49 research outputs found

    Semantic Annotation and Search: Bridging the Gap between Text, Knowledge and Language

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    In recent years, the ever-increasing quantities of entities in large knowledge bases on the Web, such as DBpedia, Freebase and YAGO, pose new challenges but at the same time open up new opportunities for intelligent information access. These knowledge bases (KBs) have become valuable resources in many research areas, such as natural language processing (NLP) and information retrieval (IR). Recently, almost every major commercial Web search engine has incorporated entities into their search process, including Google’s Knowledge Graph, Yahoo!’s Web of Objects and Microsoft’s Satori Graph/Bing Snapshots. The goal is to bridge the semantic gap between natural language text and formalized knowledge. Within the context of globalization, multilingual and cross-lingual access to information has emerged as an issue of major interest. Nowadays, more and more people from different countries are connecting to the Internet, in particular the Web, and many users can understand more than one language. While the diversity of languages on the Web has been growing, for most people there is still very little content in their native language. As a consequence of the ability to understand more than one language, users are also interested in Web content in other languages than their mother tongue. There is an impending need for technologies that can help in overcoming the language barrier for multilingual and cross-lingual information access. In this thesis, we face the overall research question of how to allow for semantic-aware and cross-lingual processing of Web documents and user queries by leveraging knowledge bases. With the goal of addressing this complex problem, we provide the following solutions: (1) semantic annotation for addressing the semantic gap between Web documents and knowledge; (2) semantic search for coping with the semantic gap between keyword queries and knowledge; (3) the exploitation of cross-lingual semantics for overcoming the language barrier between natural language expressions (i.e., keyword queries and Web documents) and knowledge for enabling cross-lingual semantic annotation and search. We evaluated these solutions and the results showed advances beyond the state-of-the-art. In addition, we implemented a framework of cross-lingual semantic annotation and search, which has been widely used for cross-lingual processing of media content in the context of our research projects

    Discourses, Modes, Media and Meaning in an Era of Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of our everyday lives – from the political to the economic to the social. Using a multimodal discourse analysis approach, this dynamic collection examines various discourses, modes and media in circulation during the early stages of the pandemic, and how these have impacted our daily lives in terms of the various meanings they express. Examples include how national and international news organisations communicate important information about the virus and the crisis, the public’s reactions to such communications, the resultant (counter-)discourses as manifested in social media posts and memes, as well as the impact social distancing policies and mobility restrictions have had on people’s communication and interaction practices. The book offers a synoptic view of how the pandemic was communicated, represented and (re-)contextualised across different spheres, and ultimately hopes to help account for the significant changes we are continuing to witness in our everyday lives as the pandemic unfolds. This volume will appeal primarily to scholars in the field of (multimodal) discourse analysis. It will also be of interest to researchers and graduate students in other fields whose work focuses on the use of multimodal artefacts for communication and meaning making

    Discourses, Modes, Media and Meaning in an Era of Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of our everyday lives – from the political to the economic to the social. Using a multimodal discourse analysis approach, this dynamic collection examines various discourses, modes and media in circulation during the early stages of the pandemic, and how these have impacted our daily lives in terms of the various meanings they express. Examples include how national and international news organisations communicate important information about the virus and the crisis, the public’s reactions to such communications, the resultant (counter-)discourses as manifested in social media posts and memes, as well as the impact social distancing policies and mobility restrictions have had on people’s communication and interaction practices. The book offers a synoptic view of how the pandemic was communicated, represented and (re-)contextualised across different spheres, and ultimately hopes to help account for the significant changes we are continuing to witness in our everyday lives as the pandemic unfolds. This volume will appeal primarily to scholars in the field of (multimodal) discourse analysis. It will also be of interest to researchers and graduate students in other fields whose work focuses on the use of multimodal artefacts for communication and meaning making

    Celebrating 50 years of ACAL

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    The papers in this volume were presented at the 50th Annual Conference on African Linguistics held at the University of British Columbia in 2019. The contributions span a range of theoretical topics as well as topics in descriptive and applied linguistics. The papers reflect the typological and genetic diversity of languages in Africa and also represent the breadth of the ACAL community, with papers from both students and more senior scholars, based in North America and beyond. They thus provide a snapshot on current research in African linguistics, from multiple perspectives. To mark the 50th anniversary of the conference, the volume editors reminisce, in the introductory chapter, about their memorable ACALs

    Deliverable D2.7 Final Linked Media Layer and Evaluation

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    This deliverable presents the evaluation of content annotation and content enrichment systems that are part of the final tool set developed within the LinkedTV consortium. The evaluations were performed on both the Linked News and Linked Culture trial content, as well as on other content annotated for this purpose. The evaluation spans three languages: German (Linked News), Dutch (Linked Culture) and English. Selected algorithms and tools were also subject to benchmarking in two international contests: MediaEval 2014 and TAC’14. Additionally, the Microposts 2015 NEEL Challenge is being organized with the support of LinkedTV

    Generating automated meeting summaries

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    The thesis at hand introduces a novel approach for the generation of abstractive summaries of meetings. While the automatic generation of document summaries has been studied for some decades now, the novelty of this thesis is mainly the application to the meeting domain (instead of text documents) as well as the use of a lexicalized representation formalism on the basis of Frame Semantics. This allows us to generate summaries abstractively (instead of extractively).Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt einen neuartigen Ansatz zur Generierung abstraktiver Zusammenfassungen von Gruppenbesprechungen vor. Während automatische Textzusammenfassungen bereits seit einigen Jahrzehnten erforscht werden, liegt die Neuheit dieser Arbeit vor allem in der Anwendungsdomäne (Gruppenbesprechungen statt Textdokumenten), sowie der Verwendung eines lexikalisierten Repräsentationsformulism auf der Basis von Frame-Semantiken, der es erlaubt, Zusammenfassungen abstraktiv (statt extraktiv) zu generieren. Wir argumentieren, dass abstraktive Ansätze für die Zusammenfassung spontansprachlicher Interaktionen besser geeignet sind als extraktive

