6 research outputs found

    BiOnt: Deep Learning using Multiple Biomedical Ontologies for Relation Extraction

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    Successful biomedical relation extraction can provide evidence to researchers and clinicians about possible unknown associations between biomedical entities, advancing the current knowledge we have about those entities and their inherent mechanisms. Most biomedical relation extraction systems do not resort to external sources of knowledge, such as domain-specific ontologies. However, using deep learning methods, along with biomedical ontologies, has been recently shown to effectively advance the biomedical relation extraction field. To perform relation extraction, our deep learning system, BiOnt, employs four types of biomedical ontologies, namely, the Gene Ontology, the Human Phenotype Ontology, the Human Disease Ontology, and the Chemical Entities of Biological Interest, regarding gene-products, phenotypes, diseases, and chemical compounds, respectively. We tested our system with three data sets that represent three different types of relations of biomedical entities. BiOnt achieved, in F-score, an improvement of 4.93 percentage points for drug-drug interactions (DDI corpus), 4.99 percentage points for phenotype-gene relations (PGR corpus), and 2.21 percentage points for chemical-induced disease relations (BC5CDR corpus), relatively to the state-of-the-art. The code supporting this system is available at https://github.com/lasigeBioTM/BiOnt.Comment: ECIR 202

    Using Neural Networks for Relation Extraction from Biomedical Literature

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    Using different sources of information to support automated extracting of relations between biomedical concepts contributes to the development of our understanding of biological systems. The primary comprehensive source of these relations is biomedical literature. Several relation extraction approaches have been proposed to identify relations between concepts in biomedical literature, namely, using neural networks algorithms. The use of multichannel architectures composed of multiple data representations, as in deep neural networks, is leading to state-of-the-art results. The right combination of data representations can eventually lead us to even higher evaluation scores in relation extraction tasks. Thus, biomedical ontologies play a fundamental role by providing semantic and ancestry information about an entity. The incorporation of biomedical ontologies has already been proved to enhance previous state-of-the-art results.Comment: Artificial Neural Networks book (Springer) - Chapter 1

    Extracting phenotype-gene relations from biomedical literature using distant supervision and deep learning

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    Tese de mestrado em Bioinformática e Biologia Computacional, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2019As relações entre fenótipos humanos e genes são fundamentais para entender completamente a origem de algumas abnormalidades fenotípicas e as suas doenças associadas. A literatura biomédica é a fonte mais abrangente dessas relações. Diversas ferramentas de extração de relações têm sido propostas para identificar relações entre conceitos em texto muito heterogéneo ou não estruturado, utilizando algoritmos de supervisão distante e aprendizagem profunda. Porém, a maioria dessas ferramentas requer um corpus anotado e não há nenhum corpus disponível anotado com relações entre fenótipos humanos e genes. Este trabalho apresenta o corpus Phenotype-Gene Relations (PGR), um corpus padrão-prata de anotações de fenótipos humanos e genes e as suas relações (gerado de forma automática) e dois módulos de extração de relações usando um algoritmo de distantly supervised multi-instance learning e um algoritmo de aprendizagem profunda com ontologias biomédicas. O corpus PGR consiste em 1712 resumos de artigos, 5676 anotações de fenótipos humanos, 13835 anotações de genes e 4283 relações. Os resultados do corpus foram parcialmente avaliados por oito curadores, todos investigadores nas áreas de Biologia e Bioquímica, obtendo uma precisão de 87,01%, com um valor de concordância inter-curadores de 87,58%. As abordagens de supervisão distante (ou supervisão fraca) combinam um corpus não anotado com uma base de dados para identificar e extrair entidades do texto, reduzindo a quantidade de esforço necessário para realizar anotações manuais. A distantly supervised multi-instance learning aproveita a supervisão distante e um sparse multi-instance learning algorithm para treinar um classificador de extracção de relações, usando uma base de dados padrão-ouro de relações entre fenótipos humanos e genes. As ferramentas de aprendizagem profunda de extração de relações, para tarefas de prospeção de textos biomédicos, raramente tiram proveito dos recursos específicos existentes para cada domínio, como as ontologias biomédicas. As ontologias biomédicas desempenham um papel fundamental, fornecendo informações semânticas e de ancestralidade sobre uma entidade. Este trabalho utilizou a Human Phenotype Ontology e a Gene Ontology, para representar cada par candidato como a sequência de relações entre os seus ancestrais para cada ontologia. O corpus de teste PGR foi aplicado aos módulos de extração de relações desenvolvidos, obtendo resultados promissores, nomeadamente 55,00% (módulo de aprendizagem profunda) e 73,48% (módulo de distantly supervised multi-instance learning) na medida-F. Este corpus de teste também foi aplicado ao BioBERT, um modelo de representação de linguagem biomédica pré-treinada para prospeção de texto biomédico, obtendo 67,16% em medida-F.Human phenotype-gene relations are fundamental to fully understand the origin of some phenotypic abnormalities and their associated diseases. Biomedical literature is the most comprehensive source of these relations. Several relation extraction tools have been proposed to identify relations between concepts in highly heterogeneous or unstructured text, namely using distant supervision and deep learning algorithms. However, most of these tools require an annotated corpus, and there is no corpus available annotated with human phenotype-gene relations. This work presents the Phenotype-Gene Relations (PGR) corpus, a silver standard corpus of human phenotype and gene annotations and their relations (generated in a fully automated manner), and two relation extraction modules using a distantly supervised multi-instance learning algorithm, and an ontology based deep learning algorithm. The PGR corpus consists of 1712 abstracts, 5676 human phenotype annotations, 13835 gene annotations, and 4283 relations. The corpus results were partially evaluated by eight curators, all working in the fields of Biology and Biochemistry, obtaining a precision of 87.01%, with an inter-curator agreement score of 87.58%. Distant supervision (or weak supervision) approaches combine an unlabeled corpus with a knowledge base to identify and extract entities from text, reducing the amount of manual effort necessary. Distantly supervised multi-instance learning takes advantage of distant supervision and a sparse multi-instance learning algorithm to train a relation extraction classifier, using a gold standard knowledge base of human phenotype-gene relations. Deep learning relation extraction tools, for biomedical text mining tasks, rarely take advantage of existing domain-specific resources, such as biomedical ontologies. Biomedical ontologies play a fundamental role by providing semantic and ancestry information about an entity. This work used the Human Phenotype Ontology and the Gene Ontology, to represent each candidate pair as the sequence of relations between its ancestors for each ontology. The PGR test-set was applied to the developed relation extraction modules, obtaining promising results, namely 55.00% (deep learning module), and 73.48% (distantly supervised multi-instance learning module) in F-measure. This test-set was also applied to BioBERT, a pre-trained biomedical language representation model for biomedical text mining, obtaining 67.16% in F-measure

    Classifying Relations using Recurrent Neural Network with Ontological-Concept Embedding

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    Relation extraction and classification represents a fundamental and challenging aspect of Natural Language Processing (NLP) research which depends on other tasks such as entity detection and word sense disambiguation. Traditional relation extraction methods based on pattern-matching using regular expressions grammars and lexico-syntactic pattern rules suffer from several drawbacks including the labor involved in handcrafting and maintaining large number of rules that are difficult to reuse. Current research has focused on using Neural Networks to help improve the accuracy of relation extraction tasks using a specific type of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). A promising approach for relation classification uses an RNN that incorporates an ontology-based concept embedding layer in addition to word embeddings. This dissertation presents several improvements to this approach by addressing its main limitations. First, several different types of semantic relationships between concepts are incorporated into the model; prior work has only considered is-a hierarchical relationships. Secondly, a significantly larger vocabulary of concepts is used. Thirdly, an improved method for concept matching was devised. The results of adding these improvements to two state-of-the-art baseline models demonstrated an improvement to accuracy when evaluated on benchmark data used in prior studies

    Methods and Applications for Summarising Free-Text Narratives in Electronic Health Records

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    As medical services move towards electronic health record (EHR) systems the breadth and depth of data stored at each patient encounter has increased. This growing wealth of data and investment in care systems has arguably put greater strain on services, as those at the forefront are pushed towards greater time spent in front of computers over their patients. To minimise the use of EHR systems clinicians often revert to using free-text data entry to circumvent the structured input fields. It has been estimated that approximately 80% of EHR data is within the free-text portion. Outside of their primary use, that is facilitating the direct care of the patient, secondary use of EHR data includes clinical research, clinical audits, service improvement research, population health analysis, disease and patient phenotyping, clinical trial recruitment to name but a few.This thesis presents a number of projects, previously published and original work in the development, assessment and application of summarisation methods for EHR free-text. Firstly, I introduce, define and motivate EHR free-text analysis and summarisation methods of open-domain text and how this compares to EHR free-text. I then introduce a subproblem in natural language processing (NLP) that is the recognition of named entities and linking of the entities to pre-existing clinical knowledge bases (NER+L). This leads to the first novel contribution the Medical Concept Annotation Toolkit (MedCAT) that provides a software library workflow for clinical NER+L problems. I frame the outputs of MedCAT as a form of summarisation by showing the tools contributing to published clinical research and the application of this to another clinical summarisation use-case ‘clinical coding’. I then consider methods for the textual summarisation of portions of clinical free-text. I show how redundancy in clinical text is empirically different to open-domain text discussing how this impacts text-to-text summarisation. I then compare methods to generate discharge summary sections from previous clinical notes using methods presented in prior chapters via a novel ‘guidance’ approach.I close the thesis by discussing my contributions in the context of state-of-the-art and how my work fits into the wider body of clinical NLP research. I briefly describe the challenges encountered throughout, offer my perspectives on the key enablers of clinical informatics research, and finally the potential future work that will go towards translating research impact to real-world benefits to healthcare systems, workers and patients alike