep learning-based model training. A model is proposed to predict bug referrals to the designer. The efficiency of the model in predicting referrals to the designer at the time of receiving the bug report was demonstrated by testing the model on 10 projects
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