    Scientific dissemination and professional practices through digital media: The study of pragmatic strategies in the communication of international research projects

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    La investigación científica hoy en día está ligada a los procesos de globalización y a la búsqueda de la innovación y la excelencia, lo cual favorece una creciente colaboración, internacionalización y multidisciplinariedad. Para llevar a cabo estas iniciativas ambiciosas y de gran escala, los investigadores necesitan la financiación externa que distintas organizaciones, instituciones y programas pueden proporcionar. Esta reconfiguración del trabajo académico va de la mano de la ubiquidad y popularidad de Internet. Un extenso abanico de géneros, plataformas y medios digitales permiten a los científicos y académicos difundir sus investigaciones a una audiencia amplia y heterogénea. La inversión de esfuerzo en la comunicación mediada digitalmente permite a los investigadores contribuir a una diseminación más efectiva del conocimiento generado, así como cumplir con su compromiso social. Por otra parte, este esfuerzo les puede permitir reforzar su reputación como investigadores y conseguir un mayor impacto. Un ejemplo destacado de este escenario académico cambiante donde se maximiza el discurso digital para propósitos investigadores es el de los proyectos de investigación internacionales. Se trata de consorcios compuestos de miembros provenientes de entornos socioculturales y profesionales distintos que hacen uso de sitios web y redes sociales para la diseminación de sus proyectos conjuntos y utilizan las características tecnológicas y comunicativas de estos espacios digitales para ofrecer actualizaciones periódicas de su trabajo e información sobre hallazgos en progreso y resultados de investigación. De este modo, rinden cuentas a los organismos que los financian y aumentan su visibilidad entre los lectores digitales. Las intenciones comunicativas de estos equipos de investigación para cumplir dichos objetivos se codifican y transmiten discursivamente a través de diversas estrategias pragmáticas, que se encuadran en determinados parámetros contextuales y que responden a las especificidades del medio y se ven constreñidas por estas. Estas estrategias revelan cómo los investigadores comparten la información, cómo publicitan sus hallazgos y cómo se dirigen a sus potenciales lectores.Así, esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo investigar las estrategias pragmáticas prominentes en lengua inglesa empleadas por grupos de investigación internacionales en sus prácticas digitales discursivas, que normalmente se materializan en sitios webs y redes sociales para sus proyectos. Con este propósito, se compiló y analizó el corpus digital EUROPRO, que contiene 30 sitios web de proyectos de investigación que recibieron financiación en el marco del programa Horizonte2020 (subcorpus EUROPROwebs) y las correspondientes cuentas de Twitter de aquellos proyectos (subcorpus EUROPROtweets). Dichos subcorpus han sido extraídos de la base de datos digital EUROPRO recopilada por el grupo de investigación InterGedi. En mi tesis doctoral propongo una taxonomía derivada de los datos como resultado del análisis del corpus, que comprende 27 estrategias organizadas en torno a tres macrocategorías: informativas, promocionales e interaccionales. Incido teórica y metodológicamente en el proceso de diseñar y revisar esta herramienta analítica para así demonstrar su solidez y viabilidad. Además, analizo el rango de ocurrencia, la frecuencia y el uso específico de estas estrategias en las secciones que aparecen de manera sistemática en los sitios web incluidos en el corpus y en las páginas web donde se aloja la mayor parte de la información sobre el proyecto (Homepage, About, Partners, News & Events), en las cuentas de Twitter y, de forma comparativa, entre las secciones web y los tuits, con el fin de observar tendencias significativas y en cuanto a similitudes y diferencias en su funcionamiento en estos medios digitales. Además, adopto un enfoque etnográfico mediante la inclusión de evidencias contextuales conseguidas a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas con investigadores de los proyectos Horizonte2020, cuyos resultados ayudan a sustentar los hallazgos procedentes del análisis textual. También tomo una perspectiva multimodal sobre cómo se emplean las estrategias pragmáticas en los sitios web de proyectos de investigación en relación a la sección Homepages. Este análisis, en concreto, permite reconocer el potencial de los recursos verbales y visuales para la construcción de significado desde una perspectiva pragmática. En general, el presente estudio busca ahondar en nuestro entendimiento de prácticas académicas digitales que están evolucionando rápidamente y que tienen gran alcance, en particular adoptadas por grupos de investigación, que pueden beneficiarse de los resultados y las implicaciones de esta investigación para la futura comunicación y diseminación de sus proyectos científicos.<br /

    B!SON: A Tool for Open Access Journal Recommendation

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    Finding a suitable open access journal to publish scientific work is a complex task: Researchers have to navigate a constantly growing number of journals, institutional agreements with publishers, funders’ conditions and the risk of Predatory Publishers. To help with these challenges, we introduce a web-based journal recommendation system called B!SON. It is developed based on a systematic requirements analysis, built on open data, gives publisher-independent recommendations and works across domains. It suggests open access journals based on title, abstract and references provided by the user. The recommendation quality has been evaluated using a large test set of 10,000 articles. Development by two German scientific libraries ensures the longevity of the project