31,600 research outputs found

    Multi-Scale 3D Scene Flow from Binocular Stereo Sequences

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    Scene flow methods estimate the three-dimensional motion field for points in the world, using multi-camera video data. Such methods combine multi-view reconstruction with motion estimation. This paper describes an alternative formulation for dense scene flow estimation that provides reliable results using only two cameras by fusing stereo and optical flow estimation into a single coherent framework. Internally, the proposed algorithm generates probability distributions for optical flow and disparity. Taking into account the uncertainty in the intermediate stages allows for more reliable estimation of the 3D scene flow than previous methods allow. To handle the aperture problems inherent in the estimation of optical flow and disparity, a multi-scale method along with a novel region-based technique is used within a regularized solution. This combined approach both preserves discontinuities and prevents over-regularization – two problems commonly associated with the basic multi-scale approaches. Experiments with synthetic and real test data demonstrate the strength of the proposed approach.National Science Foundation (CNS-0202067, IIS-0208876); Office of Naval Research (N00014-03-1-0108

    Gaussian Process Morphable Models

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    Statistical shape models (SSMs) represent a class of shapes as a normal distribution of point variations, whose parameters are estimated from example shapes. Principal component analysis (PCA) is applied to obtain a low-dimensional representation of the shape variation in terms of the leading principal components. In this paper, we propose a generalization of SSMs, called Gaussian Process Morphable Models (GPMMs). We model the shape variations with a Gaussian process, which we represent using the leading components of its Karhunen-Loeve expansion. To compute the expansion, we make use of an approximation scheme based on the Nystrom method. The resulting model can be seen as a continuous analogon of an SSM. However, while for SSMs the shape variation is restricted to the span of the example data, with GPMMs we can define the shape variation using any Gaussian process. For example, we can build shape models that correspond to classical spline models, and thus do not require any example data. Furthermore, Gaussian processes make it possible to combine different models. For example, an SSM can be extended with a spline model, to obtain a model that incorporates learned shape characteristics, but is flexible enough to explain shapes that cannot be represented by the SSM. We introduce a simple algorithm for fitting a GPMM to a surface or image. This results in a non-rigid registration approach, whose regularization properties are defined by a GPMM. We show how we can obtain different registration schemes,including methods for multi-scale, spatially-varying or hybrid registration, by constructing an appropriate GPMM. As our approach strictly separates modelling from the fitting process, this is all achieved without changes to the fitting algorithm. We show the applicability and versatility of GPMMs on a clinical use case, where the goal is the model-based segmentation of 3D forearm images

    Non-Parametric Probabilistic Image Segmentation

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    We propose a simple probabilistic generative model for image segmentation. Like other probabilistic algorithms (such as EM on a Mixture of Gaussians) the proposed model is principled, provides both hard and probabilistic cluster assignments, as well as the ability to naturally incorporate prior knowledge. While previous probabilistic approaches are restricted to parametric models of clusters (e.g., Gaussians) we eliminate this limitation. The suggested approach does not make heavy assumptions on the shape of the clusters and can thus handle complex structures. Our experiments show that the suggested approach outperforms previous work on a variety of image segmentation tasks

    Point Source Extraction with MOPEX

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    MOPEX (MOsaicking and Point source EXtraction) is a package developed at the Spitzer Science Center for astronomical image processing. We report on the point source extraction capabilities of MOPEX. Point source extraction is implemented as a two step process: point source detection and profile fitting. Non-linear matched filtering of input images can be performed optionally to increase the signal-to-noise ratio and improve detection of faint point sources. Point Response Function (PRF) fitting of point sources produces the final point source list which includes the fluxes and improved positions of the point sources, along with other parameters characterizing the fit. Passive and active deblending allows for successful fitting of confused point sources. Aperture photometry can also be computed for every extracted point source for an unlimited number of aperture sizes. PRF is estimated directly from the input images. Implementation of efficient methods of background and noise estimation, and modified Simplex algorithm contribute to the computational efficiency of MOPEX. The package is implemented as a loosely connected set of perl scripts, where each script runs a number of modules written in C/C++. Input parameter setting is done through namelists, ASCII configuration files. We present applications of point source extraction to the mosaic images taken at 24 and 70 micron with the Multiband Imaging Photometer (MIPS) as part of the Spitzer extragalactic First Look Survey and to a Digital Sky Survey image. Completeness and reliability of point source extraction is computed using simulated data.Comment: 20 pages, 13 Postscript figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Highly automatic quantification of myocardial oedema in patients with acute myocardial infarction using bright blood T2-weighted CMR

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    <p>Background: T2-weighted cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is clinically-useful for imaging the ischemic area-at-risk and amount of salvageable myocardium in patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI). However, to date, quantification of oedema is user-defined and potentially subjective.</p> <p>Methods: We describe a highly automatic framework for quantifying myocardial oedema from bright blood T2-weighted CMR in patients with acute MI. Our approach retains user input (i.e. clinical judgment) to confirm the presence of oedema on an image which is then subjected to an automatic analysis. The new method was tested on 25 consecutive acute MI patients who had a CMR within 48 hours of hospital admission. Left ventricular wall boundaries were delineated automatically by variational level set methods followed by automatic detection of myocardial oedema by fitting a Rayleigh-Gaussian mixture statistical model. These data were compared with results from manual segmentation of the left ventricular wall and oedema, the current standard approach.</p> <p>Results: The mean perpendicular distances between automatically detected left ventricular boundaries and corresponding manual delineated boundaries were in the range of 1-2 mm. Dice similarity coefficients for agreement (0=no agreement, 1=perfect agreement) between manual delineation and automatic segmentation of the left ventricular wall boundaries and oedema regions were 0.86 and 0.74, respectively.</p&gt

    Plane-extraction from depth-data using a Gaussian mixture regression model

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    We propose a novel algorithm for unsupervised extraction of piecewise planar models from depth-data. Among other applications, such models are a good way of enabling autonomous agents (robots, cars, drones, etc.) to effectively perceive their surroundings and to navigate in three dimensions. We propose to do this by fitting the data with a piecewise-linear Gaussian mixture regression model whose components are skewed over planes, making them flat in appearance rather than being ellipsoidal, by embedding an outlier-trimming process that is formally incorporated into the proposed expectation-maximization algorithm, and by selectively fusing contiguous, coplanar components. Part of our motivation is an attempt to estimate more accurate plane-extraction by allowing each model component to make use of all available data through probabilistic clustering. The algorithm is thoroughly evaluated against a standard benchmark and is shown to rank among the best of the existing state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl