34,848 research outputs found

    Green Grass, High Cotton: Reflections on the Evolution of the Journal of Advertising

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    This article reflects on my time as the fifth editor of the Journal of Advertising, makes observations about the evolution of scholarship in the Journal over the past decades, offers suggestions for how JA might advance in the coming years, and provides some “words of wisdom” to advertising researchers. Because it is the first in an invited article series of editor reflections, a bit of historical context is provided

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    Teaching Integrity in the Professional Responsibility Curriculum: A Modest Proposal for Change

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    Aquest treball no té altre objectiu que introduir la qüestió de la recepció de l’obra de Charles Péguy (1873-1914) per Maurice Blanchot (1907-2003). Hi exposem algunes notes, donant la paraula molt sovint als propis escriptors, per tal que aquesta exposició descriptiva pugui resultar útil a desenvolupaments posteriors. Hem estructurat aquestes notes en quatre parts. En un primer moment introduirem la qüestió del lligam de Blanchot amb els entorns catòlics dels anys ’30, tot seguit, farem una lectura de l’article titulat «La solitude de Péguy», aparegut al Journal des débats el 1941 i recollit després al volum Faux pas de 1943, a continuació, parlarem de la qüestió política en relació amb la vocació de l’intel·lectual, que troba el seu origen en l’afer Dreyfus, i que Blanchot repensà a «Les intellectuels en question», i per acabar farem referència a la interpretació de la relació entre els dos autors proposada per Deleuze en dos cursos de principis dels anys ’80 i que concerneix sobretot la seva comprensió de l’esdeveniment.Ce travail n’a pour but que d’introduire la question de la réception de l’œuvre de Charles Péguy (1873-1914) par Maurice Blanchot (1907-2003). On y expose quelques notes à propos de cette question, en laissant très souvent la parole aux propres écrivains, de sorte que cette exposition descriptive puisse être utile à développements postérieurs. Nous avons structuré ces notes en quatre parties. Dans un premier moment nous allons introduire la question du rapport de Blanchot aux milieux catholiques des années ’30, ensuite, nous lirons l’article intitulé « La solitude de Péguy », paru au Journal des débats en 1941 et repris dans le volume Faux pas en 1943, à continuation, nous allons parler de la question politique concernant aux intellectuels, que trouve son origine à l’affaire Dreyfus, et que Blanchot a repris à « Les intellectuels en question », et pour finir nous ferons référence à l’interprétation du rapport entre les deux auteurs faite par Deleuze dans deux cours du début des années ’80 et qui concerne surtout sa compréhension de l’événement

    Archway Commencement Issue, May 2014

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    2014 Archway Commencement Issu

    '…to whom it will be extremly Usefull.' Dr William Cullen's adoption of James Watt's copying machine

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    Dr William Cullen (1710–1790) was a leading physician of the Enlightenment era. As professor in Edinburgh he became the most influential teacher of theoretical and practical medicine in 18th century Britain. A renowned private practitioner, Cullen systematically archived his postal ‘consultations’, now held by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Initially Cullen preserved his replies as transcriptions, but from April 1781 he began using a mechanical copier, newly devised by the Scottish engineer James Watt. This paper describes the development, promotion and functioning of Watt’s copier and considers Cullen’s own adoption of the machine. It is suggested that with Cullen’s adoption of Watt’s copier, medical record keeping entered a new historical phase comparable with the recent digital revolution

    Ideology and total war : military intellectuals and the analysis of the Spanish Civil War in Britain, 1936-1943

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    The recent historical interest in the analysis of the lessons of the Spanish Civil War by the European powers has tended to focus very strongly on the tactical experiences and the study of new military technology. This has led to the implied assumption that much of this analysis took place within a closed, professional military environment. In the case of Britain, however, the military debate on the lessons and significance of the civil war was conducted in a much more public fashion than in many other countries. For this reason, and due to the considerable political controversy over the official government policy of non-intervention, ideology played a significant role in the analyses of the unfolding military drama in Spain. This article considers the way in which ideology affected military interpretations of the conflict – and the employment of these analyses for ideological purposes – by examining the public debate, the reaction of British intelligence and the views of four "military intellectuals" who commented on the conflict in newspaper articles, books, and in memoranda written for military intelligenc

    Ethical Governance in the Indian Construction Industry: A Case Study of Larsen & Toubro Ltd.

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    Governance has moved beyond mere fulfilment of legal requirements. The corporate debacles of the last decade and more have indicated how very respectable corporate organisations across the globe succumbed to greed and compromised on ethics and organisational value systems. Corporate Governance is mainly concerned with the intrinsic nature, purpose, integrity, and identity of an organisation. It encompasses the entire gamut of organisational stakeholders. While a lot of literature is available in the field of Corporate Governance, an analysis of corporate organisations in terms of their stakeholder-related initiatives has hitherto not been attempted. In this paper, the author has used the case study of an Indian multinational corporation — Larsen & Toubro’s Engineering, Construction and Contracts Division (ECC) — and has attempted to study its practices with respect to two major stakeholders: the Shareholder and the Government. ECC is a market leader in the Indian construction industry and has been associated with some of the most prestigious governmental, commercial, and religious construction projects in the country over the last six decades. Triangulation of data has been gathered for this case study primarily through personal interviews with top executives of the Company and responses to an Executive Perception Survey on the Shareholders and the Government. This has been supplemented through other information available in the public domain

    Review of interactions between the Naval Postgraduate School and the Naval Undersea Warfare Engineering Station, 1973-1986

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    http://archive.org/details/reviewofinteract00wilsDept. of Physics.N

    Glasgow time signals

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    From 1859 to 1864, both visual and audio one o’clock time signals operated in Glasgow. Although the University carried a remit to provide the city’s time, following convoluted processes of establishment, a local chronometer-maker operated a time ball for 4 years. Towards the end of the period, time guns were triggered by telegraph from the Royal Observatory Edinburgh. Both exercises caused aggravation for the University. For the ball, the Professor of Astronomy, John Pringle Nichol, failed to convince the City Council that the “drop” control should originate from the University’s Observatory. For the guns, Robert Grant, the newly appointed Astronomy Chair holder, was aggrieved by the Astronomer Royal for Scotland, Piazzi Smyth, appearing to operate above his station. Rather than having only a once per day reference, both projects were abandoned as the University laid a dedicated telegraph cable from its observatory to control many public clocks and additional clocks with large sweep fingers indicating exact time to the second