7 research outputs found


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    In this book I approach the problem of understanding an OS from the point of view of a C programmer who needs to understand enough of how an OS works to program efficiently and avoid traps and pitfalls arising from not understanding what is happening underneath you. If you have a deep understanding of the memory system, you will not program in a style that loses significant performance by breaking the assumptions of the OS designer. If you have an understanding of how IO works, you can make good use of OS services. As you work through this book you will see other examples

    Secure large-scale outsourced services founded on trustworthy code executions

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    Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Ciência da Computação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2017The Cloud Computing model has incentivized companies to outsource services to third-party providers. Service owners can use third-party computational, storage and network resources while avoiding the cost of acquiring an IT infrastructure. However, they have to rely on the trustworthiness of the third-party providers, who ultimately need to guarantee that the services run as intended. The fundamental security challenge is how to empower companies that own and outsource such services, or clients using them, to check service execution on the remote cloud platform. A promising approach is based on hardware-enforced isolation and attestation of the service execution. Assuming that hardware attacks are infeasible, this protects the service from other malicious software or untrusted system administrators. Also, it allows clients to check that the results were produced as intended. While this paradigm is well known, previous work does not scale with large code and data sizes, lacks generality both with respect to hardware (e.g., either uses Trusted PlatformModules, TPMs, or Intel SGX) and software (e.g., only supports MapReduce applications), and makes undesirable security tradeoffs (e.g., resorts to a large Trusted Computing base, or TCB, to run unmodified services, or a small TCB but with limited functionality). This thesis shows how to secure the execution of large-scale services efficiently and without these compromises. From the perspective of a client that sends a request and receives a response, trust can be established by verifying a small proof of correct execution that is attached to the result. On the remote provider’s platform, a small trusted computing base enables the secure execution of generic services composed of a large source code base and/orworking on large data sets, using an abstraction layer that is implementable on diverse trusted hardware architectures. Our small TCB implements three orthogonal techniques that are the core contributions of this thesis. The first one targets the identification (and the execution) of only the part of code that is necessary to fulfill a client’s request. This allows an increase both in security and efficiency by leaving any code that is not required to run the service outside the execution environment. The second contribution enables terabyte-scale data processing by means of a secure in-memory data handling mechanism. This allows a service to retrieve data that is validated on access and before use. Notably, data I/O is performed using virtual memory mechanisms that do not require any system call from the trusted execution environment, thereby reducing the attack surface. The third contribution is a novel fully-passive secure replication scheme that is tolerant to software attacks. Fault-tolerance delivers availability guarantees to clients, while passive replication allows for computationally efficient processing. Interestingly, all of our techniques are based on the same abstraction layer of the trusted hardware. In addition, our implementation and experimental evaluation demonstrate the practicality of these approaches.O modelo de computação baseado em Nuvem incentivou as empresas a externalizar serviços a fornecedores terceiros. Os proprietários destes serviços podem utilizar recursos externos de computação, armazenamento e rede, evitando o custo de aquisição¸ de uma infraestrutura IT. No entanto, têm de confiar que os serviços de fornecedores terceiros funcionem como planeado. O desafio fundamental da segurança ´e fazer com que as empresas que possuem e externalizam serviços, ou clientes que utilizam estes, possam controlar a execução do serviço na plataforma remota baseada em Nuvem. Uma abordagem promissora é o isolamento e a atestacão da execucão do serviço a n´nível hardware. Assumindo que os ataques ao hardware não são possíveis, o servic¸o fica protegido contra software malicioso ou administradores de sistema suspeitos. Além disso, permite aos clientes controlarem que os resultados tenham sido produzidos como planeado. Embora esta abordagem seja bem conhecida, os trabalhos anteriores não escalam com grandes quantidades de código e dados, carecem de generalidade em relacão ao hardware (e.g., utilizam TPMs ou SGX) e ao software (e.g., recorrem a uma Trusted Computing base, ou TCB, complexa para a execução de serviços não modificados, ou a uma TCB simplificada que tem funcionalidades limitadas). Esta tese propõe uma proteção para a execucão de serviços de grande escala de forma eficiente e sem as limitações anteriores. Da perspectiva de um cliente que envia um pedido e recebe uma resposta, a confiança pode ser estabelecida através de uma pequena prova de que a execução foi correcta que é anexada à resposta. Na plataforma do fornecedor remoto, um pequeno dispositivo de computação fiável permite a execução segura de serviços genéricos constituídos por uma grande quantidade de código e/ou que processam grandes conjuntos de dados, utilizando um nível de abstração que pode ser implementado em diversas arquitecturas de hardware fiável. A nossa TCB simplificada implementa três técnicas independentes que são os contributos centrais desta tese. A primeira foca-se na identificação (e na execução) apenas da parte de código que ´e precisa para completar um pedido de um cliente. Isto permite um aumento de segurança e eficiência porque o código que não é necessário para executar o serviço fica fora do ambiente de execução. A segunda contribuição permite o processamento de dados na escala de um terabyte através de um mecanismo seguro de gestão dos dados em memória. Isso permite a um serviço carregar dados que são validados quando são acedidos e antes de serem utilizados. Em particular, a inserção e a saída dos dados é feita utilizando mecanismos de memória virtual que não necessitam de chamadas de sistema a partir do ambiente de execução fiável, reduzindo portanto a superfície de ataque. A terceira contribuição é um novo esquema de replicação seguro completamente passivo que é tolerante a ataques de software. A tolerância a faltas garante disponibilidade aos clientes, enquanto a replicação passiva permite um processamento eficiente do ponto de vista computacional. Curiosamente, todas as técnicas são baseadas no mesmo nível de abstração do hardware fiável. Além disso, a nossa implementação e avaliação ao experimental demonstram a praticidade destas abordagens

    Lessons learned from 30 years of MINIX

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    MINIX shows even an operating system can be made to be self-healing

    Aspect-oriented technology for dependable operating systems

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    Modern computer devices exhibit transient hardware faults that disturb the electrical behavior but do not cause permanent physical damage to the devices. Transient faults are caused by a multitude of sources, such as fluctuation of the supply voltage, electromagnetic interference, and radiation from the natural environment. Therefore, dependable computer systems must incorporate methods of fault tolerance to cope with transient faults. Software-implemented fault tolerance represents a promising approach that does not need expensive hardware redundancy for reducing the probability of failure to an acceptable level. This thesis focuses on software-implemented fault tolerance for operating systems because they are the most critical pieces of software in a computer system: All computer programs depend on the integrity of the operating system. However, the C/C++ source code of common operating systems tends to be already exceedingly complex, so that a manual extension by fault tolerance is no viable solution. Thus, this thesis proposes a generic solution based on Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP). To evaluate AOP as a means to improve the dependability of operating systems, this thesis presents the design and implementation of a library of aspect-oriented fault-tolerance mechanisms. These mechanisms constitute separate program modules that can be integrated automatically into common off-the-shelf operating systems using a compiler for the AOP language. Thus, the aspect-oriented approach facilitates improving the dependability of large-scale software systems without affecting the maintainability of the source code. The library allows choosing between several error-detection and error-correction schemes, and provides wait-free synchronization for handling asynchronous and multi-threaded operating-system code. This thesis evaluates the aspect-oriented approach to fault tolerance on the basis of two off-the-shelf operating systems. Furthermore, the evaluation also considers one user-level program for protection, as the library of fault-tolerance mechanisms is highly generic and transparent and, thus, not limited to operating systems. Exhaustive fault-injection experiments show an excellent trade-off between runtime overhead and fault tolerance, which can be adjusted and optimized by fine-grained selective placement of the fault-tolerance mechanisms. Finally, this thesis provides evidence for the effectiveness of the approach in detecting and correcting radiation-induced hardware faults: High-energy particle radiation experiments confirm improvements in fault tolerance by almost 80 percent

    Lessons learned from 30 years of MINIX

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